No fap is turning me mad

I had 32 days without porn neither fap, and the latest days i had my mind turned in to something to crazy, at first some nights I experienced some huge desire of fuck my landlord(an old lonely woman), i thought it was ok because i she told me that she had nobody to be with these xmas.
Today I could n have resist because i only could think on sex the latests days so I put in loop some 60´s music and female laughing and started dancing naked alone in my room while i masturbated, to end i ejaculated on the whatsapp profile photo of the old woman.
Now i m felling like a mentally disable or something strange.
>pic unrelated

Attached: DuNH7cPXgAAwMFU.png (1200x987, 564K)

>put on laughing female sound effect

No fap or not, you are fucked in the head

are you white?

>Actually obeys some stupid challenge someone put on the internet
Maybe you should try the "no oxygen" challenge next so we won't have to read your retarded shitposts

france is white?

Try not masturbating or having sex for 6 months and waking up every couple of days in the middle of the night to clean up the mess of jizz in your boxers. This shit is hard.

Fucking old women is some french people shit are you sure this is a side effect of nofap

Easy on the sips there bud

but it is worth it?

arrête de nous afficher ici fdp

>I put in loop some 60´s music and female laughing and started dancing naked alone in my room while i masturbated, to end i ejaculated on the whatsapp profile photo of the old woman

gave me a good kek however

I think is because i hate she, she is rich af and don t care about the state of the flat, expensive af for a shiti flat, so every time in think she i get horny as a beast

you have nice sexdreams... this is better than porn.

You are weak. It takes around 90 days to reset. I'm on day 94 and feel good.

it depends on the age too, 21 years is harder than a teenager

>"no oxygen" challenge

Attached: okguy.jpg (275x183, 9K)

Dude your fine, this is a common in the nofap community, your doing great.

nofap is a meme

true Jow Forumsraelies fap every day but retain semen until day 7 for maximum testosterone and good prostate health

(if you dont fap your prostate goes to shit)

Pretty sure there was a link here the other day suggesting that your "muh prostate" bit only affects people over 50. At which point being sexually active at all triples your risk of suffering from a stroke. And monks live the longest of all males. But it's understandable for people like you to fall for it, considering how pro-sex corporate trolls shit up Wikipedia (which may very well be a corporate propaganda outlet at this point) and the entire internet as a whole with their "abstinence is bad and we (pseudoscientists) don't know why it's good" cancer. And thanks to gullible fools like you, they can even go so far as to rationalize giving free prostitutes to seniors via "health care," when again, it triples the stroke risk. And again, monks live the longest of all males. But please, do continue falling for cherry-picked "sex positive" propaganda statistics, while then maybe even feeling enlightened or intelligent for being a useful idiot/tool/cuck.

Kek. Doesn’t even sound like a larp.

And completely pointless

What challenge? It's a Jow Forums meme used to milk lulz out of newfags.

run run run run run run far awaaaaaay