Tfw every problem in my life would be solved by money

>tfw every problem in my life would be solved by money
>tfw terrible at making money

Why me?

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After last year it hurts even more now seeing how easy it was for a month

the best things in life are free, some things money cant ever get close to buying

For Chad

>the best things in life are free
name one

the moment the girl you've been chasing for months whispers "i love you" after you just banged her for the 3th time today.

if that is free how come I had never gotten it

Because you suck at life i guess

You probably haven't filed the correct paperwork at your local gf distribution center.

The love and support of your close ones. Again, there are exceptions to this rule.

so its literally not free you fucking autist

yet the vast majority of people don't pay anything for it. Just because it's free doesn't mean it's accessible to everyone.

Available to only some, for free, is still free. Like finding gold in the ground: rare but you dont pau for it. Got it


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They pay in a way or another

nothing is free. some things just don't charge you immediately user. you will have to pay.


>last year could wake up and make literally thousands per day
>now only make that per week

We all have tasted heaven and have been sent to hell for it.

>go to a club
>hit a roastie up
>take her back to your place
>do the deed
>she leaves in the morning
what have you paid?

for your nice apartment

men don't need anything more than a tiny handbuilt log cabin in the woods and internet connection. anything else is purely for women

for fuck sake pleb

>implying you wouldn't have had to pay for it otherwise
>implying you're living the way you're preaching
there's no end once you go down that line of logic. Is the food you eat a cost because it contributes to your body? Is the money you spent on water to wash yourself a cost in this scenario because you were clean? Just face it, there are things in life you can get without additional costs if you've got the balls and skills.

prissy numale

Of course food is a cost. Do you not pay for your fucking food? Would you eat it if it did not provide you with nutritional value that you need to live? Wut. Food is really not one of the things that you get in life without cost.

Yes, it's a cost, but that cost does not figure into this roastie scenario. You would've bought food and paid for your apartment anyway, so there's no additional cost.

try a tent, or a jurt, ya pansy

ahahah, this board is full of incels, how can't you get laid by a girl, you incels? Are you really so ugly? Id your look is in the mean you should get laid

This thread is pathetic

>not having a big ass shop

What for? Girls stink like sweat blood and piss you virgin

t. Mummy and daddy's boy

Everything is an investment user. You can always get more out of life than what you put in. Even if you are broke, you still have your TIME to invest.
>instead of vidya/reruns of the office/masturbating/shitposting try reading some pdfs on how to manage your personal finances. Basic things like how credit cards work, how much you should be spending on rent each month, moving to a better job market, additional income streams online, stock trading on robinhood etc.
>some investments, like your fitness and your eating habits cost nothing and payoff everyday. Try to do 30 minutes of exercise a day and cook more meals without a microwave.
>Government services can help you if you really are too broke to eat/severe health problems
>TIME must be managed to be useful! Get a schedule you like and stick to it! Set an alarm to turn off the computer every night at the same time.
>knowledge is the most profitable investment you can make. Download books/youtube tutorials/torrent vids on obscure topics you want to get better at. The whole internet is available to you.
Make the most out of what you've got! You can't make money if your constantly running on empty!


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>men don't need anything more than a tiny handbuilt log cabin in the woods
Not allowed in the UK, even if you owned the woodland

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>shooting gooks in spare time
>thinks it's a job and he is entitled to compassion

this. Also making a plan, realizing it, and making money from it gives you an incredible feeling. Not the same as winning a few hundred/thousand like a bitmex degenerate

Wew he going on rampage LFMAOS