Who else spending New Years by themselves?

Who else spending New Years by themselves?
>we got each other, frens

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Not me you loser lmao

and im good
not trying to cope
i hate the world

just want to be in pattaya right now
not in the "West" only shitskins in my town
girls are full of std's

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Yep, but gonna hire an escort tomorrow (girl friend experience) to hopefully hug the sadness away

Yep third year in a row

had to move to a small town for work

First solo christmas and new year

happy new year, frens!

Happy new year frens we all gonna make it!

Happy and successful New Year!

yo frens, all the best for 2019. I sure hope its going to be better than 2018.

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Yes. But it's also my first new year in /biz wooo celebration.... !

Next year is gonna be awesome. Don't worry fren:)

Me. Happy new year.

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if chainlink isnt at least 100$ in 2019 I am ending it

Reporting in ... i am but a lone hopeful hodler tending to my frens

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Am surrounded by people yet feel even more alone than if I were playing vidya at home

fuck off delphi

I spend it with /a/

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dubs and trips. Kek wills it. Thanks fren.

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yfw this is unironically your life

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Im doing just that but feeling quite shitty, too, let me tell you.

Ah yes, we've been expecting you, old chap! Any plans for 2019?

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which mmorpg did biz play?
Happy new years

>tfw 28 and this is the first time spending it with a gf

I just wish I could stay home and swing trade my ETH stack, play low priority Dota 2, and shitpost with the rest of you niggers. But I'm glad I finally lost my virginity and got to experience these things. When people would say I was better off as an incel crypto trading shitposting gaming virgin I never believed them and now I know they were right.

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HNY frens

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This, only good time to have a qt gf is ages 16 to 24, when you're still energetic and innocent

I'm unironically jealous. At a shitty party full of flat-chested thots, top 40 music raping my ears, scrolling through Jow Forums on my phone

If no milkies just leave fren.
No milkies no fun

I'm at a house party but I'm sitting in another room away from everyone because it's too noisey and I'm tired of all the normie shit.

Happy new year, fren.

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Could be worse. As much as I feel like I'm missing out staying in on here I would only be pretending to have fun if I went out anywhere else. Every time I do force myself to socialize I just feel like that Wojak meme where he's standing in the corner wishing he was at home. I have more in common with you neets and autists and I enjoy your company a lot. It's a curse, but in many ways a blessing too.

Happy new year frens, we're all going to make it.

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I wanna kill myself

2018 - the post. Lets all hope the best for 2019; but never change, biz. Never change.

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Happy New year lads!

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same. happy new year to all frens.

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damn saved, for linkies.

Spending with family like I’ve always done
Feels like a second Christmas
Also weather was clear this New Year eve so I flew drone to watch fireworks from above

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frens thread!! report in on morale

that seems risky. No fireworks bombarding the drone (while landing/taking off)? Good work, fren.

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what a fag lmao
love you cunts nonetheless
happy new

solo, as usual.


you aren't alone if you have enough alcohol.

I want to skin alive the motherfucker who is in charge of the simulation called "life" creating me as a ADD ridden with autism spectrum disorder in a chads body spending NYE on Jow Forums. I am not even kidding

Happy New Year, goys

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Checked homie, we’re all gonna make it.

Hanging with normies

plz delete

I'm 14 years away from suicide. How do I spend them?

Lol no fuck you bro chilling with Stacey tonight

I was planning on hanging out with my gf and some of her friends, just wanted a nice little hangout, until apparently the group decided they were planning on going downtown to bars + shiet

I am far the fuck away from being in a mood to close out this year suffocating in a bar amongst a trillion sweaty college kids. Not that I even have the money to pay a $20 cover fee, I’m the brokest I’ve been in my life. Anyway gf got instantly pissy and I absolutely want to be with her at midnight but honestly if she goes out with all of them just expecting me to follow her in, I’m gonna take my chances. Rather stay home, unironically

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Haha jk I'm just getting high and playing Vidya

jesus christ my life is a meme

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The new year just started and fuck this shit

still 2018 where I am is it too late for me?

I ate 20 mg of THC and 10 mg of CBD and am just waiting for it all to kick in.

new steve frens youtube.com/watch?v=VT4IC-YtLiE

Happy new year frens.
Best wishes, were all gonna make it.

anyone else wagecucking through new years? At least we get overtime for it r-right?

I'm gonna be going to a party where I know maybe 2 people. Wish I could stay in and shitpost with all of you. Happy new year guys, we're all gonna make it in 2019.

Sipping champagne on the couch with my girlfriend. For you bros who are having a rough night, hit the gym and get on OkCupid this year. You’ll make it.


it hurts

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Fuck don't tell them about my dragon dildo.

Feels good frens :)

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>back to back weeks of market closed
I can't take this pain. We get so excited, after the weekend, and then fuck all happens on monday's sideways trade, and nothing tomorrow.

I know that feel, hold me bros

I felt fine until I looked at my friends instagrams, most of them are at parties with qt pies, I have no friends in my small town so i’m stuck here by my lonesome.

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much love to you all
happy new year

My nigger, happy new year!

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this is TOO REAL, user.

holy shit my life

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happy new year frens, where my night shift bros at?

Not alone, but happy New Years biz.

went to a "party" with wife and kids. Wife family party, no music, almost no drinks and lame small talk. Everybody spent more time looking at the cellphone than talking. Spent nye almost alone among normies. On way home my wife could not tell me anything she talked to anyone. They spent the night talking about the same shit they always talk about, small talk about the news and weather and shit. Now she is pretending to be asleep, I am smoking a joint feeling as lonely as usual. Hang on dudes, the ride might not be what you expected.

Maybe you could try being less cynical and appreciate the moment for what it is.

My God, and /pol says its the "hurtbox" of truth you'll always come back to

i wish love and light for each of you in here. I know it's a fag thing to say but I mean it frens, I want all of you to succeed and reach your blissful NEET state with no worries of finances.

Also have an awesome physique from 1( years of lifting and careful dieting, but sperg out due to bad adhd abs being on the spectrum. Keep training, it helps manage the pain of not being able to connect with anyone beyond a fleeting, superficial way.


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love you all guys, were gonna make it

Happy new year, Jow Forums

Happy new years, bros.
We will make it.

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I was hardcore into RuneScape during high school. Quit that shit in 2007 when I left home for college and I never looked back. I've pretty much avoided all video games since then.

I'm glad I chose to become.e a homeless world traveler instead of go through the flunk college stage. But yeah the rest of my life will be the same hehehehehe

I used to be depressed until I started paying girls to sleep with me

>being this cucked and dependent on women
well... whatever works I guess. Happy you are happy.

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>low priority

OP here. Happy New Years frens. I wasn’t alone today because I had/have you guys.

happy new year fren

Join the LINK Marine Ranks and you'll have more than frens, you'll have brothers.

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