Is it over for Apple Jow Forums?

Is it over for Apple Jow Forums?

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No. Roasties alone will keep them afloat

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the only edge apple has left is its brand

and a massive war chest of cash that they are sitting on.

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This year, yeah they are probably fucked. There's a good chance their current business model extends through this year and there's nothing they can do about it. But, I'm expecting two outcomes: they move to bi-annual iphone releases or, they pivot to televisions for an additional revenue stream, which they are fucking fools for not doing already, seems the idea is there with iTV and their obsession with resolution upgrades but they can't seem to figure out what 1+1 equals

doubt. chinks are invading the market hard.

It doesnt matter. It's the brand. Ralph lauren has shit clothes, doesnt matter. Mercedes makes shit cars, doesn't matter. Apple makes shit products, doesnt matter.

Yeah but do western roasties want to buy Huwaei shit or does she want that fancy Iphone with the nice design? Women are the ultimate consumerists.

Huawei phones are unironically quite good these days, I'd buy one over an iPhone that's for sure.

take a look at the state of smart phones. they all have the design now lmao. Apple's actually not the best in terms of design for phones in a similar price range.

*all have same design

huh, yeah maybe you are right. Tbh my evidence is very anecdotal. But just about every girl I see is using Apple products, whereas guys seem to not care / go with a better deal/offer.

As a software dev I've also always been given apple computers to work with (from big N companies to start ups).

>As a software dev I've also always been given apple computers to work with (from big N companies to start ups).
That's probably because the support for Apple products isn't pajeet-tier.

>just buy a new device

Nah SE will be released in May.

all that money, and no one left in the company that produces anything of value. womp womp

This is why China must be nuked

nah, eternal hype and marketing shouldn't be a business strategy, fuck apple.

You could slap an Apple logo on anything Xiaomi makes from phones to air purifiers and the fucking scooter and it'd look legit, it's gonna slowly kill them because the sleek look was what kept Apple as a vanity brand

It's finally happening

Nuking silicon valley would be beneficial to mankind, no point nuking chinks there's too many of them

or we could just let chinks make shit for us now?

I sure hope so. Working in IT I hate having to support their garbage phones.

*chinese competitors after years of stealing intellectual property and trade secrets from Apple and its parts supplier are finally starting to show that when left unchecked will take market share from foreign companies operating in china*

But i thought this was a nonthing burger and we were suppost to ignore as China did this for years and years. They are just cheap made in China plastic toys like cnn said

It's not over, it's just not a growth company anymore. The smartphone hardware business has turned to shit, much like the PC hardware market turned to shit 10 years ago. It's not a coincidence that Samsung is focusing much less on smartphones now than they did just 3 years ago. The big question is if Apple can make up for the market decline by their growth in services and "add-ons" (apple watch, airpods, homepod etc.).

If Apple can keep it's current total revenues at 0% growth then it's an amazing buy at the current price... But obviously not everyone believes they can do that.

none of you will believe this but i i bought apple when they first announced the iphone back in 2008... then sold when stock was worth 600bm (right befire dip).. bought back 300bn(right before recovery).. then sold 1 trillion (right before dip).. so im fucking smart as fuck..... so what am i doing now? im not buying back. it will loss 80% of it's value (from peak).. i'll buy back at 200bn. yes i will have to be patient..
