>Dero releases world's first private smart contracts
>Twitter flipping the hell out
>people now realizing that Dero was, in fact, NOT a scam
>people seeing that Dero's smart contracts are faster than ETH's with full privacy features
>people already compiling and testing out the private smart contracts
>come to Jow Forums
>dead silence
>some dumb Turtlecoin fork Dero Gold thread being shilled and spammed in other threads

The meme "do the opposite of what Jow Forums says" holds true to this day.

Attached: derostargate.png (560x547, 289K)

Other urls found in this thread:

d-do I buy???

Attached: 1545520939270.jpg (499x333, 32K)

Wasnt it supposed to be released eoy?
It's january and all i got was a testnet.

You sound triggered

>Dero releases world's first private smart contracts
no, they don't.
The technology for private computations simply doesn't exist.
These are normal contracts + ringct for transfers.

lmao literally this. notice how almost every single Dero thread gets raided by about 20 different fudders all spouting lies, yet now, the one thing that cannot be disproven or fudded has been released, this thread is almost dead.

isnt the developer tried to scam Hitbtc Yobit and Tradesatoshi and now is wanted by the FBI, i heard rumors that left russia last month and its now hidding in pucket thailand.
can someone confirm?

>DERO DAG implementation builds outs a main chain from the DAG network of blocks which refers to main blocks (100% reward) and side blocks (67% rewards). Side blocks contribute to chain PoW security and thus traditional 51% attacks are not possible on DERO network. If DERO network finds another block at the same height, instead of choosing one, DERO include both blocks. Thus, rendering the 51% attack futile.
nigger what?
absurd bullshit like that is what makes dero a shitcoin. No it doesn't have private smart contracts, and no it absolutely isn't resistant to 51% attacks. I genuinely can't tell if the developers is an idiot or just someone who thinks lying to idiots is good marketing. Who is supposed to develop anything on it, brainlets who believe this?
This is monero + normal smart contracts (no privacy/anonymity). Tell them to stop lying in their descriptions, it has the opposite effect.

>>Dero releases world's first private smart contracts
>no, they don't.

Attached: we'rehittingdelusionlevels.jpg (567x561, 63K)

>No it doesn't have private smart contracts
>people are literally compiling it right now

Attached: 1457403732543.png (800x600, 14K)

>This is monero + normal smart contracts
>except they're not
>not only are they the first private smart contracts but also the first smart contracts that you can code in BASIC

>meanwhile, we already have 10 dapps built and it has only been out for a couple of hours in the middle of the night
>NO THEY DON'T SMART CONTRACTS DON'T EVEN EXIST! *posts Dero Gold* *dabs on thread* *poo in loo comment*

Attached: 1499670845868.jpg (540x524, 44K)

they aren't private you brainlet and they even admit that in the whitepaper
>DVM is a Turing complete 256-bit Virtual Machine runtime environment for DERO Smart Contracts with CryptoNote Protocol Privacy and additional modifications. DVM is unique in its ability to execute Smart Contracts while maintaining the privacy and fungiblity of the identities involved in the Smart Contracts.
>identities involved
>NOT the contract itself or its data, because the technology doesn't exist
as I wrote, it's literally monero + a completely separate normal smart contract system. The fact you don't understand that simple fact proves their marketing is dishonest.

my god we are reaching levels of delusion that are not even possible

nobody is saying that. "their marketing is dishonest". nigga what. you literally just linked a quote of the team saying what you are saying. it is private because everyone involved in the smart contract is hidden. of course the computation issnt private. if it was, it would ruin the whole point of having a smart contract wouldnt it.

