Is this true??

Is this true??

Attached: Screenshot_2019-01-07-00-08-46-954~01.jpg (1920x1080, 309K)

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No because it never takes into account royalty which is what happens when you actually turn that wealth into something tangible.

>Booga booga I have alot of gold=rich
if you have an infinite amount of gold that mean that your gold is worth nothing

No Fugger was richer than all of them

The rothschilds were/are richer than all of them

In this case the Queen of England at the peak of the Empire was the richest person in the world.

>If you have an infinite amount of something that means its worthless
>He thinks econ 101 isnt a joke, and applies to the real world

Attached: GG.png (252x200, 10K)

I dont think selling crack down the block was as profitable even in the past.

If you have an infinite amount of anything you are basically the God-Emperor of the planet. If the world doesn't bend the knee you can summon enough mass to collapse the world into a black hole or just bury it in whatever infinite bullshit you can summon.

>not one member of one of the 13 families on that list

fixed the List

Attached: richest people in the world.jpg (1920x1080, 683K)

This looks far more accurate

if it was true why does it frighten you

>If you have an infinite amount of anything you are basically the God-Emperor of the planet

ehhhh. only if its useful and you are the only one having access to it.


You fail to understand the point here. If you are capable of summoning an infinite amount of anything you basically have a weapon of mass destruction capable of taking the planet out.

Economics are no longer your concern.

Sums up his wealth logically wouldn't he be wealthier? Considering he controlled 2/3s of europe and the meds gold and nearly half the world's gold? Mali's wealth came from the conquest of trade routes and cities along the sahara coupled with mali's secrecy of its gold fields they over saw the exchange and taxation of gold kola nuts, iron goods, crafts, glass, fabrics, books, Salt, Ivory bronze and brass goods

Attached: 1542129347603.jpg (3384x3078, 3.16M)

It's probably true, but there's kind of a difference between being born a chief in desert made of gold and an industrialist that worked his way up from book keeper at a grocery store.

The mansa's hajj was legendary tales of it reached all the way to italy via merchants of Venice merchants in cairo 100 years after his death were still talking about him

>being born a chief in desert made of

The gold came from outside mali for most of its history they controlled the trade of it via the empire he wasn't a cheif he was an emperor in the fullest sense

Chances are musa wasn't born into considering he was an advisory during mali's chaotic era he brought stability to the empire

No, bezos > putin
Stinky commie had 60B but had most of it frozen after 2014 Crimea

How'd he control the trade of something originating outside of his empire? F-16s?

The house of saud has way more but they split it up amongst the whole family and then just pool all their resources to live insane luxury

Musa sold the purest crack there is: raw NaCl

Make the cube a Link cube and change Africa to oracles you lazy faggot.


this goy gets it.

1. The Rothschilds are still richer.
2. Mansa Musa's wealth is very difficult to ascertain because if he started selling his gold he'd crash his own market like when the Spaniards sacked Peru and it caused hold market hyperinflation when they brought it back to Europe.
3. Putin's wealth is wild speculation, and so much of his assets are either frozen or incapable of using them outside of Russia.
4. The Queen of England during the height of the British Empire controlled so much wealth that if you want to measure it that way, it was more than Mansa Musa... they just wanted to put a nigger on the first slot.

Who are the 13 famlies and how to I fug one of their daughters?