Reminder that the only reason you'd start your own business is because you were too much of a failure in life to be...

Reminder that the only reason you'd start your own business is because you were too much of a failure in life to be seen as valuable to an employer so you couldn't get a job.

Starting your own business is the equivalent to getting mad you can't get a woman to take you seriously and spending all day at home working out your right wrist.

Any questions?

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But ye you're right actually in that entrepreuners are even more cucked than wagies.

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This is a pretty interesting wage slave cope

>fall for the small business meme
>end up working 100 hour weeks while earning less than an entry level programmer or even some office workers

Attached: small business income.png (741x641, 70K)

Lol wagie cope. Imagine being a wagie and being this ass mad at someone with their own business to post cope projecting posts on a Japanese basket weaving website. Did a entrepreneur fuck the girl you were beta orbiting or something?

>some businesses are more successful than others
>all businesses make the same as low paying ones
Keep wagieing wagie faggot.

T. Ass blasted wagie who lost girl to alpha entrepreneur

The only way to do business is to become a larger business every year

If you arent making more money or in control of more wealth from the last year to the next theres no point

Most business's just end up with you being a stagnant wage slave to yourself

imagine being so stuck in the rat race that you need an employer to validate your life's worth.

Imagine thinking if you don't do at least 2 years in a toxic workplace it "looks bad on your resume".

>He doesn't own multiple passive incomes while doing contracting gigs when he feels like it.

op is an actual faggot with no sense of direction and has to work for someone elses dream. keep living your shit life faggot.

You need to come up with the money to build your passive income

>tfw my business is just daytrading crypto and sirposting on Jow Forums

It's a p ingenious wageslave cope + bait

She’s cute for a carny

You're sucking the dick of someone else who started a business.

>own my own business
>in under 3 years, make triple what i was making being an employee

how's your wage cage?

How would you get a job if people didn't start a business??? Check mate op faggot obilirated in one post.

Wagie? Me? Hahahahahhaha...hahahaaahah......hah...hah....haaa

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Delete this immediately.

>Works for an employer
>Employer is obviously a business owner
>OP is working for a loser (by his own logic). think winners work for losers, who have more money than them. Wow OP, you sure are insightful and totally not a coping wagie faggot.

no. working for a boss cannot make you rich. Also not being able to hold down a job is a good indication to do your own business.

No, corporations were created when the earth was created, all poisitions were available to those who arrived to work first-come-first-serve. All new businesses are heresy and made by losers.

>Starting your own business is the equivalent to getting mad you can't get a woman to take you seriously and spending all day at home working out your right wrist.

no starting your own business is getting mad at women so you become a women instead

This is a retarded infographic because most small business owners choose to take a small paycheck to keep their income taxes low. They make bank in the form of dividends from the business or by selling the business

>Worked in a finance role for three years in my early 20s making $100k
>Fucking hated it
>start company with brother doing something totally different
>earn fucking peanuts for 3 years
>love every day
>company now starting to turn a monstrous profit
>company turns over more in a month than I made the entire time I worked in finance
>Literally get up at about 10am every day, work from home, do whatever the fuck I want.

Yeah, really sucks user...

>if you don't submit to someone elses idea, you are a loser

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7/10 bait

Wagecuck cope

Cringe. Please kys