Are Americans actually the bad guys?

>hear all the chink subhuman shit here
>look up the major issues and form my own opinion

>Territory disputes
>the reality is that China actually considered it part of their land 60+ years ago but didn't have the force to maintain it
>meanwhile the amerigoblins style shit tonne of land from Mexico

>Climate change
>China investing loads into renewable energy
>Meanwhile the president of America and half the people deny it

>General aggression
>Never invades or intervenes anywhere
>Amerimutts do it constantly, Obama, trump actually have policies to keep China "in check", trillions of military bases around China

>Space/science cooperation
>Wanted to work on the is with other countries, opening up their new space ventures to Europeans
>Meanwhile the amerigoblins were the ones who blocked China from issue

>Global cooperation
>Xi (Chinese President) wants more economic cooperation doesn't want to police everyone
>Drumpf builds a wall and alienates the other countries

Explain how the FUCK China are the bad guys. After actually looking it up it's the mutts who are in the wrong and europeans in the past. Before actually looking it up I believed the typical Chinks are vermin, but now i'm gonna have to say it.

Fuck the American warmongering government xi jinping is BASED.

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_the_People's_Republic_of_China.svg.png (1200x800, 7K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off Chang.
Go shill somewhere else

Sorry Chang but you have to go back.

Read Chalmers Johnson's Blowback.

this board is full of incels, and racists. You typing this shit is obviously a troll, baiting these neckbeards.

My parents friends are high society af and visited over Christmas, and one of their friends is a literal billionaire, who said that China are buying fucking everything. All basic and useful resources, water and wheat, all over the world. They are waging a new kind of war for dominance where you don't have to fire a single shot. So whether you like them or not, get used to them. They're probably going to run the world in a while.

They are buying all the niggers at least. Can't even fathom why they would want them though.

Attached: chang.png (800x1672, 209K)

No sweetie, I'm (white native) British. I have disliked most the Chinese I've met cause they're too focused on academics. But it really does seem like the world will be better with China and us with similar influence instead of the us dominating everyone.

I like the American people far more obvs but the government is cancerous.


there are no good or bad guys, everybody wants to be stronger

America isnt exactly a warmonger, even under our recent presidents, and Trump is actually trying to bring troops home.

The US supports the world militarily, and because of its Navy, we have safe international shipping. Imagine if the US withdrew completely from the world and remained isolated and neutral. It would be primarily in our best interest, however with a couple of downsides.

If we were to do so, believe me, China and Russia would step in to fill the power vacuum we left behind. It would result in a loss of world influence from the US, and would be replaced by big gov statists who have no issue killing their own. Noko would invade their brothers to the south, Europe would soon start blasting each other again, and would be easy pickings for the two superpowers.

With this new territory and the business of war, their economic growth would be tremendous. I guess the real question is would you rather have the world generally abide by American values, or Russian and Chinese values?

they don't want the nignogs, they want their land and resources. watch the documentary called empire of dust, it's about this very thing.

they want the fucking resources and a replacement lower class

Jow Forums is honestly like DnD with its racial purity nonsense. We're all evolved from a fucking single cell organism followed by billions of years of constant interbreeding, what the fuck sort of ideological position is "I want to keep this particular genotype from mixing with any others". You might as well have a problem with the earth turning ffs.

It's not pretty but we do it so you, Mr. Britbong will continue speaking the queen's English and not Russian or Mandarin. Don't like, you're free to tell us and our military to fuck off. See how that works out for you.

>followed by billions of years of constant interbreeding
Still separated by 1000s of miles for 1000s of years from other populations because of geographical isolation and lack of high volume movement of people. This made them distinct in culture and even genetics to a degree.

Take your absurd reductionism back to plebbit.

Goodbye, bugman!

六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre
反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward
文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system
民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行
法輪功 Falun Dafa 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗
胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨
獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 肅清 活摘器官
黑社會 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩
台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama
The Хinjiang Uyghur Αutοnοmοus Region 新疆维吾尔自治区

>One group of people spends centuries upon centruies breeding and as a result certain positive traits are extremely common among them
>Lets breed them with a race that has a lot of negative traits that were already bred out or made extremely uncommon

Yes race mixing can be bad especially when it is with Africans. You are throwing away thousands of years of natural selection and producing what may not itself be an inferior product depending on the traits of the child but something that now has all of the negative traits and aspects in their genetics which can be passed on to their children if they did not have it before.

Only a moron thinks race does not exist.

Why do I get the sense you guys are exceptional archetypes of the "white" genome.

