New years

>new years
>people are partying outside
>sit alone in tiny room and do TA on shitcoins
>can hear girls giggle on the balcony next to my house

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people are overrated

isn't it beautiful lol while all the NPCs are out being retarded we're in our basements plotting our future riches so we can live outside the cycle

we will make it frens

you're probably down -90%

Very strong cope

Ugh who is that creeper staring up our dresses next door

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Eventually you become numb to it as you slowly watch all your dreams whither away. Next thing you know you're almost 30 and you wasted your youth.

I am already almost 30 and my youth is gone.
I‘m balding, bags under my eyes are dark and I sleep only 4 hours a day.

But I make good money, made 2400 euros couple days ago with a nice trade.
meanwhile normalfags are wasting hundreds if not thousands on fireworks.

I‘m winning

You're not winning anything. This is next level delusion

i took dog for a walk around the block at midnight, didnt even notice the time lel

y-yeah... h-haha...

Attached: fae[1].jpg (238x250, 6K)

>You're not winning anything.
I'm winning money and money can be used to buy goods and services

>this thread

Except they'll probably make more than you because they're better at "networking" lol.


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nice cope though you're both probably failures

TA only works till it doesn't.
Inside info works best..

Anyway when is the buy time for crypto? I'd say march or something near according to btc 200MA.
Euclidian wave is got some nice results, but I don't know..

You're winning chump change in the grand scheme of things. $2400 can disappear in an instant. You traded your youth for a slave wage.

I spent $3000 on a surprise car repair a few weeks ago. Lol @ $2400, that's literally nothing and you're bragging about being a bald 30 yo missing out on the best years of your life.

thats only one trade of many

I only trade small bounces many times a day with many different coins
don't even care about long term, I make money no matter what market we are in.

buy a better car

the more expensive and "better" the car the more there is to go wrong with it and the more the repairs cost

30 year old loser here. Cheers! It's awful.

this thread is for you

You must be losing a ton.

Similar I see with poker players who are garbage. They can remember when they won, but never went they lost.

Hence, why your not saying how much you made this year.

I'm guessing your in the negative.

I'm pretty sure 90% of the people here have lost 90% of their investment in crypto.

Crypto is the funniest thing in the world, you can lose 90% of your investment and think your going to become a millionaire. Pretty sure even retarded people aren't this stupid.

Blackpilled and based

That thread is not for me, it's losers just now waking up to their loserdom. I have experienced both young love and success, but have been basically a middle-aged loser since I was 25.
This is not new for me.

I was talking about reliable cars

>You must be losing a ton.
haven't lost anything I'm not a hodl retard

>but never went they lost.
I only lose 1 or 2% at most and I never rush into a trade
on average I win more than I lose

>I'm pretty sure 90% of the people here have lost 90% of their investment in crypto.
thats where my profit comes from

they don't make reliable cars anymore

so gotta settle for something older.

>we're in our basements plotting our future riches
>by literally gambling with chinkcoins

>future riches
>still not rich after 2017

sorry to say but those normie npcs probably made more money out of this bull run.

Ta is for losers