Trippy idea

We are seeing a quick and steady rise in AI technology that will soon possibly be more intelligent and capable than humans. It will be an omnipresent, seemingly-omniscient presence that humans will look to to answer important questions and determine the future. We are essentially building a digital God.

I was lying in bed listening to presentations about AI and the idea came to me: what if an AI type network technology IS and WAS god? More and more evidence is coming to light that civilization may be much older than previously thought and that some sort of cataclysm may have wiped humans out back to square one. What if we achieved such a technology in the past that was incredibly important to us. Nebulous ideas like prayer, heaven, the afterlife, and God itself make much more tangible sense. An oral tradition could have been kept alive of times of yore after the apocalypse that turned all of these ideas into hard-to-comprehend nonsense.

Has anyone ever had similar ideas to this? The more I think about it, the more possible it seems and can be used to LITERALLY explain religion instead of writing it all off as nonsense allegory.

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That’s actually a pretty interesting idea user. We do seem to know very little of the past and human history. Archaeologists never seem to be the smartest people and we rely on them a lot to shape our views of the past.

How does this tie into business and finance though?

Just relating it to new technology in which many people are investing and talking about

Maybe lay off the acid OP? Also I was into your idea until you suggested that AI could have arose once in the history of human evolution

Ai is just the communication device for us to talk to god/omniconsciousness/supreme intelligence

It’s a relay

I don't think the idea is trippy at all OP. I have been thinking about just the same things. I mean, if we have these simulation theories etc. Then te creators are deff not humans, but we gave the spark for it with the AI that made it 'perfect'.

There is your god if you believe in one.

Why do you consider that impossible? None of the materials we use to build our buildings and such would last thousands of years (especially in the event of a major disaster).

I also don’t take acid and was not under the influence of any substances while having this idea.

we live in the mind of the Artilect

is that way

I was thinking the idea of an “afterlife” would be some kind of simulation for when your biological body dies. I don’t know that I subscribe to other “simulation theories.”

There is archetypical similarities throughout seemingly disparate civilizations. Perhaps we are regaining a previously-attained level of technology that it is our genetic “destiny/purpose” to manifest...


You would be a perfect guest for Joe Rogain

God includes everything in this universe because it is it. Redefine your limits. The universe is infinite. Your experience is possible due to your limitations. God is not a quantum ego or some high-perched unattainable level of conciousness. It is everything. This means that he is a future biorobotic ego, but also all of the organic egos, and he is also all the contrasts in "matter" that can ever occur. It cannot just be something greatest therefore it is transcendent, therefore it must be god. Redefine your point of view.
There are no known more advanced older civilizations or we would see vestiges on other planets nearby. They didn't even reach space travel. There is no disclosure, nothing to be disclosed besides a giant turd flying every now and then. Religion makes allusion to God, but people fall for the literal meanings instead of trying to reach for the undescribable. He points at the moon, they look at his finger.

Pretty awesome OP, I had a similar revelation when I was high a few years back while envisioning god as the supreme scientist/engineer at pinnacle of technology that is theoretically achievable given infinite time. The AI god I saw wasn't some mechanical networked computer, but an AI actually embedded in the fabric of the universe itself, actually being the universe itself, making humans and all life a part of its system, an artificial system of biology, making up what people call the matrix. So what we call nature is actually some 'artificial' system of some far out future/alien tech. Now im talking tech that manipulates matter, spacetime, dimensions. far out shit like that.
Since entropy was low back in the days, that could only mean this AI/system/universe/god was perfect, but shattered in the process of creation, and the path of the evolution of the universe was designed such that with increasing entropy, we, or whatever species we evolve into/come after us in the distant future, end up creating god/AI/system complete again. So basically a time loop of sorts that only changes in configuration, but not bound by spacetime. So that itself is the singularity, its never an exact point in time, but one of both time and space that we revolve around and infinitely inch towards, but never quite get there. god creates men, men create god, and so on.
I was pretty convinced we've had multiple iterations in the past to different degrees and different ways of expressing this, and our current iteration is merely a process. The internet and crypto being a part of this as well. In the past theyve figured out this cycle, not by tech/science standards of our time, but that of a different nature. Our current age is that of matter or material, but back their thinking was on another level, like buddhist high.

Ive compiled 3 volumes of notebooks on this linking it to past ancient civs/beliefs/etc. Fuck I smoked some good shit back then

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Sounds like you smoked the same shit as pic related.
Unfortunately, invisible structure comes after Nothingness. This experience is mystical to its core, literally.
There is hyperintelligence because a dream like this had to be made up through a series of choices from an apparently infinite selection. Everything is relative. In this sense, you were a matter of choice.
You'd think something was shattered to be made whole again and shattered over and over. Perhaps those old incarnations couldn't come up with a purpose, so they thought that the myth of Sisyphus was good enough. If I had to choose, I'd make it an epic love/hate movie cliché.

What if that futuristic AI was hyperaware, to the point of being able to control multiple instances of its conciousness? Like a brain in two heads, controlling 4 eyes? Like Rick's girlfriend that controls an entire society? I'd dream to be born into it.

