Re: Your recent inquiry

>Be me
>Pro bulk email advertiser *coughspammercough*
>Send lots of emails
>Make lots of money for clients and myself in 90s and early 2000s
>Still active today

>So you are a spammer? KYS

I prefer "mass communication specialist". Spam is the ultimate strawman...where corporations wanting to sell PPC ads point at a segment of idiots trying running scams thru email and imply that anyone sending bulk email is sending something malicious. Email has been and still is the best method of communication on the internet. It depends on no "platform" and it's easy enough for anyone to use.

>But you're a spammer, dafuq do you want?

I want to defeat the corporate censorship regime and prosper. The more of their bullshit they impose, the more difficult it becomes for me to help hard-working businesses and entrepreneurs get their message out to millions of people each day.

>Do you have a point?

I want to reassert bulk email as a way to subvert the socialist media ghettos. In order to do this, I want to make it easier for more people to use email as their primary mode of communication on the internet...and I'm not talking about some smallball junk like constantcontact, I'm talking sending millions of messages per day at least to unique recipients.

So here's where we're at, boys...

Unlike the typical /biz cryptard who is expecting to get rich doing nothing, I'm actually doing things. I'm developing a program that puts the mass communication knowledges in my head into a simple app that just about anyone can use. There will be a limited version of application free for non-commercial use, with full-power versions available on paid basis. I want to connect with people who would be interested in supporting development (an investment in the $xxx,xxx range) of this project in exchange for receiving full, unlimited, lifetime access to the application when it is completed.

b2dkZ0Bwcm90b25tYWlsLmNvbQ== :)

Attached: SPAM-Hat.jpg (600x400, 43K)

Fuck cuckkit

You need $100k-$999k to make an app?

>So you are a cuck? KYS
>I prefer the term Interracial sexual mediator

Attached: 123.jpg (200x193, 6K)

>You need $100k-$999k to make an app?

No, that's the price of admission. It's web-based not phone-based.

where dem playas at

kys spammer

im a copywriter and send out content that people actually want and opted in for
kys you spamming faggot

Once you make your email address publicly known, in ANY way, you've "opted in". I'm probably mailing the people you wasted time/money "opting in" thru ppc ads and making more off them then you ever will. I'm offering access to the same tools I use, but it's not for whiny little bitches who think the 1A has a bunch of asterisks after it because email.

Please email me your passive-aggressive death threats. Thx.

Asking for donations?

This isnt an ico. Probably the only legit opp on /biz but you'd have to actually work, so I can see how that might be a problem for some.

>full unlimited lifetime access
I want equity bitch, 33%

>I want equity bitch, 33%

The closest thing to that would be an addendum to the standard licensing agreement to make it transferrable...though you'll make a lot more by using the app than you would by flipping a license imo. More details in private discussion if serious.

Equity or there's no talking. I'm not going to spam people to make money but I'd enjoy giving others that opportunity. I want 33%, we're going public and then I dump my shares on all the retards.

Fucking spammer.

Just deal with becoming obsolete you midlife crisis dick mongler.

you are pretty good at your job

felt like throwing this thread in the trash after the first few lines

Ah, you're going for the 1-jew punch. Sorry, can't help you then.

Yup, go pay FB $5 for 1000 'engagements' and sell nothing, but a few bots "like" your ad. That's clearly better than blasting out a few emails and making $10K a day.

Ah, but you didn't. You even replied. See how it works? :)

Besides, who we kidding, without my tireless supply of quality products and services, you'd feel neglected and unappreciated. I basically am doing charity work each time I do a..."full send".

Have you ever thought of emulating the nonprofit letters that they scam old people with? They send them a quarter or something to guilt trip them into sending money back. Wondering if you have any idea what the digital equivalent would look like.

>Do you scam the old ones

No need to run scams. Email biz literally prints money. Even those mailchimp cuckbags are in the billionaire range now.

And I'm not even sure why people would waste time running email scams when you would make more money running legit ads.