Is "making it" supposed to make you happy? If so, why is Notch still dead on the inside?

Is "making it" supposed to make you happy? If so, why is Notch still dead on the inside?

Attached: notch rich.jpg (1920x1280, 451K)

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did you guys see notch tweeting about racial differences in IQ? this guy just keeps getting more and more based

>being an ugly nerd
>made it
pick 1 (one)

Because he is a fat dumb retard.
No money in the world can unretard you.

>gets 2 billions to fuck off
>spends it on a shitty mansion filled with manchild shit
>invites random people over in hopes to get new friends and throws money at them
>isn‘t using the money for any kind of real business
>just hoards it and buys candy

>isn‘t using the money for any kind of real business

Why would you give a shit about that with 2 bil in the bank?

His house warming party is the saddest shit ever. So many hot chicks that would NEVER fuck him despite having billions

Attached: notch_049.jpg (1920x1280, 550K)

That's literally not true lmao

>actually get a shot at changing humanity, leave a lasting impact and become even richer as well as actually respected
>buy a 60million mansion in Beverly Hills and eat candy while still not getting laid

>why does Bezos still run Amazon despite having billions
>why does Spielberg make movies despite having billions

Because once you made it, you can finally make the things you always wanted to make without worrying about failure

>a faggot and two crones
I actually shuddered a little after expanding that image, Nice dubs, though.


He is most definitely based and redpilled

its because you can never enjoy life to the fullest if your IQ is too high.

Having a shit ton of money and a bit above average IQ is the way to live life


>be Notch
>sell Minecraft for 2.5 billion dollars
>couple years later
>only 1.4 billion left

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Do you count tax when you sell your company, user?

Even worse then
>sell company for billions
>cant even figure out to do it in a way without paying too much taxes

He is also a swedecuck and not an amerimutt (now he is but back then he wasnt)

He founded Mojang with 2 other guys who also received a cut. Employees got a cut too. In addition, he has to pay taxes

Fat baldcel manchild, that's why

If he just lost the weight and got plugs he'd probably be respectable

gypsy tier scum

he did pretty well considering he just made a square game for retards

>with 2 other guys who also received a cut.
they actually didnt get shit, that fat fuck only gave them breadcrumbs.

What would you do with 2 billions, Jow Forums?
I would invest with the sole purpose of becoming the next Soros.

He's not dead on the inside; he's become a stoic.

>tweets multiple times a day
>still fat as shit
>no direction in his life
>still clinging to his only success which is minecraft

>2 billion in bank
>dress like shit
>have candy dispensers
>still fat

Wealth is wasted on this one.

*1.4 billion

lmao the absolute state of biztards
>hurr durr why doesnt this self made billionaire start a business
haha you guys are so fucking retarded. if I had billions in the bank I wouldnt lift a finger ever again and just do wtf I want all day, which this fat fuck is probably doing. keep coping you broke fucks lmao

why do bald retards get to have money? why wouldn’t they put that money towards liposuction and decent hair transplants? fucking idiots i tell you, the girls in this guys life only want him for his money because he’s an ugly fuck without it.

looks happy to me

Attached: happylad.jpg (1920x1280, 604K)

You don't understand stoicism.

No, making it is supposed to give you the resources you need to make yourself happy.

>He thinks a measly 2bil can "change humanity!"

Hair transplant is a meme for cueballs. His only option is a wig and that also sucks for obvious reasons. It's basically over.

This. You need looks + money or you are coping.

lmaooooo. He totally fucked Selena Gomez, r-right?

Attached: gomez.jpg (920x613, 104K)

>become rich
>still hang out with deformed mutants
Kim Dotcom did it better.

T. Neet brainlet

go live innawoods

Fuck swedistan for stealing almost everything in taxes. I hope he buys some boomer index ETFs and dividend barons so that he can earn it all back eventually.

Don't worry, all male Swedes are injected with estrogen at birth so that they accept the tax rate.

>top tax rate is 56% in Sweden

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If you are making a shitload in Sweden you can afford tax planning. Meaning: you'd have to be a complete retard and accidentally stumble on a fortune to pay 56%

>complete retard and accidentally stumble on a fortune

Perfect description of notch.

Have you ever taken months of your life to work on a project that noone around you understands instead of taking a high paying job?
Don't pretend to understand what that's like unless you have done it. It sucks. And it most likely won't work. Most people around you will think you are a retard.

Notch literally asked if anyone wanted to buy Minecraft on Twitter. It wasn't like he approached Goldman Sachs and asked them to find buyers.

Attached: notch sell.png (601x319, 38K)

His real problem IMO is that he doesn't take care of his body, at all.

With 2B he could have the best personals trainers to make him ripped as fuck in 18 months.

what would you do to change humanity (not counting donating to charity) with the money?

