/smg/ - stock market general

dead bears edition

>I'm new to the stock market, what stocks should I buy?
Before you buy anything, make a brokerage account and read investopedia articles and/or the books in the OP list. If you don't have a broker, you can't buy stocks, Ratsu is stupid, and if you blindly buy things without understanding how the stock market works or doing any research on the individual stocks you're buying, you will lose money and it will be entirely your fault.

List of popular brokers:
pastebin.com/mrSchZPg (embed)

List of basic stock market terminology for newfags:
pastebin.com/VtnpN5iJ (embed)

Real-time market news:

Educational sites:

Free in depth technical analysis charts:

Premarket Data:
pastebin.com/y9PRQLR3 (embed)

Earnings Report Calendars:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

Basic rundown on options:
pastebin.com/vWhvyuCd (embed)

Suggested books:
pastebin.com/jgA5zTuC (embed)

last thread

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fuck you to the faggot that cost me money on magnegas

Year of the Pig

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Why do my reits ded?

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theyre REITs senpai
they ALWAYS wipe out
point is for tthe divs

Why ABX moon so hard? Sold at 12.97(at decent profit) but it still went up.

I was kinda tempted to buy... but so many faggot ideas from /smg/ has cost me money, so I learned my lesson...

What lesson?

Me learned from HMNY
LITTERALLY/smg/ managed to recommend a stock that preformed worse than crypto kek

good thing you didn't
this POS is going to bleed until it hits 0 again

GE is the only thing cucking me right now

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Don't buy memestocks shilled by /smg/.

I missed buys im smart now



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Die already you geriatric boomerniggers

bitcorn to close year badly now it seems. natgas -9%, oil down still but downfall halted for now. $25 final resistance. spy still green for the day

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You didnt learn from FUN?

>last trading day of the year
>still getting BTFO


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C so weak
so so weak
What are these these people doing? Dont they know how to run a Bank

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buy oil rn desu senpai
or sometime next year will work too i guess. its gonna run till the big one™ imo

not after dodd frank

>buy oil
enjoy your contango

b-but OP said bear is d-dead..

this entire game is made up of about 80% bears just scalping away and securing crumbs while the top 20% kick their feet up and laugh at everyone killing each other in the fighting pits we call the stock exchange..

is SSO and QLD and other 2x ETFs acceptable to hold for the long term or should I only be doing that with SPY QQQ and blue chippers?

Let's go, finally crash damnit

>investing in financial companies
might as well just buy a bunch of CLOs. The health of the bank is determined by the profits they get from loans, loans perform poorly the banks perform poorly, whether they have enough capital reserves or not. I will never buy a bank stock so long as I live, it's the financial instrument that masks risk better than any other.

the 100% working startegy doesnt even work for them, absolute trash
buy Kre

if you have to ask basic questions, perhaps you should stay away from levered products.

Fucking Yanks.


Looking for a good organic agriculture stock


loading on tesla puts...

>sold and it went down

Cash master race signing in

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i seem to remember a similar (tho opposite) thing being said about VIX ETFs this feb

do you think dollars gonna keep spiking all through next year? i dont.
do you think were crashing from here on out? i dont either.
do you think the current spot accurately reflects global demand rn. i dont.
do you think that the US alone will be able to produce enough supply singlehandedly? i dont.

i think macro-wise, oil will rise from here
maybe not immediately, but i think energy will be good memes next year

pill me

seriously guys buy BPMX!

What happend to all the moon shots that /rgt/ used to point out? Why is everyone here pumping lame shit?

ty so much

can i pull money out of Robinhood to hold for 60 days so its 'seasoned' and then used for a house down payment? i dont want cash just sitting in a stupid bank account for months while im saving up

>i seem to remember a similar (tho opposite) thing being said about VIX ETFs this feb
yes, VIX and oil futures are often in contango (future month contract prices higher than current month) so it costs money to hold the contract. there is a decay of sorts. the opposite is backwardation. with these sorts of things, you need to get the timing and direction right to make money.

i have no idea where oil is going in the future, but i stay away from it because of the reasons already listed.

>it costs money to hold the contract
** it costs money to hold products (like VXX or USO) that have to roll contracts, is more accurate.

Shut up ;_;
Am still believe in FUN

We in near market now bubba
No more moonshots for awhile

y tho?
it looks like people are selling into this spike HARD
whats the news?

im only saying it as a heads up (and to bring up discussion on it desu)
not jumping in myself till i get confirmation

anytime lad


Only onions and corn though but thx its a good start. Im gonna need some more agriculture stock though

I fucking hate the concept of 401Ks so much. I seriously hope the crash comes quick and hard enough such that boomers can't do anything to protect their 401Ks and have all of their savings wiped out.