>as I wrote, it's literally monero
>except that it's not

>+ a completely separate normal smart contract system
>even though it can't be "completely separate" considering every feature Dero has is on-chain
>even though no other smart contracts in history have used BASIC
>even though no other smart contracts in history have been private


Attached: 1521122468965.jpg (1024x576, 69K)

>if it was, it would ruin the whole point of having a smart contract wouldnt it.
no, the result would be optionally public, but the computation and all intermediate data would be encrypted. it's called functional encryption.
"In an FE scheme, decryption keys are associated with functions. Decrypting an encryption of a message m using a secret key associated with a function f yields the function evaluation f(x), and nothing more about x."
That's what 'private smart contracts' mean. Enigma is trying to do that using a combination of intel sgx and multiparty computation.

this is a better description

>but Enigma is doing it, you can buy some at :^)

Attached: 1506165810193.jpg (347x384, 14K)

Attached: 1546360770580.png (2000x2400, 1.62M)

>private smart contracts aren't actually private unless they fit my specific, scientific-journal approved definition of the word "private" and they have to meet all points and any differences of point of view automatically mean that Dero's smart contracts are just like Monero's smart contracts
>wait what do you mean Monero doesn't have smart contracts? of course they do

Attached: 1501608040556.jpg (440x457, 146K)

So do we have to prepare ourselfes for a shitload of Dero tokens now?
Crypto gets dumber by the day.

All stargote is poopoo when no mr MacGyver

do they have the licensing rights to use the stargate name and official imagery?

>LINK blasting into orbit
>DERO flushing into the Ganges
>Do the opposite of bit
Yeah thanks for the advice

*of biz

This image should be spammed on every dero/masari/0xbtc/turtlecoin/raven etc mineable shitcoin. Unless people like getting china hustled that is.

But how does it compare to Cryptographic Ultra Money?

>chainlink up less than 90% from 1 year ago.
>dero up 500% from 3 months ago

>private smart contracts aren't actually private unless they fit my specific, scientific-journal approved definition of the word "private"
Yes, this is what he's actually saying because it's true. Delete this thread and then kys.

>dumped 11% today
top fucking kek. Sell the news pajeets.


Sometimes I use the deamons and CLI wallets for tests in my Linux virtual machine. Of all the CryptoNote projects I've tested, Dero was the only one that didn't worked properly (and I had some troubles coompiling from the source). This thing has a good idea behind it, but it's a complete mess.

> pic related.

You didn't even read the readme.

Attached: open-sc.png (915x345, 40K)

it's the stuff you run is just forked off XMR. so it's as good as the XMR codebase which has 4+ years of dev behind it. not because of the shitcoins.

dero is written from scratch and is just over a year old so ofc experience wont be as good. that said, i dont know how you are having issues. It works fine for me

*it's because

Too bad that Cryptonator quit and Captain fucks up all marketing.. sigh

It would be cool if they didnt lie/mislead about their privacy features. Not buying DERO for the fact that if the developer willingly receives people about a key "feature" they are likely lying about other things as well.

You mean this guy is a liar?

> the pic

Attached: 1525022704888.png (381x607, 130K)

lol RockSteady has now become a 100% dero fudder. why? because that slut Serena and fag Mojo called turtlecoin a scam.

because of that the entire TRTL community now attacks dero at all costs. It's why there is so much dero fud on biz but nowhere else. (because TRTL is a biz coin)

>closed source.
>anonymouse developers.
>not even sure if mining works or not.
>we have tons of partnerships, but they must be kept secret to protect the interests of these groups.
>s-s-shut up! We're not centralized, and this isn't a scam!
>look at this BMW partnership! What? We can't prove it happened? You just have to trust us, partner.
>muh trustlesness.
>muh decenetnetnethejghengnegngetralized.
>muh anymouse.
>muh shitcoin.
>muh accepted in less places than even fucking monero.
>muh scamcoin.
>muh bitconnect vibes.

2/10, best I can do.

literally all made up shit kys

what about DERO dev who scammed a bunch of exchanges and keep investors money and now is hidding in pattaya or pucket?
was last seen doing a myamar visa run with some digital nomads.
please contact digital nomads on chiang mai and surroundings, he was last seen there.

>written from scratch

It's a fork from XMR. Just the CryptoNote protocol rewritten in Go. Stop saying that kind of "written from scratch" bullshit, because everybody knows it isn't.

He might not be a liar, but is and amateur and not very cautelous on what he does.

Dero is DOWN 60% since november. You bought the top of the pnd newfag

>everyone who posts about dero bought the absolute top
literally no. I bought in july-august and have been holding since.

Also, it's the only one that you necessarily need to be sync with a NTP server for the deamon to work. I've never seen such thing with any other project. It's ridiculous.