In the past 5 years or so, I've heard nothing but complaints from a bunch of NEETs about how capitalism is so unfair and they keep pointing at results of government regulation on the free markets as the negative results of capitalism. The government can literally pass a 30% tax increase and let a shit ton of illegals live off of our tax dollars right now and there are idiots who will literally blame capitalism for that.
And not to mention, there are faggots on here as well who have made shitty decisions to throw their futures at a shitty altcoin and would blame capitalism for that. Every time I tell them that it isn't capitalism's fault and show them how capitalism works, they always sperg the fuck out.
Anyone else here annoyed at the rampant autism behind anti-capitalism and economic illiteracy? I'm just about done hearing this shit.
The real redpill is that our current form of crony state capitalism is a direct result of libertarian capitalism, because the rich will leverage their wealth to influence politics and public perception in order to gain wealth through anticompetitive laws and laws that increases the profits of their sectors vs others, among other things.
Grayson Ross
I agree. Be it government officials or mercenaries, the rich and powerful will have their way. There isn't much distinction between corporations and the government when you get down to it.
Justin Butler
>our current form of crony state capitalism is a direct result of libertarian capitalism lmao you fucking what?
Thomas Long
Only like 1% of biz has a real big boy career and even fewer understand economics at a basic level. You're wasting your time. Losers and takers will always support communism or variations of it. Unfortunately they are also too poor and lazy to pack up and move to a socialist utopia like Venezuela so they will just sit here and bitch while asking for more gibs.
Jace Scott
Tell them that the root of all of the problems we face are actually caused by the Federal Reserve and unsound money. That's the real redpill.
>If you disagree with me then you don't understand economics Hmmmm
Hudson Torres
This. As you can see with all of these replies, they're mainly concerned about "muh rich and powerful CEOs"
This too. I try to tell them that as well, but they keep denying it. I honestly feel as if there is no hope for people to be economically literate unless we mass redpill them on austrian economics.
Jack Morgan
Think the
Parker Diaz
>121 IQ = "Unconstrained capitalism leads to disequilibrium caused by polarisation of wealth and requires a new order"
You want a world where everybody makes the exact same amount of money? How are you any smarter than faggots who want to redistribute money?
John Robinson
Maybe try reading the rest of his post you idiot.
Carson Hughes
Ye, but devpmt of technologies, total decentralisation and postindustrial mode of economy will hopefully make any massively centralised structures, eg states or corps, unprofitable.
The idea is that the more abundant knowledge is, the less organised agents should be to operate effectively. The less capital entry threshold for small business is, the higher the competition and less doable monopolisation is. The more people consciously involved in any particular economic activity, the tighter selection for effective practices is. And so on...
Libertarianism might have caused crony capitalism, but times change. Such process may be impossible in a few decades or even now.
Lincoln Martinez
Agreed. People need to realize that capitalism isn't the problem and that any problems under capitalism can never be capitalism's fault.
Aaron Smith
I've never truly heard of a communist NEET At least one on this board Even more befuddlingly, I've never heard a communist or a socialist criticize the government for raising taxes, doling out benefits, and importing thirdies Who are you arguing against?
Christopher Reyes
As long as there is a government that controls wealth supply via central banks, the banker elite will work in tandem with the government, you shithead.
Bentley Bell
It is in the self interest of special interests (banks, corn farmers, you name it) to influence change in the way a government does things and what it does at the expense of others if it comes with a benefit of themselves. Therefore they will do it. It follows the same assumptions of free market ideology. That people will act in their interest.
If you think about it like this, you know it to be true. That the current state of things developed as an implication of the rules of the (much more) libertarian past, and rational self interest.
Daniel Perez
National (((Socialists))) and (((Strasserists))).
Luis Edwards
Won't even dignify this vomit burp with a reply, you truly are a Dunning Kruger case study
Angel King
The government actually does more harm than good to farmers and small business owners but mostly bankers have the upper hand since they work in tandem with the government to control the money supply. That's why they're so threatened by crypto.
Caleb Cook
If it wasn't a banker elite, it would some other elite. No government in human history has not had a corrupt, wealthy, elite ruling class.
This guy gets it.
Nathan Torres
Farmers are total fags though. If you don't regulate them they starve people for money and harm the rest of the economy.
Lincoln Morgan
Government subsidizes the ever living fuck out of farmers. $60 BILLION every fucking year. If it wasn't for gov handouts 75% of farmers in would be bankrupted or bought out by Monsanto.
Samuel Wood
Competition between farmers can and will emerge so in turn, they'd only be hurting themselves. They'd be asking for more than what they're worth while new farmers deal with markets.
Ethan Johnson
Monsanto has privileges given to them by who again?
The government. We should get rid of the government.
Kayden Evans
>We should get rid of the government, that'll fix the economy /thread
You are the retard here, i did indepth research into the economy and literally the only reason capitalism works is cause everyone is fucking retarded. First you have to understand how the money supply works then you realize everyone has been getting scammed by jews for hundreds of years. Do more research on the side effects of a capitalistic economy. You quickly learned that the price is our future childerns lively hood and our planet slowly getting destroyed. climate change is a real issue btw i think you were to busy in your basement to look at your planet slowly dying.
