Who else works a shit job and wants to die? I make $11 an hour doing hard physical labor every day

Who else works a shit job and wants to die? I make $11 an hour doing hard physical labor every day.

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only you

Change something.

Make $11 as a cashier instead. It’s mind numbing but you’ll never have to do anything physical.

>tripfagging actual name

Go back to plebbit

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My teal name is David Coppernski, so jokes on you.

job is literally killing me.
>hours interfere with sleep cycle
>inhale poisons all day

Everyday I wake up I want to desperately kill myself and get it over with

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at least it's a good workout

Just leave. there is nothing there for you.

Lol have a good read on Freddy noetzsche

I work in shitty job without any education. Making $29/h tho... Not even mad :P

>tfw bank teller

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It could be worse. You could be like me, working salaried 60-70 hours a week in a phd program. I make almost $6/hour after taxes, and i pay half of my income in rent. But no one cares, because "phd students are supposed to be poor."

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>Make $12 an hour
>Do basically nothing unless it's the holidays.
Feels fairly decent man.

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Just. Why?

Some people just make poor life choices

Get a real physical Job, work in grocery warehouse, starting is like 14 an hour. With incentive you can make 40k. Just have to actually work.

come work for me ill give you freedom.
help build my new empire


Lifting bunch of crates, boxes and using forklifts is not a "real physical job", not even if some potato crates would weigh +70lbs and you would once in a blue moon have to move it with your hands to some trolley

There is actual, body-devastating work that is dangerous for your health, that kind of work that leaves your body, even fingers, aching after a day of work da because of drilling tools, mechanical saws and constant repetative actions (every 10 seconds heavy lifts)

I used to work in a forest industry where we would construct wooden crates and wooden pallets for marine trade. No countrymen of mine were able to do the job, most quit after one week or got bad injuries. Only Russian, Polish and Estonian immigrant workers accepted the job, I did it for 6 months. Constant handling of min. 100lbs wet wooden material, using heavy ass mechanical saws and cutting off metal for the crates. After a day of work you would vomit and cough black phlegm because so much shit in the air from metal dust, saw dust and fungus from the raw tree material.

Leave these kind of jobs for eastern europeans, slavs etc. not fit for white people

I had to leave my research job because of government funding cuts and now I give genetic counselling. Day after day I just stare into the abyss as society degenerates around me.

I can't help these people because the truth is they don't want help. They'll risk their child inheriting severe diseases because they want a fashion accessory or think a child will fill the emptiness from being alone and unloved.

"Sure the kid will most likely be retarded, but I want a beautiful caramel baby to carry around so I can show everyone how comitted to multiculturalism I am"

"But I'm 47 and maybe if I become an aging single mother, barely able to provide for my socio-economically and genetically FUCKED child, I can make them dependent on me so I'll never feel alone again"

I'm considering quitting and going back to my job in a steel yard. At least there things seemed so simple and I had friends.