>No argument
>Just passive aggressive
Feel free to refute any points sweetie. I'm not even white.

this pasta is unirinically the most retarded autistic shit I have seen on the chanz

What's there to refute. A hot, smart African woman is genetically superior to a dumb, ugly white one. And there's probably a bonus of hybrid vigor disease resistance there. Talking in muh racial terms is for neets who never leave the house and can't sort people into any groups other than some spurious DnD race bullshit.

>We're all evolved from a fucking single cell organism

Imagine being this retarded.

And yet it will send the police to the house of any chingchong that accidentally loads a page with it on it.

Fine, you personally come from two humans a sky jew created from mud and then they fucked.
>Climate change
>China investing loads into renewable energy
>Meanwhile the president of America and half the people deny it

>hybrid vigor

A literal meme. Hybrids are inferiors in all aspects. All-fucking-aspects.

Oh boy you sure are a nigger jew, Scholomo.

Just bought 100k vechina

Do you even understand the implications of what I posted? Luckily has the patience for a brainlet like you.

>Fine, you personally come from two humans a sky jew created from mud and then they fucked.

Imagine being this retarded.

>A hot, smart African woman is genetically superior to a dumb, ugly white one
She isn't actually because that isn't how genetics work. She may on a personal level be more capable than the dumb ugly white woman but she was the result of a lucky combination. She is an outlier genetically speaking. Unless she comes from a long line of Smart, Hot Africans that haven't intermingled with the general stock than odds are her children will be what the average of Africans and whatever race she happens to be mingling with. So generally sub 100 IQ.

Genetics are more than just a single person. It takes thousands of years to breed out the bad genes. While she as an individual may be amazing you are adding all of the bad genes she still has but aren't expressed into a gene pool which got rid of those a long time ago.

You are clearly both emotional and politically invested in this which is why you are so blind to everything. Outliers exist and the bell curve exists. One person does not change everything that came before and the fact their children are likely to have the traits that they were lucky enough not to have but still carry.

>I don't have to defend my retarded views if I never post them.
Please user, I am bored. Enlighten me. Did the aliums genetically seed your great-granddad's butt? Did odin spit in a clay pot and stir it with his dick? Are you a program in a simulated reality?
How did you come to unfortunately exist as you are biologically?

Nah, it was two amebas who sprang up from nothing that started fucking eachother and you were born.

US foreign policy is most definitely fucked up. Chinese domestic policies range from concentration camps to social credit scores.

Only the EU seems to have any sort of consistency in it. George W. Bush ruined the US. How is he still not behind bars?

I notice you still fail to share what you actually think happened.
Amoebas don't reproduce sexually as far as I know.

He was mocking the other guys absurd reductionism. Not stating anything else.

As I said, it was two obese microbese that had microbe sex. Thats your parents.

>absurd reductionism
>literally what happened

>the reality is that China actually considered it part of their land 60+ years ago but didn't have the force to maintain it

I hereby proclaim that I now formally consider the entire state of California as my personal property but I don't have to force to maintain a claim on it. Nevertheless, my just considering it so makes it so.

>We're all stardust
I win, I reduced even further

>literally what happened

Thats what I said. Two obese microbe amebas had microbe-ameba sex and you were born.

I don't see how that's a win, but okay.

Nah look at him. 95 IQ assburger unable or unwilling to formulate a coherent thought.
He is most likely convinced the moon is a hologram or something.
That guy is indeed overlooking complexities involved but it's closer to some sensible understanding than a guy who has decided to never hold coherent views or admit his own lack of understanding in lieu of calling ur mom gay.

Read the thread if you don't understand what's going on.

>aykchually all black women are inferior and you should choose a fat ugly stupid white chick over an african goddess because of thousands of years of bad genes

>Are Americans actually the bad guys?
No, the jews unironically are. How new are you?

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Don't forget they have over halv a billion asian girls.

Attached: 1546788515316.jpg (640x800, 91K)

>Can't even formulate a response so just devolves into shitposting like a child
Can't say I didn't expect that. When your arguments aren't based on off anything other than emotion you end up with this.

At least you are cognizant enough to realize you don't have any actual arguments to make so your goal is to now just try to deflect and shitpost to avoid actually having to engage with the point you made which was refuted.

This board says they give all the jobs to nogs.
Interbreeding with the nigresse is literally securing the childrens future.

>all black women are inferior and you should choose a fat ugly stupid white chick over an african goddess because of thousands of years of bad genes
This but unironically. Fucking idiot.

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There is absolutely no merit in starting to argue with self-admitted retards on a chinese basket-weaving forum. It's just easier to trigger them by calling their mom gay.

That goes for you as well.

>Imagine being this retarded.

