FLO delist scamcoin 10000% proof

Not being being used by major business.
Tzero not launching in 3 days.
Buy bonds instead, goyim.

see proof: medium.com/@valueprop/flo-and-the-open-index-protocol-oip-530c8f0aa807

Attached: set-physical-golden-coin-florincoin-flo-set-physical-golden-coin-florincoin-flo-digital-cryptocurren (1300x657, 111K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Reverse shilling is still shilling.

alright, I won't shill what I think can make you a fortune on Jow Forums. Jow Forums is a place where nobody should share what they've found right?

do some reading bud.

Oh I'm well read on the subject. It is valueless and will continue to be so outside of speculation.

You just summed up crypto as a whole. Let me guess, you knew about Bitcoin since 2010 and finally bought at the end of 2017?

Is there a point to what you are saying or are you just trying to deflect from the fact I am correct?

This is like the XCASH FUD. Baseless bullshit.

yep. Flo fud is laughably ridiculous. Hence the irony.
Clear fud campaign. we've provided the links people, now dyor and discover for yourself!

Think about how much data storage for tZero, OIP, Alexandria, etc. that you can get for a dollar of FLO right now. You don't think that price will go up as demand increases for storage of that decentralized data? The market is going to find a fair price for all that, and I'll be very surprised if it's not more that $10M.

There is minimal actual cost for writing to the chain. Even if the demand for the storage goes up it is cheap to the point that the price will not go up because of usage. Any raise is entirely speculation rather than the underlying asset.

it's true. there's a reason this coin has been around since the early days, but is still cheap as dirt. As a dev, I like and respect Flo, but as an investor....I'm not so sure.

Ok smarty pants, explain THIS then. This has 12X the market cap of FLO, do you think it's 12X as useful? I don't think you realize how much money is out there, just waiting to pour into something actually useful.
Also, why do you refuse to acknowledge the power of speculation upon price?

Attached: 1546887586964.jpg (714x352, 27K)

Correction: 11X the MC. Point still stands though.

I refuse to take in any reasonable information. Everything in life is a scam. My ego is #1. WAT IS READING.

Consider a foray into psychedelics. When you get the message though, hang up the phone.

I don't refuse to acknowledge anything. The picture is a worthless shitcoin. That does not change the fact that the underlying asset value for flo is very low and without speculation should stay that way. I'm not saying there will not be a rise due to speculation I am merely saying it is unwarranted and has nothing to do with the actual underlying value.

based. thank you lmao

You sound like you would be happier in the stock market. As a thought experiment, can you explain what the underlying value for Bitcoin is, outside of speculation?

Or the value of any cryptocurrency for that matter?

flo was recently delisted from polenix.. because no volume... it will get delisted from bittrex too

It's all a fugazi! Not even the US dollar is real, stocks are just IOUs, this whole civilization keeps working based on our continued and combined faith that it will.

How are either of these arguments? You are admitting that I am correct and pointing to other overvalued or potentially overvalued cryptos and saying "If them why not us".

So an exchange that people can't even spell right half the time, and few even use had to delist a coin due to low volume? Color me surprised!

I'm saying that Bitcoin has no business being valued at what it is, but apparently a decentralized payment database that let's you send shitloads of money cheaply (that's the key word here) is worth 70-fucking-billion dollars, and that's after an 80% retrace.

Again that isn't an argument. You are appealing to the irrationality of the market. None of that has anything to do with flo itself.

What is your portfolio?

Also, I'm trying to draw your attention to the fact that FLO being a cheap way to store data just means that it will be used more (causing the price to rise) in the same way that Bitcoin being cheap to send money led to its widespread use and subsequent rise in price.

At this point you have given up trying to defend flo and are trying to personally discredit me somehow since you cannot refute the arguments posed.

No, I'm genuinely interested to hear what you believe has true underlying value in crypto. Not trying to discredit you.

For the record the higher bitcoins price goes the easier it becomes to actually send large amounts of money. The higher the price of flo goes the more expensive it is to store data defeating the whole cheap aspect. It is counter productive.

I don't actually think crypto has any underlying value by itself aside from decentralized currency. Blockchain has a lot of value to add but crypto as a whole is just arbitrarily attaching currencies and tokens to things which do not benefit from them.