Christian Mitchell
>we should let them stay and let them fuck us over. at least i can still vote republicrat.
Read the first part of the post again. Government subsidizes farmers to get their VOTES. Because low-iq farmers living in bumfuck, red state would rather get handouts than compete or innovate.
Justin Jenkins
>You are the retard here, i did indepth research into the economy and literally the only reason capitalism works is cause everyone is fucking retarded.
170 IQ post right here, guys.
Jayden Rivera
They're all on Jow Forums
Isaac James
Feudalism > capitalism Prove me wrong.
Elijah Hill
True. But if there is no government, farmers will be subject solely to market forces.
Julian Kelly
Lol. Is nice, but we too big
Anthony Nguyen
Dont worry user, I've noticed as well. They're generally lazy, defeatist people who think they're too good to work. They believe economy is about gibs instead of human action that produces value.
Then they blame mega corporations as if those businesses are not owned by the public. If you asked them who decides who gets to be CEO, I bet they'll have a hard time answering without the Internet.
Aiden Lee
Yes, and 75% of farmers would get crushed by market forces, and then they would vote for candidates that give them subsidies.
The actual answer is that democracy is a failed system and a new solution is needed.
Jack Davis
Democracy been failed. That's why we have a Republic.
Daniel Ross
>The actual answer is that democracy is a failed system
No shit. The Greeks literally understood this.
Jeremiah Sanchez
New localized farmer businesses will be created in the event that the government cannot subsidize farmers. Any form of government cannot and will not fix any kind of market problems.
Xavier James
It's still dependent on votes of low-iq brainlets and literal retards.
Republics just add a middle-man for an extra layer of corruption. So corporations only have to bribe a couple representatives and senators instead of a thousand people.
Austin Carter
Aiden Torres
Bell curve, you're wasting precious time on tards
Charles Adams
Capitalism works in waves, companies that go stale die off without government intervention
Easton Turner
seeand if you're still worried about farmers, look up indoor farms. The government will plunge us further into debt.
Luis Rivera
the economy is about properly distributing goods at a fair price. The thing everyone seems to forget is that money isn't even real. It's a situation where you have to step back and look through different lens. It's the biggest scam ever, literally has been happening for centuries. The reason why no one complained is because people don't give a fuck and the rich keep getting richer off these retards. Literally you will see if the resources keep getting removed at this level. Earth was on a fast track to being a desert wasteland in 3-4 years if we kept doing what were doing. The reason africa is in this state is capitalism.
the real question is when labor robots come out, what the fuck will happen to the economy. We all know the missing part is properly developed AI and in the underground AI is already perfected. When it does get released now you have the corporations even more rich and everyone out of a job. It's chaos waiting to be unleashed upon the world.
The true cost of fiat currency is peoples lives, you steal from the future to spend it today. Thats the final blackpill, keeping the current economy is like saying fuck your kids who cares i wont be alive. but the sad thing is youll still be alive to see earth turn to shit
Gabriel Price
This. Sorry, it's all just so infuriating. I hate brainlets so much.
Jose Butler
New, more innovative farmers would arise and destroy the old ones. The old ones would then cry and vote for whatever candidate promises them handouts.
See Coal Miners in West Virginia for this exact situation literally happening now. Instead of training up in Nuclear or Natural Gas, they stick to what they have been doing for the last 50 years and cry for government help when the market starts crushing them.
Luis Scott
Don't know how i missed this. These people will die off once their sweet sweet government hits a wall from all of that debt.
Alexander Bennett
It doesn't matter who gets the shorter end the stick overall. The bankers will influence for whatever yields more profit and less competition for them and the corn farmers will influence for their subsidies and special tax cuts and other shit. It is all a disjointed mess. In the case of a state or inside a corporation, the central planners can force sub entities to sacrifice for others for the overall good. For example, in a country with state run Healthcare, total budget for gibs and bureaucracy around gibs and employment help programs could be reduced in favor of more and better Healthcare, which increases employment directly and indirectly and reduces the demand for gibs, and also brings in more tax via increased population productivity through the people cured.
The private prison industry profit motive is a good example. Influencing for more and harsher sentences on anything they can, to grow an unproductive prison population at the expense of the inmates themselves, and tax payers(example: Marijuana).
Im not advocating communism btw. I'm just trying to explain that where we are now, all this bloat achieved in great part through state and laws, is a direct consequence of the profit motive in a private economy. American statism is the reflection of the narrowinded rational self interest of various groups with different interests, and capital derived power is the primary method of shaping public opinion and bribing politicians (in ways that are mostly legal because it is in the self interest of lawmakers to make it be so).
