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Stop shilling this shitcoin now. Even Ripple is better than this dogshit. Gas yourself


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Shut the fuck up faggot

Always wondered why you don't see more leaks on here.

Market cap is too high. You can still do 10x but ChainLink has more potential for gains

delet pls stop spoonfeeding brainlets

Triple dubs. Checked

OP has proper TA that most people with large stacks will ascribe to. Fib levels say it can go up that range of 19k to 26.6k sats. Maybe higher who knows. The volume is high indicating more people are getting in.

these charts never work.
Show me 20 charts you made before that were true, prove your lines never lied.
I doubt it, m8.

Its probably happening.
These chain link pumps are seemingly paired with high amounts of blocks getting mined on bitcoin like the right side of the graph, and the left is when chain link dumps.
Only way I could believe that is true tho is if Satoj is dumping his 1 million Bitcoins into link like the rumors have had been saying about a new protocol.

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Nobody is dumping Bitcoins. Any respectable TA person is looking at the LINK pump right now and draw these fib levels and get the same numbers. There's no guarantee it will pump to these levels but that's the majority of TA people believe it can pump to and even go beyond.

What's the timeframe?


Im guessing it climaxes Jan 23. If there is significant news it pumps beyond the fib levels. If that happens I imagine Reddit will discover LINK, it being in the top 25 and all.

Realistically I imagine it hits the lower fib levels and nothing interesting is announced. Dumps but to a higher low. I don't have access to my PC so I can't draw find lines but I estimate the floor will be in the 10-11k sat range and doesn't go back down to the 3-6k range again.

Where can i get a degree in drawing lines on a graph????

fuck off, don't spoil ZCrypto's TA

This! I'm angry and dumb as heck!

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Reddit knows about Chainlink but only as "That Jow Forums meme" Once they realized theyve been duped for a year and a half, they will talk about it as if was Vchain or Nano.