Uh where? >inb4 YouTube pajeets mumbling into microphones
Jayden Martinez
Same. I'm just too lazy
Zachary Cook
I learned some of it but it is mostly useless to me because I cannot maintain good relationship with people
making money without talking to people is hard
Jose Reed
Am I an retarded? I know these programs very well yet cannot find a job needing skills in them.
Andrew Rogers
You wanna give me your CC login so I can make dank meme vids??
Jaxon Collins
Discipline. Extremely hard to learn AND maintain.
Liam Scott
unironically when i was a wageslave i was learning and programming more then when i was a neet. Not sure how that comes. Heard it from other people too. When you're a neet it doesn't seem to matter that much. When you wageslave you see and want to get out i think. Not sure
Asher James
Unironically because learning a skillset like webdev takes a certain level of virtue and dedication
Owen Sullivan
I get it
William Flores
Because without a Degree in STEM there is no Boomer manager who will hire you for a relevant task (more than 30k annual)
Parker Morales
what is a CC login? just download the fucking programs for free you idiot
Adam Reed
>Because without a Degree in STEM there is no Boomer manager who will hire you for a relevant task (more than 30k annual)
Nathaniel Thompson
>Because without a Degree in STEM there is no Boomer manager who will hire you for a relevant task (more than 30k annual)
Is this true anons?
Asher Ross
Somewhat, but generally... Sounds like SE USA payscale, better anywhere else. The south is the India of America when it comes to low wages & shoddy quality/dependability of work.
Parker Reyes
No it’s not true. Very good CS jobs hire without a degree. The catch is you have to actually be good at what you do, build a portfolio of your talents on Github and if you make it to an interview you will typically be given a logical/mathmatical problem that you need to write code from scratch to solve.
Connor Evans
freecoursesite.com has free udemy courses you can download off torrent clients There are a lot of practical programming tutorials, if you want babby's first programming tutorial, pirate/buy JavaScript for Kids THIS. I can get on to study and shit, but after a month, it becomes tedious, and it fucking sucks because you only need 3 months to hardwire something into your brain when you're under 40 This too. But then I got another job, making more money, and I feel comfortable, like I don't need to learn how to code, but I fucking know if I get fired it's gonna take a while to find myself another good-paying job like the one I have right now Not true, you only need to go to courses sponsored by big companies and try to meet new people and build a network there Eventually you might find someone who clips with you and that person can help you get a job For instance, I got into a company as a Digital Marketer, there I met this British-Indian guy that is a PhD in Machine Learning, he is willing to give some recommendations for me if I learn how to code It's all about networking, specially in this day an age, if you're bad at socializing, try using LinkedIn, you woulnd't believe the amount of bullshitter there are in LinkedIn, guys that are hacks but they get hired because they have over 30k connections in LinkedIn and contantly post there I've seen it, you just need to learn some social skills
Asher Wood
>he has never looked
Gabriel Perry
I've mastered all those programs. Most of the jobs have gone to Fiverr dipshits in Indonesia.
Joshua Thompson
no one is going to pay you shit for learning Adobe suite you fucking idiot
every Brazilian, Indian and turd worlder can build an entire website for $100
Christopher Rodriguez
Microsoft Virtual Academy you brainlet
Dominic Bell
this, good luck trying to freelance with those. Best bet is to be hired on somewhere and lead their creative team.