Imagine thinking that fake internet money made by a gook, chink...

Imagine thinking that fake internet money made by a gook, chink, or basement dwelling autistic neet would replace the fiat based global financial system

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chinks are only capable of copycats and scams. They are incapable of true innovation like the whites.

>They are incapable of true innovation like the whites.
You just said whites are incapable of true innovation.
Did you mean to say
>unlike whites

I said what I said brainlet

>Imagine thinking this fake "world wide web" thing made by a gook, chink, or basement dwelling autistic neet would replace the way we connect and interact with each other

Holy fuck user you dont see the bigger picture do you?

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Pageet plz go

No he didn't
>They are incapable of true innovation like the whites.
>They are incapable of true innovation, like the whites.
The first is a complete thought with one clause indicating that the chinks are incapable of innovation of the kind whites are capable of.
If a seperate clause is created using a comma it would indicate that neither the chinks nor the whites are capable of innovation.
There is nothing in the sentence creating a second clause which is what you are implying.

>unironically believing this shit

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I only trade in fake internet money made by homosexual white men.

>basement dwelling autistic neet

which coin is this? i'll buy it. not interested in gook or chink scams.

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>Imagine thinking that fake internet money made by a gook, chink, or basement dwelling autistic neet would replace the fiat based global financial system

Imagine thinking the program code and circuitboards created by nerds in basements and garages would replace the entire world economy.

Oh wait it did

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>made by *department of defense, telcoms, IBM, EE PhDs, and the .001% of minds so brilliant they can drop out of ivy leagues to revolutionize the world and make billions

Yeah... you're not making an apples to apples with the crypto is the new internet, and you know it.


>1 post by this id
get baited easier lmao


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>get baited easier lmao
hi I'm a masterbaiter

When these shitcoins die ill start buying BTC again. Im a true believer and will go down with BTC.