Exgf posts an ig story in some guys car with his voice in background with post Malone's better now song playing on...

>Exgf posts an ig story in some guys car with his voice in background with post Malone's better now song playing on stereo
>Tfw it's only been a month and I'm still heartbroken

Happy New year I guess

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crying on biz wont change anything abour your situation user

Yeah my ex listened to dogshit music too.

Ascend. NPCs all end up the same dude. There's a truckload of them to fuck.

fuck her, never react, don't get petty, just remove her from all social media and try and occupy your time.

Also make sure you got a nice LINK bag so you can flaunt your wealth in her face in a few years.

>looking at any social media of an ex
why tho

yeah full pleb tier mode

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I just wanted to have a happy New year alone, and it was all going well until that it was an impulse

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It takes some life experience but in the end you will look back and wonder why the fuck you were upset about losing someone who fucking doesn't even care about you.

Shit respect yourself. All women get old after 35 and u can laugh at her ugly ass later with a a 25 yest old on your arm.

My first gf was the most beautiful, big milkers, good dancing, dick sucking queen who was fun to drink with. She used to call me ugly towards the end before Chad knocked her up.

Now she is a sloppy single mom. Went to her apartment so she could suck my sick and say sorry, it looked like she just moved in but she had been there for almost a year.

Women are literally not worth crying over. If it REALLY hurts that bad, do two lines of cocaine and drink one beer, you wont feel anything lol (but no more than that, treat it like medicine, more is not better)

No contact user. Remove her from social media. Time head all wounds.

hilarious to see some fag cry about his whore girlfriend when I was homeless last month

perspective huh. I remember when I was like this guy, good times

I was homeless for two weeks this year. After that landed a full stack job, cannot complain really, but it fuckibg STINGS man. Will having money help me cope?

You're better off without her. Focus on yourself and building wealth. It's easier when single. Trust me

I dunno mate what works for you, personally I stopped giving a fuck about money

Nope I’m fucking loaded compared to my ex and everyone I know my age and it still fucking hurts how she burned me and 3-4 years later I’ve had plenty of hookups but no real connections and still feel like somethings missing. The truth is women are a meme and you need spirituality/connection with a higher power or whatever you want to call it to fill the void you think a woman will provide. I still get lonely sometimes but then look at all my fiends in relationships and almost all of them get walked all over by their woman and disrespected left and right.

Just delete the bitch and move on. You get better at forgetting over time. It's a skill you need to learn. My first GF took a year to forget. The last one (before I got married) took only couple of days.

Do you need a "janitor" to clean up your "problem"? Let us know, we're cheap!

same here, Im single but I dont regret it and everyone I know who's in a relationship is cucked beyond believe.

women are good for having children or for playing around with, but being in a "relationship" is for literal gays lmao

women and men arent and never were, and never will be friends

penis in vagina yes

This. You can't rely on women (or any other person) to fill that void. They're fun and good for companionship sometimes, but giving any person that kind of power over you is a worse scam than crypto.

Sounds right. You should never marry a woman that uses image-based social media. She will fuck other men.

fucking yes, drugs in controlled amounts is the motherfucking answer to just about anything

Yeah don't be a faggot and just block and delete her bro.
Only a move a real man would do.
Nothing worse then a fucking loser that's hung up on a broad. She wants people to want her. Just the same as you want people to want you. But when you allow someone that wants you to get you then there's no need for want. They got it.

The fun is in the chase. Victory only lasts for a moment.

also this

instagram=instant trash

get on my level, it's been 2 and a half years

>watching her stories and not focusing on getting money and new bitches

ask me how I know you're low test

It’s unreal what I watch people put up with just to keep up the facade of “oh I’m succcessful because I’m a married man!” It sucks to be lonely sometimes but god damn I can remember past relationships where the dumb girl would try to stay up till 2 in the morning every night fighting and not let me pass out until the bullshit she hamstered into an argument was resolved. Guess what? No matter how hot she is you will get tired of fucking her and yearn to be single again. Maybe I’m a little bitter but I watch soooo many people get disrespected by their woman that it’s sickening.

yeah its like they think they made it because they have some nagging bitch lmao

they dont know

imagine being 25 and married to some ugly, stupid bitch when you dont even know who you are yet

thank god for prostitutes

Yep, Daytona was a good album

Can't believe this hasn't been said
>Jow Forums - Business & Finance
Shite Blog post OP

While this is true, this is a brother coming to his village in his time of need. He will be embraced accordingly.

Success is the best revenge user. Get it.

delete her so you can move on

>caring about your mindless dumbass "ex" partner who is probably a degenerate anyways
>not becoming filthy rich and prove one of the "millennial problems" and show his/her worthless ass how worthless, boring, bluepilled, uninteresting and stuck up princess they are compared to you

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this happening is unironically a good thing. in time you'll remember this and get it.