Chinese will soon rule the planet, not even because they buy everything up no its because they are not held back by retarded PC and SJW garbage.
Chinese are working on cloning, genetic engineering, artificial wombs, stemcells, and once they figured that out they will start mass producing 700IQ chinaman that are 3 meters tall.
Meanwhile the west, the US and Europe are getting muttified more and more while also advocating for rights of retards to have children.

Its sad but thats reality.

Attached: 2490B086-312B-45C9-AA31-D07D5CAC7D5A.jpg (194x260, 10K)

>60+ years ago
Literally nothing on the timeline of geopolitics

blame christcucks

Come now my little friend. Don't be shy. Just give a little hint. It's the fairies isn't it? Did they create man?
Type "implications sign being this retarded" for yes and "meme green arrow two microbes fucking" for no, as these seem to be the only expressions you are capable of communicating with.

You're right, the Chinks are based. Buy Bitcoins and support them in their regime change goals then.

>Is unable to comprehend written text

Oh boy you must be some special kind of "gentically superior ameba" incapable of functioning on the most fundamental level.

Since when have the leftist SJW hordes been religious?


Imagine thinking like this. How confusing the world must be to you.

*tips fedora*

Good, good! I have gotten a third and almost different response out of you! It still mentions amebas (sic), like many of your other posts, but I still feel we are making progress!
At least the amoebas are not making sex this time. Are they tired, user? Are they relaxing? Will they continue after they recharge?
Are they married? Are the little amoebas married? Can you draw me their house?
You are safe here. Here is some paper. Draw me their house. Show me your inner world. I want to help.

>hot, smart African woman
>hybrid vigor

good one

There's no such thing as two big dogs. TBQHFAM as a yuropoo I would much prefer the US in charge than China. It's not even a debate.

You're the expert here since you should definitively know what you'r parents are doing in their bedroom, don't try to tell us that you haven't been peeking at their private time you little perv. You should not downplay your own divine knowledge on the subject, which you so righteoysly proclaimed, by pretending you don't know the inner workings of the amebas that gave birth to you.

Singapore belongs to China!

Enough of the Western intervention preventing righteous capture of what is ours.

Japanese are insects we can legally purge too.

People just want to feel special. No difference with these virgin losers.

>Don't forget they have over halv a billion asian girls.
And maybe 2000 of them look this good and of those, half had to do plastic surgery.

>rights of retards to have children.
unironically the root cause of most bad things in the world

I am also white fellow white person sir, also from English. Please to buy chainlink.

>thinly veiled Jow Forums thread

Yes, we (America) are the bad guys. So are the Chinese. Bad guys always win. America's dominance will end some day, just like the slimy British Empire ended. Now get your garbage thread back to Jow Forums.

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Chinks taking Russia’s Siberia, attacking Taiwan and mass genociding Tibet
>hur dur America evil
Fuck out here commie soi boy faggot

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Mate that's not how natural selection works

USA and China are both bad guys in their own ways.

The US certainly do a better job hiding it but it's clear to those knowing what to look for. Forcing kids to repeatedly say the pledge of allegiance for example.

Attached: harry potter2.jpg (2000x2829, 3.19M)

>Forcing kids to repeatedly say the pledge of allegiance
your comparing this to china?

>Two groups with wildly different natural selectors
>One group gets selected for intelligence and high parental investment because those without it die or fail to mate because of the environmental factors such as low availability of food and harsh weather
>The other group selects for ferocity, aggression and low parental involvement because of an abundance of resources and fair weather all year round
>These two peoples can only gain from breeding

This isn't white exclusive. Africans are literally the bottom of the barrel humanity wise. No group gains from breeding with them.

you want to kill off your consuming low class people? no wonder why nazism failed lmfao.

Just an example. You've got your brainwashing and China got theirs.

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No OP, and here's why:
>look up the major issues and form my own opinion

See? Found the problem. Your opinion is wrong. I know this is bait and I'm mad on the internet, but I'm going to humor you anyway since everything you posted is bullshit and memes. Here, let me guide you through it:

>Climate change
China is THE major polluter in the world, they don't give a shit and they're just trying to put up smokescreens.

>General aggression
Ever heard of Tibet and Taiwan and China's attitude toward them?

>Space/science cooperation
Seeing as one of their own space stations fell into the Pacific last April, I believe America was right to block the Chinese from working on the IS. Everything the fuckers build is shoddy and falls apart.

>Xi (Chinese President) wants more economic cooperation doesn't want to police everyone
Huh, that must be why they deny Tiananmeng Square to this day and censor their own internet.

Thanks for playing, come again.

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Cult fiefdom
Glad the Godless commies stopped them and the CIA.
Now they live comfortably and not in the stone age where they feed their dead to Himalayan Vultures and surrender their women to the Lamas

The Wrong Side of History
Eventually they will join China. This is despite all the propaganda

>Climate change
The US is the No. 1 polluter ever since the 19th century.
I couldn't give a rat ass about what China emits

how long b4 the chink vs america war?