There should be no easy way to riches. They need to learn proper risk management and investment techniques like the rest of us.

I can't wait. The next financial crisis is going to be glorious.

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I sold my losses to get a better tax break. I'll buy back in when it breaks under $7. Sorry, buddy.

lost so much money today
I think I need a drink..

>t. Peter Schiff

Down 50% in a month

usa has vastly different pension system than most countries. in usa you save for yourselves, in europe retirement payments are taken directly from taxation of current workers. currently the situation in usa is that very few have adequate 401k, over 50% dont even save for retirement(not able to) and few percent have adequate size 401k stash at retirement age

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t. some fag that lost all his money in crypto

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Still at -4.4% for the entirety of my portfolio so heres to rocketing up to break even again

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I'm downing this bottle of grey goose
hopefully I pass out soon..

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do you just buy whatever garbage shitposters are shilling?

>grey goose
you know that Costco vodka is grey goose but half the price right

I think this is the guy who posted about buying 10,000 shares

yep pretty much..

There were no circuit breakers in 2018, right? Still a chance.

thats a falling battle axe, not just a knife

Why is it you guys always choose to invest in these low volume or low market cap (or sometimes both) stocks? You do an my technical analysis on these for a year and I bet they'll have days where they fall over 25%. Trade the big and high volume firms/companies you'll save your self a lot of grief.

that's not very JooPRO of you

>Trade the big and high volume firms/companies you'll save your self a lot of grief.


no risk no reward. They also have days where they rise over 25%

Its actually better if we end the day in the red
This will make the Year of the Pig bullrun that much more impressive

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y not both tho?

fuck it
buying 20k shares of BPMX
it's green and seems to be trending upward
fuck you all and suck my ass!

Bankers will be back from Holiday on Tuesday and start dumping again and the ongoing circus with the orange man is going to keep fueling it.


The year of pig pretty weak memenicly
When most people think pigs... they think slaughter.....

real gamblers buy DRUS pussy

Hey man.

Since pensions are all but a thing of the past, 401(k)s through your own company, savings and your own personal investments are the only ways to save money now.

Thanks for reminding me, I need to diversify my 401k again.

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what the actual fuck happened

>When most people think pigs... they think slaughter.....
i actually think lambs for slaughter desu
for pigs i think of what butthurt commie faggots call us (porkys) and about bringing home the bacon

What the fuck is going on with SGYP? Didn’t they declare bankruptcy, why’s this shit pumping?

you mean this summer?
O/S went 10x in a few months

that said, execting the annual financial memes imminently and its like a hundreth of the price. why dick around with 10cent stocks when you can dick around w 10th of a cent stocks?

idk when the graph starts but I counted all pigs yesterday and got 20% average, and pig captures the
+44% 1935
+37% 1995
+22% 1983

Shouldn't good news about chingchongs be more bullish?

No, I mean how the fuck was it priced at 400+ dollars in 09 and straight-to-the-bottom years later? It's a drone company, military-looking, but I just don't get it

market doesnt care about politicians jawboning anymore. it'll probably move when an actual deal is struck

all those were a few years after catastrophic meltdowns tho. we on the other hand are coming off the total opposite

still holiday

no it wasnt
they just did a buncha r/s'

it aint the same thing as it was back then and supposedly they got some new business plan blah blah. whatever im in it to gamble on a knife catch desu senpai

People are dumb with their money in general.

The difference between the USA and Europe is that you can be dumb with money in the latter and still have Big Brother take care of you to a reasonable degree, while being dumb in the former never allows you to retire or acquire wealth in the first place.

However, being smart with the former will net you a much earlier and more comfortable retirement than being smart with the latter since Europe restricts individual income flow thanks to socialism and ridiculous taxes.

With the US, it's slightly higher risk at a much higher reward. With Yurop, it's lower risk for lower reward because you have less money to work with on average.

>we on the other hand are coming off the total opposite
Or are we?
after 15 years of sideways, the bull has just gotten started

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no market does not work like that, if you have 6% historical up day then some good news you have again 6% up day in a row...

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lmaoing at people who can't dubs

lmaoing at you and myself

lmaoing at me and you for buying and holding GALT

lmaoing at all of you for lmaoing

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I've held GALT in the past and regretted it
I've made more money scalping GLOW than I did with GALT, it's so fucking sad

I have it too.

Why is it so ignored?

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