What went wrong

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golddiggers love him

why do all you talk about jeremy lin so much

Did anyone buy his course? Is it good? Did you learn a lot?

wheres the lunch pic with her bf

She left him for a guy names Trent.
There are vids online.

With jews you lose

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lmao imagine being Asian but instead of being the good Asians like Chinese or Japanese you are a southeast Asian. eternal COPE

He looks like Zoomer Sunny Lu in that picture.

>singapore is less developed than japan

pic related. also pretty sure this nigga was from Thailand but could be wrong.

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Mainland chinks aren’t good. Terrible manners, terrible modern “culture” and terrible ethics.

The good Asians are Japs, Koreans and Singaporeans.

He is from Laos

I pirated it, its god tier stuff

upload it on mega then, fren

>favourite person
This phrase is a red flag for mental illness, particularly BPD.

I would but i'm too lazy, gl user.

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His course isn’t even that good. You can literally learn everything just by watching his 2 min twitter vids and a few of his free YouTube vids. He scalps low time frames and uses rsi and macd , quick 1% plays with large positions so it’s easy to make a few hundred every play.

He finally lost his virginity at like the age of 32. I'm so proud of him.

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why are wall st rich guys such cucks in romance?

She's not going to age well
She already looks 30+
would still bang bc I'm 65 but def would not marry

>im 65

why the fuck u browsing this fucking shit site at 65

how does it feel to be old as fuck?

more like his bf

Not him, but it feels ok man.

Any advice for the young people?

shit man. only 25. you make it user? you got any knowledge to drop

Buy chainlink.

im balls deep already

Buy more.

how many to make it,

tell me user


how many tell me ill market buy them right fucking now

all fake, brainlets. classic no tax exit scam

muh fp