Help a poor linkelet out

I believed in the 1000 eoy meme and bought this close to a dollar. I'm financially ruined. I kept averaging down but I only got to a .55 cent average after all this buying. I figured i'm going to need at least 400k to make it.

If you guys all could just give 100 link i'd greatly appreciate it. It's so cold these days. So hard for me to eat. Everything is in link. I haven't even paid for my gas bill!

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-12-31 at 3.29.04 PM.png (694x511, 69K)

Filthy beggar

eh no problem fren, just sent you a 100k. Check your 4channel inbox.

Grazie, grazie.

Sent ;)

>imagine being banned for begging on Jan 1st

Your stack of LINK is worth $70,000 and you're actually fucking begging on Jow Forums?

Joke or not you are a complete asshole. I work hard every week all week to barely make $20K a year, yet you don't see me begging.

Give me your address. I'll send you 1k link then.

Happy new year pale...You're right...I am an asshole. I should be more friendlier and compassionate to people.

What the fuck dude. I bought Link at $1.40 and only have 20k

>pale face
At long last we have a feather indian on Jow Forums.

If you're serious about helping a poor user like myself out, then you're easily a good guy, regardless.

Thank you, fellow Jow Forumsiness man

Even if you don't send any LINK I just want to tell you I'm sorry I called you an asshole.

We're all heading into a better year.
Today is the tomorrow we were worried about yesterday, and all is well.

I sure hope I get some LINK, OP.

It'd be more than appreciated. It'd go right into cold storage.

Kek enjoy ban

Try again faggot I'm behind 7 VPNs

Enjoy the ban you filthy beggar; flame the bait op but at the chance of money you show your true colours

>Being offered digital assets and accepting said assets makes you a beggar

You're an idiot but I don't care

Cope more filthy beggar

You are the idiot for not realising that him offering is exactly to proof my point

>proof my point

Hahaha filthy pajeet is just jelly he didn't get 1000 free LINK

Implying im as dumb as you and would actually expect any

Fuck this is so disgusting, how do you look at yourself in the mirror

Mods aren’t going to delet this beggar’s thread. Mods want to rub it in.