touch base

> touch base

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> Bounce ideas

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this happens every january

>wow factor

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>low hanging fruit

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>Circle back

>We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children

...of your dicks?

user we need to do a deep-dive here and have a robust conversation. Lets synergize and come up with a solution.

>moving forward

>synergy realization plan

lets not make "touch base" or "catch up" onions things.

lets take this offline

>action item

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these are all boomer things


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>>low hanging fruit

~ oh, low hanging fruit ~

~ how juicy, I long for you ~

~ I wait, then I take ~

a haiku

nice job

Whats wrong with this? Basically its a thing you have to do or you're a fuckup who isn't doing what he's supposed to do as a cog in the system.

A Wojakposter has no business complaining about business lingo. Really, he has no business complaining about literally anything. He is the lowest of the low, a pathetic whining creature born in the depths of Jow Forums, a victim of with a German psychological weapon sampled from the mind of a Polish schizoid.

He derives perverse pleasure from looking at and spreading images of swollen heads with gigantic brains pushing out of them, at deformed retards and out of touch middle-aged men. He is obsessed with 3D and lacks any appreciation for what is aesthetically pleasing in 2D. (If he had it, he wouldn't be posting Wojak.) He is the bottom feeder in the muddy waters of Jow Forums, Jow Forums, Jow Forums and /v/. The most disgusting thing about him is that he has been conditioned to identify with his infection, to "feel" with it. He is like a man in love with his tapeworms, of which he has many.

He doesn't give half an ass about bitcoin or business terminolgy, except as an opportunity to bloviate about meta shit and social status (mostly to prove that there is someone worse than he, honest!). Don't let Wojakposters on your board or they'll turn it into the only thing they truly know: whining. Sadly, for Jow Forums it is too late.

>germans used pesticides and bread ovens to kill 6 million circumsized fellows

hello wagie

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*outlook meeting reminder*

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>He is obsessed with 3D and lacks any appreciation for what is aesthetically pleasing in 2D
This sums up why I hate them.

>lets unpack that later

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