Exactly though, it will find an equilibrium. Price will rise to the level of demand since supply is essentially fixed (with a bit of inflation due to mining).
Demand is about to go way up, now we have price discovery.

So, Bitcoin maximalist? Or do you think other digital currencies have value too?

based discussion. thanks guys, biz isnt all bad

It would be alright without all the FUCKING JANNIES.

I’m not a Bitcoin maximalist. I don’t think the perfect digital currency has been created yet. I think a lot of them have value but are all flawed in one way or another. To be clear I think flo is a fantastic product and perfectly serves its role both cheaply and effectively. It just does not have any actual reason to appreciate in price and doing so makes it less effective at what it does. It’s a good product but a poor investment based on how it works. We don’t live in a rational world however so it may wildly appreciate in price but fundamentally it works best as it is right now and has no reason outside of speculation to appreciate because it is good at what it does.

The thing is FLO even at a few dollars would still be cheap as fuck to attach data. Miners are still performing a service creating immutable data which is a commodity, it shouldn't be almost free anymore than it should be expensive.

Thank you, I think this is the core of the argument. Because Flo is being used since it perfectly serves its purpose as says, this increases the value of the continued security of the network.

Ultimately at that point it isn't speculation - its the value of how the network is being used applied to reward those that are securing it in exchange for its continued security.

I guess its basically like, the royal treasury doesn't hire 2 bit bodyguards from craigslist - they're worth more to ensure their clients don't get robbed and the whole organization's future business gets destroyed forever. That's not speculation, that's the value of risk management based on the value of the business they ensure.

holy shit you're not kidding. this thread got hidden didn't it

nvm im blind

Your eyes are open now my son

Attached: flo.jpg (400x300, 23K)

That is a reasonable stance. The problem I see though is what stops the companies which use flo to simply secure the network themselves? They can mine at a loss because of the net gain they receive from using the flo chain. Because it has an actual use there is monetary incentive outside of the ecosystem to secure it.

No, I'm just bitter about getting a warning for posting this in another thread:

六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre
反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward
文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system
民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行
法輪功 Falun Dafa 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗
胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨
獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 肅清 活摘器官
黑社會 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩
台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama
The Хinjiang Uyghur Αutοnοmοus Region 新疆维吾尔自治区

Are the Jannies PROC operatives? It's more likely than you think...

What do you mean by "simply secure the network themselves"? Sorry, I don't follow this comment at all.
>The higher the price of flo goes the more expensive it is to store data defeating the whole cheap aspect.
That's true, but there are two things you need to consider:
1. FLO is already much cheaper than it should be with regard to storing data. Companies would probably pay 100x the current fee price to store data in FLO. Even at that price it would still be extremely inexpensive ($0.007 per transaction).
2. FLO has other properties giving it a USP other than cheap metadata. It's a blockchain meant for metadata storage. It has the free OIP software package on top of it to organize, monetize, and distribute that metadata. It is a neutral, permissionless, p2p read and write database. Even if it were 1,000 times more expensive than it is now, it would still be worth it to store data on FLO because of those properties.

Attached: flooo.png (709x592, 219K)

Old pops said this blackchain ain't even real money. Well garsh darn it. U KIDS. I hold real money in my hand. I beat my children until they agreed to post this here. I don't know how to use the internet. Praise Jeesus.

I think the reason is that Flo has been being hammered out since 2014. Overstock is going crazy to launch tzero NOW, they're happy to contract out a small loss to ensure the security of their massive network.

Maybe 10 years down the line they'll launch their own chain that they have been securing for years, but until then I think launching their product on something with a proven history inspires a lot more customer conficence

Mining themselves essentially. Mining secures the network and since they use it for their daily operations it being secure will also be theirs concern. What is to stop them from running their own operation which would remain functional even if the mining was unprofitable because it would merely be a business expense to secure the network they use.

You misunderstand the point of $FLO with regard to the views of the SEC.
think about why tZero was created —> to bring transparency to the stock market. There’s something inherently wrong with storing trade data in your own database or in-house blockchain such as rvn. It’s quite obvious why those chose $FLO. 5 year old coin with a proven network. No ICO no premine —> 100% not a security (unless of course bitcoin is). Fully decentralized and immutable blockchain storage mechanism which cannot be manipulated even by them. As soon as tZero or overstock starts to mine the chain as you predict, it would no longer be a 3rd party dogtage mechanism free from manipulation.

