Is this safe

Hello, if i have a clean Windows 10 machine,

I use Mycrypto and create a new online wallet and have a private key.

Are my keys safe? (assuming my PC is virus free)

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This is now a fren thread

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OP needs to bite the bullet and order a Ledger Nano S

I cant afford a Nano S.

I have only 350 LINKs and its not worth it . It costs me around £60-80

Yes it's safe

No. Install libreboot and gentoo and then you'll be safe. Do not go online ever.


On safe PC??


Pick one.

Never use an online wallet (a website). Download the programm.

NO. get a hardware wallet dummy - trezor or ledger

I have downloaded Mycrotp app now what

this, go with a clean linux install, do your coin thing and remove the HDD from the computer. myclitwallet is bullshit though. go with MEW

man, you need to dyor. coming here for a tutorial is asking for trouble. i think you might be better off keeping it on an exchange

Windows = literal bot net , eemmm i safe guys ? No faggot , use linux.

No I know what to do.

I am asking WHY is it unsafe to use a windows wallet ffs

Whats the biggest risk if there are no voirsues?

Windows is a botnet. Every piece of closed-source software is potentially a botnet spying on you. Nothing is safe. But it doesn't matter because it's 300 LINK; if you're at risk, so is just about everyone so don't worry about it.

Mycrypto was made by some mad roastie that literally copied the myetherwallet source code and made her own version, temporarily stealing the myetherwallet Twitter account in the process. Use myetherwallet and you'll be fine

Save money for a hardware wallet.

Get rid of windows. For crypto and other stuff it sucks it is a malware, virus, keylogger, ransomware nest.

Try Linux mint it is a Linux with windows-like user interface.

By the way Trezor hardware wallet is better for Linux (works fine).

There are viruses. If your anti-virus don't detect viruses, that doesn't mean there isn't any. Modified viruses are not detected by your antivirus.

What's more hackers often use security flaws on windows machines, but less often on Linux.

Should have done the opposite dawg, last thing before your fresh install unplug from the internet and make a bunch of paper wallets then format that bitch