Which crypto leaders are the most dedicated to their project and least distracted by females?

Which crypto leaders are the most dedicated to their project and least distracted by females?

I vote for Vitalik since he's so unhealthy he probably has no testosterone in his system.

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Voting for sergey

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calvin ayre

fuck this dumb fucking board, i'm sick of these brappers being posted constantly. fuck you all

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He seems like the type to be easily distracted by females, and of course, food. Wasn't he using Air BnB to bang russian thot couchsurfers?

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Hold it right there! You can bang russian thots on Airbnb?

how is this allowed? she is at work wtf

And they were all EXTREMELY happy with Sergey. He probably has a huge oracle.

>crypto leaders

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Gotta get those tips somehow.

Don't kid yourself. Decentralization doesn't exist.

based CZ of course

I want a girl to shit in my mouth

haha imagine stuffing your nose in there and inhaling a big whiff how crazy would that be haha

Kek never change Jow Forums.

I meant devs, not beauty models

jesus christ that is such a great ass its literaly perfect

>guy who does nothing but travels around to attend on "conferences" does the best job
Deluded linkies...

Vitalik has a boyfriend. DYOR.

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If you have game. It's like a european hostel. "Hey ladies, stay in my apartment for cheap while you are vacation. And I'll show you around town..."

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She goes by baristaskye, but it looks like her Instagram was deleted.

what is this place

Probably some drive through coffee joint.

You know it

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