Has a good point and some optimism about emerging low capital ways of influencing effectively will hopefully shift the balance somewhat against those with big capital. I'm not as optimistic, because of the structure of what I just described makes people often have a narrow pursuit when it comes to changes they seek to implement, but the average will be less narrow.
Camden Jones
Exactly. Let it happen. Fuck this crony bullshit.
Evan Thompson
I remember by naive lolbertarian phase. really brings me back, thanks OP
Jacob Gonzalez
It won't ever work in a democracy or Republic though, that's the point. Low-IQ brainlets will always vote for gibs and government debt.
this. if you think about it, we are already living in an ancap society.
there are few people that are actually communist OP. most "communists" are just sheep blaming the system for their own shortcomings.
Joshua Lee
This post is too good for this thread, but the central planning solution only works on very small scales (city states with
Julian White
Ai's always become racist. This wouldn't work.
Easton Reyes
I don't care I'm not working and I am getting welfare if it stops I will rob kill and loot from you cucks so you better keep it going
you need socialist policies or people like me will make every 1st world country a 3rd
Samuel Kelly
Garbage in garbage out
Jonathan Parker
>140+ IQ, we should return to monarchy
t. tested twice: 154 and 148
Luis Cooper
>The Greeks literally understood this The drafters of the United States Constitution understood this. It wasn't until the dumb fucks that passed the 17th Amendment came along did democracy become a problem.
Agree with most of what you said with exception to 2 points.
1. Fiat currency sucks, yes. However, money itself is absolutely necessary. Its not a bad thing.
2. Economy is not about distributing goods. People have to come up with an idea for goods and services. Then they need to be implemented. If one person's business becomes popular enough, they reinvest the earnings into the business to make it grow. More people become employed at this business which continues to provide services or goods other people want. Nothing about "fair prices". Only a fair market. The market determines the price. Market is people.
Jack Cox
I am also a monarchist.
>t. 130iq brainlet. I was tested periodically during childhood and a couple times in adulthood.
what gets me is how people have such strong, unwavering opinions on economic theory despite knowing literally nothing on economics. Imagine if someone had a very strong opinion on the proper interpretation of Physics, but had never learned what a vector was. Just the sheer ignorance and resoluteness of these morons.
>yeah I'm into the many world interpretations. it appeals to me >Uhh I'm sorry I've never heard of this "eigenvalue". What is that?
Whenever I talk to people about economics, i always ask them - "have you ever read any book on economics?" If they haven't, I know I can instantly disregard their opinion and move on. It would be like listening to someone's opinion on movies who was born blind
'Constrained capitalism' is the reason u have crony capitalism. Once u set up something that can reward unproductive behaviour you incentivise bribing that system in place to get unfair benefit. Neets dont seem to get that.
Michael Clark
It's the same with politics and government. hence why democracy is a farce. It only sorta made sense when the constituency were property owning males who at least had some sense of household management, leadership, and literacy. Governance requires specialized knowledge. Voting is retarded.
Most ppl have little money, but their aggregate wealth is greater than that of the rich people (at least in developed countries).
Heres the incentive for "fair" capitalism.
Modern technology is all about finding small yet abundant sources of wealth. Businesses been adopting low margin high turnaround paradigm for a century and a half. But only now IT allows them to scale it magnificently.
And the more netflixes, adwords and such are out there in all the industries, the more noticeable poor people become. They get more opportunity to vote not politically but economically with their aggregate wealth. And all the companies that want to make profit will have to learn to effectively segregate people in preference groups and cater to them. The more pronounced this diversification is the harder it is to establish a monopoly that will dictate the prices and what the public is allowed to expect from them.
But there may be some complications on our way to such a society. What if existing monopolies learn to mend ppls psyche before they collapse? Propaganda is getting more subtle yet more effective. By making ppl agree with status quo via media and politics monopolists can stay in power indefinetely, which from an economic standpoint will be bad since the capital will be distributed suboptimally
Dylan Jones
>if you dont regulate them they starve people
Are you really dumb enough to believe this?
Gabriel Fisher
absolutely based. youtube makes it hard to watch this.
Henry Powell
Historically that is what happens when people can't pay their price. Farmers have always been cancer.
Logan Allen
Historically as in feodalism or earlier, when you could spend a third of your crops to resow the field, cos no herbicides, no pesticides, no fertilizers and shit strains.
Now farmers are much more efficient. All gubmint subsidies do is keep agro products prices artificially high. Half the farmers could go bankrupt and quit now and the consumers wouldnt notice. But no, farmers going bankrupt is bad. We need to put sugar and onions and corn syrup in every fucking thing to keep the demand artificially high. Ppl waste like 40% of food in US. Amd still ppl say farming should be subsidized or we all starve.
Connor King
BTC is not private or fungible
What use does a large corporate entity or institution have with a coin that can be analysed through chain analysis so that their competitors, foreign governments, or other bad actors can analyse all of their transactions data?
Information leaked includes relationships, supply chains, profit and loss information, accumulated wealth, and more.
For people serious about Business Monero is the answer. Data mining will be a serious issue for commercial deployments.