The Sheiks are in people. 100 sats by Ramadan confirmed.
Holo will be at least 100 sats by Ramadan GET IN
The Mud Man calls for a correction.
The Jibrel whales that dumped are pumping the fuck out of this
The mudman has been usurped by the oil men
What does the mudman have to do with Sheiks and jibrel? Who the fuck is the mudman anyway?
50% LINK and 50% HOT. Will I make it? I only have 200 links and 100000 holo.
Why did I sell at 14?
woah you are difinitely gonna make it with this huge investment
Pls no bully I literally work at Mcdonalds.
Me to brother
you're doing fine for a McCuck
Don’t encourage him. Also imagine trying to justify buying this coin when you can get XRP at a mega discount
yeah but XRP is trash for literal Africans, HOT is for superior Indians
ples buy sirs , will get u many bobs
>XRP over HOT
Somebody doesn't want to get rich
Please enlighten me as to why XRP is such a bad hodl. Centralization is the only way to prevent things like CP from being sent across the blockchain. And the CEO said that major banks will be using ripple by the end of the year (18) so I assume its in use by now.
>Centralization is the only way to prevent things like CP from being sent across the blockchain
why even use crypto, then?
Exactly. That’s why you should buy ripple.
Sorry that went over your head kid
I guess I get your joke but it's still retarded and unfunny and you've done nothing but waste our time. At least you bumped the shill thread, I guess. WHEN MOON
What joke?
50 cents end of Q1
that would be nice
If ports ship soon and the testnet goes well then I *could* see it hitting 50 cents in Q2/Q3 maybe 10 cents Q1.
i unironically have 160 link, 14000 hot, and i work at checkers!
Big sell wall at 470 was eaten up. HOT has yet to pump hard like TRX did so its going to be interesting to watch this one unfold. The volume is crazy.
>The volume is crazy.
to be fair, it's pretty shit, far worse than it was even just a few months ago
still worth buying? no bs
Good long term hold, but will probably go down again before it goes up.
Pretty promising thing though, high risk high reward.
>50 cents
Isn't that insane?
these chode parabolas ain't gonna cut it. Lol, shitcoin.
it is and I hold 10mm.
1 cent is attainable
>tfw hot will make me so filthy rich ill buy so many camels and wives
They will call me the camel king my friends and I won't even need to go to paradise first to get my virgins
That would be a 100x pump from where it was 2 days ago. I can see $0.10 EOY, $0.50 within a 2 years and $1 within 3-5. It’s getting pumped huge after some research firm said it was a better long-term project than BTC, ETH, and ADA.
Shall I buy now or wait for a price drop, my dear anons?
Forgot zeroes. $0.50 would be a 1000x pump from 3 days ago and $0.01 by end of Q1 is reasonable.
Buy some now and some if a price drop happens (I think it will)
This is a pretty long term hold though.
fuck it, i bought in again. if it pumps like it did some months ago there's still another 50% in it. just have a tight stop
Buy now. It’s going to pump like a motherfucker over the next few weeks because of the upcoming Holofuel token swap, which will be supported by Binance. Holoports are also due to ship and a lot more attention will be put on it. This will easily do a 2-5x before the swap. Easy money. FOMO in.
optimistic but possible
When you say Trx type gains do you mean going to 30 cents like Trx did or are you taking into account supply of coins where Trx like gains would put hot at maybe 5 cents or whatever
I think he means relative
We'd all be millionaires otherwise lol
na, most will sell long before it gets above a few cents
Weiss? Didn't they say this like 2 months ago in their ratings?
Its probably from the NASDAQ article
whats up with the 90m buy wall that keeps coming and going?
A whale is trying to drop the price with panic dumps when he removes the wall
You think?
Why would he be panicking with 90 mil?
That's plenty for a sex change surgery
Holy shit
inshallah bro I will use my profits to go on hajj with my parents
Based and Sheik pilled
We are still pumping AAAAAAAA
not even pumping bro
I'm going to fucking kill myself. I fucking sold at 380 and now its just pumping and pumping. Oh for fuck sakes I'm so dissapointed in myself fucking failure
I hate when that happens. Hope you feel better brah
Why would you sell to maybe make 10-15%? When it's going to a dollar soon?
What's your stack size ???
when HOT hits $0.50 I'm going to unironically have $50,000. That'll be amazing. I'll have more money than I've ever heard of anyone having in my entire village!
We did it, reddit!
I feel okay, but I'm guite entertained on my own stupidity. Don't get me wrong, I'm a complete noob and taught that I could make some more holo on that 'little' pump. Then the motherfucker pumps like shit.
I had 5m hot. Yea well, I tought it would go down from the 14sats but then this miricle happens and my favourite alts seem to be pumping like hell. This is so funny
I'm literally drinking my grey goose straight up with blue cheese olives and an amazing garbage salad while reading the tears of you selling at 380 LOL.
You made my night.
I guess I made my night to desu
is that a bar or your private domicile, citizen?
Also.... i was a planning on killing myself after drinking that martini and garbage salad, because some feminist anti trump chick was talking to me the last couple hours rabdomly. But since I know
You fucked up that badly I'm so happy now
> tfw bought sub 100 gwei because of Jow Forums shills
Eternally comfy, I just wish I had bought more
what in the i say what in the hoot is happenin right on i say right on over here
fomo back in brother
Wish I was you
Nothing but green volume for 18+ hours straight?
Steakhouse in Skokie IL. Ej's place
Kek I will suck a dick if this dumps back to atleast 380 I promise
You know that very possible right?.... you must be a female or gay
I'm not gay and obviously not a female
>I will suck a dick in this very likely circumstance
>I might just suck one anyway
>I'm not gay though
Disgusting. The absolute state.
20 sat. buy now. don't fomo in at 30+ satoshis
There's no way it's going to breach 21... right?
how many levels of butthurt is this guy on
There’s a big difference between a decentralized network, and a distributed one. The distributed route that Holochain is taking should – theoretically – remove the need for consensus and allow data integrity to be maintained between peers, instead of across the whole network.
This is important. It means that Holochain isn’t just aiming to be a dApp. It’s aiming to compete directly with the largest cloud computing players in the world, in a $130 billion market dominated by Microsoft, Amazon, and Google.
Crypto Briefing just completed a full, institutional-grade analysis of the token, the kind usually reserved for major Hedge Fund managers.
Cryptobriefing + Weiss. 2 of the major R&D reporting agencies that survived bear market is calling it. Wouldn't be surprised if this eventually replaces ETH.
Whales buying in now = like buying ETH at $5
More like buying BTC at $5 but yeah
it's at 20x ICO so this is like buying ETH at around $2, so if it reaches the equivalent of even today's post-bubble ETH value, that means HOT could hit $0.54 each
goddamn, I am so glad I didn't sell earlier
We're testing resistance... might have to dump rn
ripple isn't even a bad hold, I'm all in on it. But HOT has more room for growth because it's only a couple sats right now.
So smart dude... who are here dudes who buy at 11 SATS and sell at 14
50% of all Muslims worldwide are inbred from countless generations of incest promoted by their pedophile prophet.
Lots of liberals make fun of redneck West Virginia inbreds but America has only roughly 200k rednecks but there are 1.6 billion Muslims and 50% are inbred... since marrying your first cousin is the norm in Muslim countries
Nicholai sennels the danish psychologist has studied this phenomenon for years here is the link
>who are here dudes who buy
some reasonable buys going through