>if you want to change the world, start from yourself
would start living a life i guess

>a shitty game
>"the right thing"
this is the society we live in.

>2 other guys who also received a cut. Employees got a cut too
lmaoing @ you

what would be different, specifically

The real redpill is that a guy like Notch would INSTANTLY trade ALL HIS MONEY for looks. No amount of money will ever buy you true love or happiness. Money will only increase/sustain your happiness if you're already happy with the who you are as a person (minus the money aspect of course).

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Fucking kek. Should have kept mojang and minecraft. At least nerds respected him then and he had a company to run that gave him meaning in life. He cucked out and now lives as the hermit incel of Beverly Hills. Sometimes anons, making it is not what you might believe. Sometimes you have already made it and don't even realize it.

Best example of making it is Tim Sweeney, the creator of Fortnite and Unreal Engine. Despite being worth 5 billion dollar, he's still running Epic Games and making projects that he loves.

>Have all the money in the world
>Buy the most common normie shirt ever
>buy a US mansion THE ULTIMATE MEME literally outbid the KARDASHIANS for it.
>not make another game when making games was your only purpose in life

Why do such boring people make it so big?

I know a girl who went to one of notchs parties. He tried to offer her $100k to have sex with him. I guess he has a micropenis thats like 1 inch long. She laughed it off as a joke to save face but really didn't want to fuck him even for $100k. Kind of feel bad for the dude.

"Making it" doesn't make you happy... it can only solve certain things that were potentially making you unhappy.

If you're a CHAD, but wagecucking - "making it" will solve the wagecuck issue, and you'd be happy.

Notch is fat, bading, and ugly - "making it" does not solve those problems, so he is still unhappy if those things are a source of unhappiness for him.


who cares?

just lmao at the imbecile biz retards hating on this billionaire. as if you worthless NEETs wouldn't trade your life for his in a heartbeat. in so many of these LINK threads you idiots say you won't do anything at all when LINK reaches $1000 EOY, so basically you all are hypocrites because guess what, this guy has a billion in the bank and is doing what you all WISH you could be doing

You're absolutely clueless if you think hot LA girls wouldn't fuck a billionaire based entirely on his money.

Girls in LA would fuck a cactus if it starred in an 80's cult classic and had "connections". Stop pretending girls that live in places that matter (i.e. not flyover states) care about looks past the age of 20.

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True happiness comes from within. Might sound gay, bit it is the truth. Money just helps a lot.

A one-hit-wonder beta sellout who stole the idea for his gwill never be able to be happy no matter how rich they are.

You misspelled disease ridden whore

>Have all the money in the world
>Still wears a fedora to cover up his subhuman genes
>Doesn't cure baldness
I hope this man suffers.

Attached: notch.0.jpg (1200x800, 76K)

I know a few rich people, and they say the same thing everytime. They were rich for a while too and its some things they can't have that money wont buy. Money for me is fun to spend, also building I look at it as a paintbrush for my creation projects. The main fucking problem with rich people. Is even if they are mega rich they still lack the greatest pleasures in life. They aren't enlightened, and if they are they are still stuck being human. Dying is like losing your virginity for the first time.
thers more to life than making bucks, the best things in life are free.

>believes in true love
never going to make it

Fund the border wall.

>buy a 60million mansion
Now the seller of the mansion has 60m they can use to "change the world". I can't believe I have to share a board with you inbred fucks.

ITT: normalfag poorfag cope

I would set up a team of top tier scientist to cure baldness within 5 years, which would in turn end inceldom and restore the sexual market place

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What a sucker LOL. You probably donated to the GoFundMe too, right?

Notch if you are reading this, here's my advice

Buy a shit ton of coke, water, vitamins and a bodyguard.

Start waterfasting, monitored by a big guy (fly me to America, I'll do it)

If you get bored, do coke

remember to supplement with vitamins

30 days in and I promise you'll have lost weight.

Phase 2.

We call up Nic Cage, he hooks you up with some hairplugs

Download Tinder, get you mad Minecraft pussy

(Optional: Ask John Cena or Dave Batista where they get steroids from)

Phase 3

You challenge Todd Howard to an MMA fistfight or you become a Bear Grylls tape survivalist (How does an extreme parkour run through Malmö sound?)

This gives you a fitness goal, also it'll be fun


You become euphoric thanks to a dopamine rush given to you by success

Go to church

Those Mormon girls will be wet when they see your fine ass

Get married and save the Swedish race, by having a hundred kids

- You're smart enough to realize I'm right about this
Also: You're welcome bitch

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Because the reality is,is that money really doesn't matter too much. Obviously to an extent, but once you the essentials and some fun money, having more doesn't matter.