Your replies are weak and you're not refuting or even acknowledging over half of what I posted. I win, and you're a faggot.

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Never happened
There was a Beijing riot though, mainly a labour dispute.
This was due to the fact that there was previously lifelong employment before Deng's reforms.
A fuckton of people lost their jobs because of Deng due to 'redundancy'.

What really happened during the Beijing riots?
Molotovs and rocks were thrown at armed police/military units.
People were shooting small arms at soldiers.
Soldiers were ordered not to shoot civilians.
Rioters start stringing and lynching them, snatching weapons and setting APVs on fire.
Unsurprisingly one particularly infamous Military unit shot them down after one of their number was lynched, defying orders.

One particularly infamous incident happened when the rioters blockades the streets of Beijing with buses.
When the military men tried moving them, they threw molotovs and burnt them alive

Some elements were violently suppressed
Most if not all of the original students left peacefully
Diplomatic officials ADMIT there was no massacre in Tiananmen Square itself or of students.
Funny thing was it was still handled much better than the Gwangju Uprising and significantly less people died despite the Chicommies having worst equipment than even the Vatniks
Now THAT was a student massacre.

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Nah user you are the faggot

Americans want controlled conflict.
Conflict with another major power is anathema to that.
The Chink/Rusky/Insert Terrorist here* threat is used to support massive increases in MIC spending and geopolitical goals

And the 'traitors/some of the student leaders' (For the lack of a better term) who claimed 'asylum' and sold out their own country for a green card receive
CIA pensions and a free fully-paid scholarship to Yale/Harvard

The ones who fled to MURICA for 'freedom of speech' were immediately cowed and fucked over by the fact that the USA doesnt have nor support freedom of speech.
Those who pointed them out got outcasted from academia and US media for the rest of their lives

>all this chinese apologia
>all this chairman dickriding
>all this party line drivel

Yeah yeah you sure posted a lot of words and that's all well and good, but what about the Tank Man, user? How come the chinese government suppresses the free flow of information? How come you're not allowed to google that and the police will come to your door if you do? How come you insist on regurgitating all of this communist propaganda, buying into your masters' lies and bearing their whippings even as you thank them? How come you're such a faggot, faggot?

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>Retarded Amerifat can't argue with facts
>Getting straw over muh rice
>Mom's spaghetti

You just lost the argument.
And stating the very things that your govt do every goddamn day, like subverting/controlling information and enforcement of state dogma/doctrine only makes you look even more retarded

>Never invades or intervenes anywhere

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Thank God, was hoping someone would post this.

It's not hard when the competition is sub 80 IQ niggers

The std dev of IQ is more important individually than for a whole group of people. The ratio between intelligent blacks vs. whites is like 1.1 to 1 if not less.

You people are so fucking dumb hahahah. All these dumb racist threads have 0 substance, just memes.

>The top 1 percent of blacks are only a little less smart than the top 20% of whites
>racists btfo

in the past two years america is responsible for a sickening amount of human rights crime. atleast china knows whats happening america doesnt give a fuck. the thing is though america is where it all started all the cruelty across the planet is because of them. literally the illuminati worked out that country, cia was like the channel and its a bunch of innoncent feds and a handful of corrupt ones that mingle with the pedo hell raisers and its just one big clusterfuck mess
the thing is though the way the cia is designed is it was easy for them to get away with this shit for so long. they could easily erase all evidence and do their deeds quickly without anyone noticing and its like they had their own tight knit communication channels.

the shit going on in america is purely evil. if you seen what i saw you would understand my mindstate/ its like kids taking turn driving a plane without any experience. the military alone the funding could be used to feed the whole planet many fucking times over yet they think its important to have more autistic neets kill people its bad situation it needs adults to clean it up the president didnt do jack shit to help this mess he actually made it worse and just added more fuel to the fire this is what happens when you let retards run a country withj no knowledge to lead

America is dying and is trying to take the rest of the world down with it. Yes they are the guys.
>Not a warmonger
Iraq, Libya, Syria, and pretty much any South American country would disagree.

and this is wikipedia, meaning it's censored. real list is probably twice as long. usa sure like their military involvements as long as it isn't on home soil.

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Chinks are subhuman, they literally torture animals for taste.

Amerimutts are Niggers.

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I heard the Ming dynasty voyages were before Christopher Columbus, and Chinese navy fleet was unmatched.

If their new emperor didn't destroy the fleets, maybe US ran by chinks? Lol

It's interesting the chinks never went above and beyond to take over another society, only reclaiming their own lands.