This is the difference between /bizraelis and /biztards. Literally your last chance to accumulate 32 ETH and secure your own and your descendants place as the new technoaristocracy. The train is leaving the station mfkers
Imagine not being ALL IN on Ethereum right now
ETH max supply: unlimited
End of discussion
flippening soon
please keep that lie going. it keeps the price suppressed while I accumulate... and after pos when it has negative inflation, going to be some nice gains :D
eth's inflation is already close to btc's... and in a few weeks with the fork, eth will actually inflate less than btc.
did you know that btc will have inflation rates higher than usd's 2% for the rest if your life, while eth plans on negative inflation after it gets rid mining?
enjoy your hyperinflation shitcoin, sorry you fell for the 21m cap meme and never did the math on what percent per year that is lol
Based and bullpilled
sounds good.. until eth goes to $8 and i can get 500 eth for what got you 32. Faggot cap this you will want to kys
It is not a lie though. How do you want to value something if you don't know what the final supply will be?
Bear euphoria
you use the current supply and compare it to similar assets. clearly, eth is going to flip btc in market cap, for example, because the current price is based on fud (muh unlimited supply) instead of actual fundementals (in reality eth will inflate less than btc and already has more users and a few killer apps built on it like maker dao, plus it's faster and will scale with sharding and pos).
the fundamentals will win out long term. oh, also you can get dividens soon with pos... if no one stake you can get like 10% returns, if everyone stakes your eth rises in value due to eth being locked up...
never been a better investment, and we are at the point of maximum returns after a big dump.
btc has... the btc name, lol.
BTC has the mpst powerful security of any financial system on the planet, a MUCH longer history, better distribution and a simpler codebase with less attack vectors.
It doesn't strengthen your argument that you dont know any of that.
Did you just motherfuck me? I'll fucking stab you!
Can't tell if you're retarded or very committed to shilling ETH.
You could use the same logic you apply to BTC to gold. You know roughly what the maximum supply of gold will be on Earth, so the fact that more gold is mined every year doesn't negatively affect it's value, people still know it's a limited supply.
With ETH, there is no supply cap, not to mention the devs seem to change inflation rates whenever they please.
it doesn't, it has a miner centralization problem. it can't scale either, since lightning solves a different problem than the one that's killing btc.
all the misinformation is beautiful though, just leads to more gains for those who don't eat up cores bullshit.
fundamentals win long term, regardless of shilling
Vitalik Butterin is on heroine.
End of discussion!
there is no supply cap for eth because stakers slowly burn eth if they go offline. actual inflation will be negative with pos.
all I'm seeing from btc shills are talking points that 30 seconds of research would disprove... but hey when the truth gets out there it will just pump the price, so really your fud just means more gains for people smarter than you that buy eth.
What FUD? It's the truth. If you have to rely on supply to be "limited" as a result of stakers losing their ethereum, then it just shows how badly the supply issue is managed.
you're going to suicide man
we've seen your post many times now
Because it's a useless shitcoin that was used as a platform for erc20 tokens and ponzi schemes. You'll end up losing all your money, just stick to BTC and XMR you retard
Jow Forums is pure momentum
eth goes down for months:
>double digit shitcoin!
>going to $20! sell!
eth rebounds to 150:
reality: eth is probably going to go higher in 2019 due to the inflation reduction, but chances at flippening before full PoS are very slim.
Three years ago Jow Forums was shitting on Ethereum and wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole from the DAO hack
Ok guys just fucking tell me if i should dump my btc in eth or not
Ethereum has had its run last year, do you honestly believe it will do the same again anytime soon? What you need to look for is the next Ethereum that would be driven by speculation. Do your own research.
Ethereum is the oil of the ethereum network. You need to have ethereum to use the network. This ponzi of dapps bave A,LREADY created enough value to buyback more than its inflation now.
32? Hahahaha
My portfolio is worth over 1300 ethereum, but is all in on link
I don't see calculations or a solid argument. It's called DEFLATION by the way, which is what Bitcoin and Litecoin experience regularly.
MKR/DAI are sucking ETH out of circulation. Soon, staking will as well.
It doesn't take an Einstein to understand what that means for the price. Got me a nice stack of ~100 ETH.
Do you actually believe your own fud lol?
Dao hack happened in 2017 but yeah biz was fucking dumb when it came to eth
Too many /biztards too few oldschool /bizraelis