- I WON'T ever ever EVER fap or look at porn ever again
- I WILL go to the gym every day and hit 1/2/3/4 by year's end
- I WILL increase my savings rate to at least 25% and max my IRA
- I WILL do at least one novel experience per week
- I WILL hold my crypto (BTC, LINK, ETH, XMR) and NEVER sell
In 2019
Other urls found in this thread:
relax fren
>25% savings rate
Poorfag detected. If you're not saving 80%+, you will forever be poor.
>go to the gym every day
next stop: snap city, nogains station
op is a paid pajeet... his post is to shill link.... he wants you to believe link is a legit project like btc, eth and monero............. they try to create a cult that will hold............ they target biz because most people on here are sub 100 iq and autistic....
thats not how you live a happy life user exept for the holding part
very nice list except the nofap retardation bullshit.
No a bad post user
stop playing vidya
stop fapping more than once per week
stop working out less than once every two days
stop breaking your schedule
stop browsing biz
stop bumping link threads
stop buying link
- I WILL read the Bible cover-to-cover
- I WILL repent of my sins
- I WILL pray more often
- I WILL love my neighbour
- I WILL love God
It's not retard retard.
I'm nofap 1+ year and i can focus more and have more energy and willpower.
>not being able to do 1/2/3/4 as a sopohmore playing football for the first time
Okay, I wasn't at 2pl8 yet, but 1/3/4 took literally no training.
not true
fat fucks can lift heavy, news at 11
Depends on what you mean by savings. You should actually have ~2% put in a savings account for emergencies. Savings is wasted income potential. The majority of your money should be put into attempting to make more money- whether it be through a business, investments, crypto, whatever. Staying broke while increasing your cash flow is the fastest way to increase your net worth. Note: This may sound like I'm advocating living like a rapper or NBA star, where they are constantly broke but have high cash flow. The problem is they spend their money on cars, cocaine, and chains. I am advocating staying broke by spending your money to make more money, which you then spend to make more money.
Fat fuck who was stronger than 95% of Jow Forums at 15 and damn near 99.999% now
And for the actual poor people reading this, 2% was a randomly chosen numbers. Obviously you should have enough money saved where if you lose your wageslave job you won't be homeless in a month. This also depends on your age, so you should know what "enough" is.
I Will 100% RDR2
Sure, just no idea why you made it a point to brag about your 1/2/3/4 in highschool when you already probably weighed between 2/3. That isn't impressive.
> - I WON'T ever ever EVER fap or look at porn ever again
Nice COPE from a skinny manlet. If the fat fuck lifts more than you he has more muscle than you. Fat tissue doesn't lift shit.
Wrong faggot. 1/2/3/4 achievement already unlocked. And didn't need to become a fat fuck to do it (and wouldn't brag about it if I was).
>t. stronger than anyone in this thread except maybe the fat fuck
What do I spend money on to make more money?
No fap is a meme that will lower your test levels and going to the gym every day is overtraining and will kill your gains. Have fun being a retard though.
>fell for the overtraining meme
Never gonna make it
hello brainlet
you can still do cardio everyday without overtraining.
what is 1/2/3/4? pls eli5
1 plate overhead press for 1 repetition (meaning one 45lbs plate on each end of a 45lbs barbell)
2 plates bench press for 1 rep (two 45lbs plates on each side)
3 plates squat
4 plates deadlift
>What is ppl
>What is cardio
>What is mobility and flexibility work
Never gonna make it desu senpai
why 45lbs? Can i use two dumbell instead of barbell?
Topeka retardant
>I WILL hold my crypto (BTC, LINK, ETH, XMR) and NEVER sell
never gonna make it.
make sure you sell at the top of the next bubble.
Obsessed much?
You're going to get an enlarged prostate if you let it fill up too much.
This desu. I bought KJV bible and stuck on page 3 for 3 days now since I am reading the Dr. Ruckman Reference Bible and it is the greatest investment I have ever made. Better than any mooning of any coin or stock. The references are amazing and I highly recommend studying this.
rappers buy expensive shit so they keep up the image, a smart investment really.
I'm lean and jacked you're fat virgins maybe listen to me and not fat OP?
Ya you can also do yoga if you want to be a fag but why not just take days off and clean up your diet instead
1) no fap is a meme perpetuated by incels it doesn't benefit you and actually can cause harm if you do it for weeks at a time. If anything quit watching porn.
2) lifting weights every day doesn't allow time for your muscles to heal and causes CNS fatigue. Unless you're taking steroids this will kill your gains. You don't build muscle in the gym you build it on your rest days.
>hit 1/2/3/4 by year's end
>under 1000 lbs total
>planning to be weak as shit after 12 months of training
nofap is for retards
Why fap if you can fuck tho
Look at my wedge my shorts so far up my asshole teehee
>I will never take a dump or fart again.
>get a gf
>finally get 1 entire BTC
>continue higher education
>end with more money than what I started with
>Why fap if you can fuck tho
risk of STDs, risk of babys, requires capital and puts already saved up money at risk, partaking in degenerate hookup culture
meanwhile porn
>free & clean and no risk at all
Good luck user, great list
Im already on nofap/noporn, I added cold showers daily and it helps a ton.
My plan for 2019 is to save my business that I let die a couple years ago. It still has huge potential but I just wasn't ready and made too many mistakes.
>not meditating at least 15 minutes everyday
i bet she has aids
I think fapping occasionally is ok but porn is terrible for you.
LET'S GO user
based as fuck
>- I WILL go to the gym every day and hit 1/2/3/4 by year's end
this guy fucks
I’m gonna keep sitting at home jerking off.
>never sell
What a nice advice it is to hold your savings in crypto no matter what.
The real benefit of nofap is not on testosterone you mongoloid.
It is on the dopamine reward system.
nobody has aids, dumbass.
Porn fucks up your brain. At least keep it to solo pictures or something.
KYS boomer trash
Nogs and gays still do
As long as you're not into neochristian, lube up your butthole, garbage it's actually the way to go.
Depends on what kind of porn you're looking at. Like, I used to be really into female domination, foot fetish, etc. until I realised that it is fucking up my perspective of women and my brain. I put pussy on a high pedestal. Now, I changed my porn habit and I watch BDSM where the woman is locked up, abused, on a leash, being the total cum begging slut of a successful male like they are meant to do. It is changing the way I behave with girls, I feel more like the alpha male around them, which in turn lets me fuck around with them more and the girls love it. The confidence, the treating them like shit mentality, it's what gets them wet. On New year's eve I already fucked a girl because of this. Choked her a little bit during sex and she loved it. Do stop watching porn anons. Stop watching what makes you a degenerate or a cuck. Look at the correct porn and you will succeed.
never ever....
Can I get adjusted weights for a 125 pound manlet?
Nofap is literally the only thing worth doing on that list and committing to you absolute monkey brained turbo mong.
I fap to a picture of myself fapping.