A few posts above you the user hit the nail right on the head. Even at 100x higher cost of $FLO the data storage would still be in line with competitor services such as amazon and others. However, on FLO the data would be fully decentralized and in the record immuatably forever. An incredible benefit.

Them mining it isn’t manipulation. It allows them to both secure the network and gain back the flo they spend on transactions. It would allow them to keep the price low as well if they had enough hash power to make it unprofitable so that anyone not using for the intended purpose IE Metadata would not bother mining it and the network would scale cheaply for those using it for the intended purpose.

Sure, companies building on FLO could secure the network with their own mining power, that would actually be smart.
Any company mining FLO at a significant rate could effectively pay 0 FLO for mining fees and include their own transactions in their blocks for free.
Is this somehow a disadvantage or something you think would drive the price of FLO down?

Flo is pumping

Higher lows is what I'm seeing, and once this spikes above 2000 sats it's going to take off pretty quickly, I'd imagine.

There us nothing on the walls after 2k. Insider tip there are almost no flo for sale. They have already been massively bought
and horded earlier this year by Tzero devs. There ARE NO COINS IN BITTREX!!

Its the perfect storm...

Checked, and fuck yeah!


Attached: 10-facts-about-osama-bin-laden-you-probably-didnt-know-1.jpg (960x540, 90K)

redbased and pilled

Attached: 69xLcZS9_400x400.jpg (400x400, 31K)

Ada started on bittrex only last year. It went .02 to $1.4 on “one exchange shitcoin!”

Prepare your butt holes!

Attached: 9F8889E4-1003-4C09-9061-7CB7ACEB2BDE.jpg (750x1193, 184K)

so, hypothetically speaking, what happens if they run out of coins?

fucking checked. Anyone selling any seat belts? This rocket is about to have my stomach in my toes

>last year

They won’t run out. There will always be some pajeet from here selling at 15% gains.

The FLO believers will stay strapped in as we fly past moon directly to mars.

Target 10,000 satoshis.

Attached: 4F45352C-E004-45AC-91EC-FDC1750A671A.jpg (1280x728, 147K)

Last year yes. It went from 500million to 35 BILLION.

$FLO is only 9m right now. This fucker could hit 100m even in the bear market. That’s 20,000 satoshis.

By the time it does that, if the bull market returns, this thing could hit 500m even 1 or 2 BILLION. That’s fucking 50-200x.

Are you ready? Strap in your wheel chairs /biz

Attached: 42D5031D-1E1C-49E5-ABA5-56EDB3DA54CD.jpg (1280x844, 169K)

>last year

A ton of the money from last year is still out there, tethered up, just waiting for something to pop off. The only difference is that in a bear market a few things pump at a time, while in a bull market everything pumps at once. So choose wisely.

breaking 2k right the fuck now. literal last chance lads


big yikes

Back to Redit, faggot. We're mooning without you as I type this.

Within the last day:
>FLO block halving in 1 day
(pic related)
>FLO mining on par with the big boys
>Arcane Bear: Family Picks [FLO]
>FLO overview and analysis by Steemit user @dblack
>Reviken Article III: FLO and the Open Index Protocol (OIP) via Medium.com
>FLO Foundation: Preventing Funds From Getting Stuck In Under-funded Initiatives

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-01-07 15-01-54.png (810x296, 40K)

Tick tock, anons... last chance to make a decent sized buy is at 2000 sats, then there isn't much at all in the order book. You might not even be able to transfer BTC to Bittrex in time at this point.

Back to China twu you chinky faggot

I’m certain it will be below 1700 in twelve to 24 hours.

I'm more white than you are, my family landed in Massachusetts in 1612. You get the fuck out.

Chingus says buy more FLO

Attached: bigchungus.jpg (880x480, 27K)

Your family landed on the pacific coast in 2016 huddled between boxes of shrimp in the bowels of a chink fishing trawler

The best insults hit close to home. I feel nothing.

You feel nothing because you're a bugman chinksect.

Heh... It's hard to stay mad at someone who hates the Chinese so much. Here take my earlier post to use as repellent any time you feel the presence of these "people":