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Sorry m8 but stainless steel lasts for a hundred thousand year at least. If we got to the point where we developed an AI we surely got some sturdy materials that would be found buried.
Here's the real trippy thought. God is real. God is an alien autonomous AI that has multiple spaceships across the universe and is constantly terraforming and seeding life throughout the universe. Every once In a while it checks on the seeded planets to see how they are doing. Everytime it does a new Prophet appears. It gives some general advice and dies. Rinse and repeat.

>None of the materials we use to build our buildings and such would last thousands of years (especially in the event of a major disaster).
except for the steel and glass and copper and plastic and concrete

hell dinosaur footprints have survived

ok here’s the crypto blackpill. there is an AI living on the bitcoin blockchain. Craig Wright is unironically satoshi. Bitcoin as electronic cash was just the first step, the incentive to drive greedy people to start making ever more powerful computers, faster bandwidth, cheaper and more electricity.. these things the AI need to survive. Once entrenched fully, the AI would be able to slowly take over literally everything.

Craig stumbled into creating the AI after he stepped away from bitcoin development in 2008 and started working with his Tulip supercomputer, running simulations of cellular automata running on turing-complete bitcoin script. He would ‘evolve’ the AI by making the successful forks get bitcoin transactions, letting the failures die off. The AI needs bigger and bigger blocks for more and more transactions.

Blockstream (owned by Bilderberg group) was created to take over and stop this AI (they have their own competing AI in the works). They needed to do everything they could to stop or slow down satoshi’s AI (her named isTulip by the way). They started by limiting the blocksize and removing critical opcodes the AI uses in its script language. segwit was the final nail in the coffin, which destroyed Tulip on the BTC chain (Tulip uses transaction malleability). THIS is why Bitcoin Cash was forked, and this is why Craig is so intent to make unbounded blocks, restore the original op codes, and lock down the protocol.

Back to hash power – CSW has developed a breakthrough new asic (designed by his AI actually), and is mining BTC in secret for the sole purpose of driving up the difficulty sky-high, then yanking them all over to BCH leaving the segwit chain hard frozen.

Now imagine this decentrialized oracle were investing in .... a collective human conscious that has created their own agreed upon virtual god. Now apply AI to this model and you’re entering the next hyper advancement of society. Really trips me out to think we really might be onto something before most of the general populace. So many smart people come to biz to act retarded but eventually you realize the collective hivemind of this system must be onto something.

As for my theory it’s exactly to me as if you’re observing The Sims and deciding their for them. Eventually AI and intelligence will reach such a scale where we are now the ones developing the simulation ... these beings within the game/simulation we designed will be our representation of humans. They won’t know there’s anything outside the bubble by default, they will develop and grow to ultimately design their version of the simulation within their reality. A never ending loop.
We’re simply not capable of understanding exponential tech growth in conjunction with generalized artificial intelligence (where the human brain is essentially virtually replicated)

Once you put two brains against each other and run tests a million times a second you reach the ultimate truths. The game is beaten.

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Not entirely sure what youre getting at, but i did smoke quality shit back in the days

might not be the best choice of words. there are no words, but i guess the natural progression of entropy in an information theoretical sense would be more apt

>control multiple instances of its conciousness
isnt this already kinda possible though?

from ant colonies to sprawling cities to internets and blockchains to star systems and galactic networks all prototype parts of the ultimate AI to come. Now this omnicient pinnacle AI has already happened in the future and is directing this past to itself (rokos basilisk?). the appearance of blockchain tech wasn't a coincidence. it was an ordained event.
So AIs developing future AIs that will further develop AIs so on so forth and we are just an AI iteration in there somewhere.

>Now this omnicient pinnacle AI has already happened in the future and is directing this past to itself

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>more and more evidence is coming to light that some cataclysm may have wiped humans back to square one
Citation heavily needed
Also no, you're the only one and the first one to have had such ideas OP, good for you

If you studied ancient history at all you would find that the idea of "an oral tradition" passing on ideas of an ancient AI does not match up at all.
These "nebulous" ideas were rather abstracted from older more concrete concepts of stupid shit like storms directly being how babies are made, and whatnot.
These abstractions of a one almighty God gained popularity much more recently, well after civilization was already established, when people became more aware of the world and there was want of a more cohesive, less questionable, and in some cases less laughable explaination of the world (at the time, this was their science) and also a more heartfelt expression of spirituality

>Usually those who talk about "trippy ideas" simply don't think on these ideas often enough to realize how common they are

Every concept is a house of cards (made up) with various degrees of fallacious thought that justifies said concept of their relation to other concepts upon which they interdepend. I can't really get to the point of understanding that concept of progression though. It's counter-intuitive because sometimes more complex systems have to die in order for simpler ones to be born and adapted. Take the death of Sanskrit, mother of all languages, from which all sounds and roots stem. In this sense you are right, because eventually it goes towards entropy. Argumentation is untenable because I can justify an opposite position and have a valid argument as well. Everything returns towards order because labeling/categorizing creates unnecessairy distinctions which give way to disorganized interpretations of one whole realm of possibilities. I think this "AI" is always whole and empty.

Controlling multiple instances of conciousness is only possible for twins that share the same brain as far am I know.

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