Without real friends and family you will never be happy, even if you fuck 10/10s every night. You also need some purpose in life. Without some sort of responsibility, you will just waste away. Money should never be the end goal, only if anything, to compliment the end goal.

True man, money is only tools for our comfort and achieving our dreams, never as goal.

He browses Jow Forums instead of hanging out with friends.

Based retard.
hit the link

How to contact?

>mma fistfight

Yo misspelled average female college student

>could literally fund the wall and save the last remnant of the white race
>Instead spends his money on whore and shitty mansions while whining about niggers and liberals on Twitter
What a faggot.

It makes even less sense for him to buy a $60 million dollar mansion. He's going to paying property tax out of the ass. I doubt he can repeat another success like Minecraft.

he could have been some faggot like bill gates or george soros... better to NEET it up imo

>Because the reality is,is that money really doesn't matter too much. Obviously to an extent, but once you the essentials and some fun money, having more doesn't matter.


It actually fucking matters if you want freedom from working and to be able to buy a decent enough house. For this shit, we're looking at least a million dollars in a kinda cheap part of any western country.

However, I do agree that aimless materialism is not worth it, despite the fact that it's a proxy for social capital.

Tim Sweeney will always be a god for making based ZZT

>IQ is too high
He made...a fucking java videogame.

He isn't a scientist. He isn't searching for the cure for cancer. He's not trying to build rockets and get us off this fucking planet. He isn't trying to find a way to reverse the effects of climate change.

He has $2bil and isn't trying to do jack shit but party with it. How is that fucking intelligent?

>No amount of money will ever buy you true love or happiness.
What even is true love? It always depends on money, unless you're gay.
A rich woman will never marry a homeless man.

He should have never sold minecraft,he was making good money when he owned it and it gave him something to do.

Attached: notch.png (353x143, 8K)

>Is "making it" supposed to make you happy? If so, why is Notch still dead on the inside?
No, it isn't. It's a lie our biology tells us. Just like incels who think getting laid is happiness at the end of the tunnel. And the few who make it end up realizing they wasted years pining for something so trivial.
Happiness comes from things that can be had when you're poor, like hobbies, socialization, meditation and good nutrition.

Man fuck you guys. I've got huge plans for when I make it and none of them involve partying, hooking up with thots (i.e. any woman), or having kids; im MGTOW for fucking life.
You people just pursue the wrong purpose in life and end up sad when everything goes according to plan...up until reality shatters your illusions

I think, though, that a lot of people dream of escaping wagecucking, but once it happens they don't know what to do with themselves. Notch is a prime example of this.

If you hate your job, or your life, or whatever people think money is the solution. Sure it might let you quit working forever, but if you are missing important components, such as meaningful relationships and responsibilities, you will be no better off, and perhaps even worse due to the lack of any responsibility from quitting work.

I agree though, that getting a lot of money can have its benefits. Like, as you said, to quit work. If your real dream life is to volunteer or some shit having the money to give freedom to do so helps. But I was more talking about that once you have established yourself and are doing what you want to be doing, being rich doesn't really make any difference.

People, especially the people on Jow Forums get caught up in 'making it' by getting rich. When the reality for most is that they will still be autistic shut-ins who will have a hard time connecting with others. Or they have little drive, and will waste their time away. I would bet that if a lot of people here became crypto millionaires , a good number would spend all their days sitting in their room playing video games, watching YouTube and browsing, Jow Forums, just like Notch (if you remember he was an active /v/ poster).

poor person mentality

if dubs, notch will be summoned to this very thread

What are you talking about? I'm fulfilled myself because I don't chase money for happiness.
I chase it to give me more time to do what makes me happy already.

Basically yeah.

Everyone should read this book atleast once in their live. Ferriss is pretty based and lays out how to manage dealing with all of that. He basically comes to the conclusion: pretty much everything you do, live and work for has a an "ending". I dont want to be cheasy but roads were made for journeys and not the destination. There is one thing that has not an ending tough, learning. Its impossible to learn everything so you will never be bored until you die.

I know my english is shit, and I suck putting the words together, but this book is worth a read

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>go Ahead and call the cops, they can't unrape you.

based and true biz pilled

>Roads are made for journeys not destinations

I completely agree with this, particularly as I've gotten older. I always put these huge goals or milestones in my head but once I got there nothing was different, just another one to put forward. The ups and downs, struggles and break throughs, dedication and hard work to achieve something important to you is what counts, at least to me.

It's because of that, that if I actually do make a bunch of cash from crypto, I am going to go back to school to get my phd. I was a coward after graduation and went back to school for the CS meme against my own advice for future job security. I always felt like I made a mistake. Cheers user. I'm going to pick up this book tomorrow.

What were you doing before you started studying CS?

Studied Chemistry and failed to find any work