Software engineering Student getting into HR


Recently finished a conversation with my friend who just landed a job in HR. He was an SE like me and somehow managed to pivot to HR. He essentially told me he's paid the exact same wage as an engineer yet does half the work.

I decided to transfer from engineering to engineering and business with a major in human resources. Note I live in a country where university is essentially free.

I have a decent GPA and also founded/run a fairly large STEM society at my University.

What can I do to land a HR role right out of uni? I really don't want to be a code monkey and would like a easy job with a mid level pay range whilst I work on my own crap.


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spam the shit out of your colleagues on linkedin

Why the fuck would I hire you in HR if I can just hire a roastie for less and get to watch her ass all day as a bonus?

I've been negotiating with my work about this. They asked me multiple times 'are you sure you want to move down the chain'. In my industry they make about 30 percent less than engineers but do 95 percent less work, I'd absolutely love to do HR.

Point taken. However I feel like my experience in TECH and being a qualified SE would make me more valuable then a "roastie". At the end of the day, companies want whats best for them.

Yea being an engineer is fking hard, especially with SE. I worked on a few projects outsourced by some companies and holey hell never been more stressed out in my life. Dead line after dead line, spammed constantly in the emails, and always blamed when shit goes wrong. I would gladly take a pay cut for piece of mind.

Do you not realize that spending your time building HR experience is worthless in the long run? You aren't going to ever be able to wagecuck for big bucks if all you do is a roastie tier job.
ALSO - HR is a fluff bullshit job. The second the economy goes into a recession HR is OUT because it is unnecessary bullshit that can only be afforded when the economy has been great for a long time. Do you think companies really 'need' to have a team of halfwit women and cucks selecting people for jobs they don't know the first thing about?
If you are serious about your wagecucking as a source of income then you need to do your best to make yourself irreplaceable so that when the economy eventually gets bad you don't get kicked to the street with the only experience under your belt being some bullshit nobody needs or cares about.


HR and Engineering maybe pay the same crap for juniors, but things get very different after few years of experience.
Now, if you want even more money for bot doing actually anything, work as scrum master or product management.


user EVERY job that can be done on a computer is going to be automated or replaced by foreigners

big corporations are already using AI to replace HR people

I get 3 calls a day from Indian recruiters LARPing like they're in New Jersey

Your right, Like I mentioned I want to work an easy job with a decent wage so I can work on my own crap on the side. I am an SE at the end of the day and I'm constantly working on my own projects, but working as an SE for a company is soul draining. I legit don't have the energy nor the time to work on my own stuff. I don't want to be a wagie forever, just something to keep me afloat whilst I work on building my own shit.

>le scrum
>le agile

who ever came up with this deserves death

Agile has destroyed building quality software and documentation.

These are the options I have to major in. What is most likely to land me an "easy" jon (alright pay easy work ok hours)

>Advertising and Marketing Communications
>Human Resource Management
>International Business

Yea ik a few people that do this crap. Apparently it's decent pay but involves a lot of micro managing and you tend to get blamed for stuff when it does not get done.

I've never done Agile before (intentionally)

Isn't it just where you have a list of tasks and anyone in the group can jump in on any task at any given time? "le teamwork" meme basically?

I fucking hate working with people. Just give me my project and let me finish it start to end and focus on making it perfect.

>Agile has destroyed building quality
Probably explains why Mozilla is slow as shit and opening an email client takes thrice as long as it did in the year 2000

wut. we don't even write in the same style.


If you want to just sit around on your ass all day answering emails and going to meetings being a professional bullshitter - get into Management

I'd avoid International Business unless you want to go to China and work with bugmen subhumans

Accounting I imagine will be replaced by AI, it's just number crunching afterall

HR is already on its way to being replaced by AI, I've literally been asked by HR to join their new AI program

Marketing will still require a human input but will largely be dependent on computer gathered data. Pay is shit I believe. And if you suck at being creative, you will quickly fall through the gaps.

Economics - NO, never

I would say Finance or Management personally

Agile basically breaks down tasks to singular goals which are then split up and solved by different team members. The main point of agile (unlike waterfall) is to have a production ready product ASAP, and allows the product owner to make changes much more easily compared to waterfall.

I think agile applied in a completely engineering dominated work place works. Throw in some HR people who don'r know crap about programming or engineering methodology, everything turns to chaos because they don't have the technical no how to understand how long each task should take, and time management is really important in agile.

All of the HR people I interact with are chicks.

I was mainly shooting for management desu. But I thought HR would be "better" since it's similar but more established.