Does bitmex trade against its own customers?

What do you guys think? If I put money on bitmex an I guaranteed to lose it because of bitmex’s shady practices?

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>put money on bitmex an I guaranteed to lose
yes, its one of many bitmex features

Degenerate gambling (margin trading in an unregulated market) is never a good idea.

place your entry where you would place your stop losses :)

This. If you have to ask, you're more behind than what you think.


Yeah but I trade on a 5m chart and keep my stop losses as tight as a virgin on prom night and I’m in and out in less than 45 minutes in most trades. I just want to know is bitmex actively scamming people and wash trading? Trading against their customers??

of course they are
stop giving money to this nigger
fucking cuck

Nice Republican milkers.

lol. if you are a good trader, you will make money. if you are like these guys
you will get liquidated. Aside from the occasional overload (which can be avoided thru api access), bitmex runs a good service.

VPN is required if you are located in the us though.

Of course they trade against their customers. Trade on deribit or whaleclub instead.

where can you margin trade in USA?

Attached: BitmexNigger2.jpg (200x200, 8K)

Dude I'm in my nofap month, don't post Carrie.

I am a good trader. I scalp very well and have a very reliable system/strategy. So you’re saying that I won’t noticd any stupid shit like all my trades all of a sudden going against me cuz of this nigger Arthur Hayes?

fuck I’m never ready for that niggers face

Yes. They have said so themselves publicly and don't give a shit about how it looks. They have a trading entity operating on bitmex. Do a Google search fren.

if your attitude is that poor towards the crypto market then don't bother. You will rage anytime a trade goes wrong.

Mex trading against customers is a meme made up by shit traders used to justify their poorly entered positions. Do you really believe Arthur Hayes spends all day trying to fuck people out of their own money on a global market?

My trades don’t go wrong fAggot

Do you really think exchanges try to fuck people out of their own money on a global market that's unregulated? Whoa, no way bro. Everyone in crypto is friendly. Don't believe these guys bro, just "invest" and see what happens, they all want what's best for you. They're not interested in building up their own portfolio and laughing at newbies

Yeah that kid is reddit tier

>Aside from the occasional overload
"occasional overload"

fucking nigger arthur makes bitmex (((overloaded))) every time there's a small pump

Daytrading doesn’t have to worry about this as much dummy

the big exchanges have names and faces attached to them, they aren't retarded. If they were to do something seriously illegal they'd get shut down by the SEC.

cool story bro, dont foget to use


for 10% off fees

lol idiot


Dude your reddit tier. Scalping is hardly ever overloaded

Bitmex just get a vpn register an account and then you can login without vpn

you dont know how bitmex gets during high volume periods, stop making yourself look like an idiot.

try placing an "stop loss as tight as a virgin on prom night" order during an overload and see how that works out, lmao

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Overloaded won’t matter if I’m on the right side of the trade dumb fucker

The high volatility of crypto almost grantees you will get stopped out either way, short or long, during a trend. The fractal nature of trading and probably bots make it like this.

The higher the leverage you use, the more likely to margin call or trigger your stop you are, causing loss.

You have to bet small. I don't think 98% of people using bitmex do and will lose. That fucking black bastard is taking all your money.

The reason they don't let U.S. users on it is because they'd get shut down or sued.

I can tell you’re way too noob to be giving advice

you literally have no idea what youre getting into my dude. good luck, but i'll be waiting for that first rage thread after you get liquidated.

this is also false

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when the sell triggers hit on the bots after 6k broke, whew lad.

but dont tell them about it they just think the arthur is personally trading against them.

Bad trader alert

and the only thing he can come up with is childish insults. we're done here.
Don't even try to trade on mex, you're the type of guy who will sit in the trollbox all day lol.

Reddit is that way kid

I’m jk bro but you are too inexperienced to give advice

Because of bitmex I bought back in out from tether..cuz u kno wat will happen in the next few bounces.

OP calling others inexperienced yet doesn't use the most liquid BTC trading platform on the planet. Is this a fucking joke?

You don’t trade properly by the way you talk

Of course they have names and faces attached to them, but you're an idiot if you don't think they're taking advantage of their position. You think the president does his own dirty work? It's called delegating.

All Bitmex does is balance the longs and shorts and plays the scale to what benefits them the most. But you're smart OP, do what you feel is best.

>this is also false
It's technically not false but you're liable to get your account shut down so it's just really stupid to try it. I mean, it will work after you've registered but if they link your account to a US IP during some audit of their accounts then you're definitely risking your holdings on the exchange. Also
>If they were to do something seriously illegal they'd get shut down by the SEC.
The SEC has no jurisdiction over Bitmex which is why they're so aggressive about banning US accounts, because they don't want to answer to American gov.

I agree that Bitmex is a good service and legit exchange just think you're wrong on a few of these points. :^)


BTW, have you seen the leaked video where Richard Hart sucked him off? It's a classic.

lmfao NEVER gonna make it

I'm not going to help anyone on this board anymore. So you can go to hell motherfucker.

>My trades don’t go wrong fAggot

I bet you're account is already drained and you're looking for someone to blame besides yourself. You should probably get your money out of Bitmex before it disappears.

Bitmex themselves are not large enough to actually move the market. Instead of blaming your losses on muh bitmex, just don't use stupid amounts of leverage and actually git gud

They can just print tethers.

scalping doesn't work overload will lock you out anytime the price actually moves

Fuck those assholes and fuck Arthur Hayes. STOLE MY FUCKING MONEY

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Fuck off Arthur

So close to epic digits

What the fuck is the point in using them?

Bitcoin casino. I just did it for fun, won more than I lost. I'll probably get a vpn and go back eventually.