What does this mean for Skycoin?

What does this mean for Skycoin?

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-01-04 at 10.52.50 AM.jpg (1220x592, 125K)

it means the scam will run another few years to recoup losses but only brainlets will buy.

No no, you don't understand me. WHAT does this MEAN for Skycoin?

Oh Derrick you'll never lear.

Attached: dont be a derrik.jpg (700x467, 62K)

Where's the evidence?
You know tweets arent evidence right?

Bribe some chink judge typical, probably gave him a few skyminers and some cash on the side.

.orb sdrawkcab ti tog uoY

The court case lookup is pretty easy to find if you can read mandarin.

when is the chinese government banning btc mining?
I want my difficulty down


Lol yeah Im sure it is. What a bummer the "case has been thrown out" and now synth has no evidence that any of it ever happened.

Brb selling my sky

Thanks, just sold 100k

Nah, it's proceeding, it's just going to a higher court.

sure it is

Okay faggot I'll bite. What do you think this means for Skycoin?

It means you should have sold the moment McAfee tattooed the sky logo on his back... That and Synth actually hiring someone directly from Blackwater/Academi, huge red flag

Attached: deadgiveaway.jpg (406x357, 222K)

It's real, all of it.

Oh sweetie...

Attached: 1545368529473.png (500x534, 54K)


Whoa, only one dollar! That's quite a deal. I wonder how long it will take us to get back to $50. Maybe a few months?

Attached: uINfESj.png (1079x1278, 2.91M)

>repeated proofs of incompetence

Assuming your claim were true that would just imply that the management of the project is shit. Which is fairly concerning considering the large amount of coins not in circulation

>management wasn't psychic, that means they're shit

Tell me about your pattern of taking random bits of news or claims about the project and declaring that it is proof of a scam or proof of incompetence.