
Anybody else have a feeling this will not be the same old repetitive speech by the toilet conference like in the past? That 25m volume/6k to 12k satoshi pump wasn't random. It is going to happen.

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>this time is different
sirgay will do the same old speech until he's cashed out. chainlink is one of the most elaborate crypto scams ever seen

>get rich slow scam
sounds just about sergey's pace

I believe it’s going to be a collaborative “how I think the future will play out” sort of chat.

Have faith.

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we're dealing with a philosophy major here kek. he's not the brightest criminal in the financial world

smart enough to base his "business" out of the cayman islands though at least lel

Just like 99.9% of all crypto projects. Stop holding shitcoins and start swingtrading, you stupid faggots.

Our man in the plaid is sharing the stage with the founder of a multi billion dollar company. Who cares about any announcements, it’s gonna be enlightening. Excited I’ll be attending.

idk i dont think so OP its nothing really

t. retard


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Oh man, link is never going to get anywhere. I mean we dont actually know anything, what they have done and are they even close to finishing it.

I'm starting to believe day after day rhat sergey is scamming us and we are all just so fucking stupid to fall for it. Like the losers we are at this tibetian jungle juice board

haha they should it in a hot tub or something that would be so weird haha

Die slow or get rich trying

i would pay a LOT of money to see that

pic VERY related

Attached: swingy.png (1652x1342, 548K)

That was a fucking larp
Eth never instantly shot up 6x
Check the price history on cmc
It shot up to $50, stayed there for a bit, shot up to like $190, then dipped to $130 in a day. At worst this faggot would still have over 33% of his original stack. He also could've been smart. If he sold at $50, when it hit $75 simply buy back in and take the hit. Even eth never went up from $50 to $100 in an instant. If you paid attention you could've bought in. He got greedy and didn't know when to cut his losses.

bearish as fuck. good to know though. won't be any announcements, it's just a discussion. definitely another opportunity to swing if you're not a massive pussy.

Holy shit I literally fucked this girl last month

she got a hot sister too with big tiddies

keep believing it was a larp.
until you're in his shoes

Wtf is with my ID
Letters are all caps

It’s when Kek detects a pathetic ass larp

>mainnet launches
>chainlink now requires a separate blockchain
>no usage because everybody is waiting on ethereum
>interest slowly starts disappearing
>link can no longer hide behind the possibility of adoption, the product is there and nobody cares
>price drops
>volume drops
>speculators move on

its happened to every ethereum token that jumped the platform.

>comparing a dime a dozen ico funding token to ethereum

I'd pay an entire LINK token ($10,000) to see it.

Attached: 65d.png (434x327, 32K)

Kek knows you lied

this guy didn't even bother too read the whitepaper. the current state of ethereum is more than enough for chainlink too work. hint:snapshots

no mass adoption for smart contracts means the niche that is oracles becomes a niche within a niche.

>Blockchain agnostic

Don’t listen to this guy. Please for god sake

thats weasel words for we'll always rely on a much more successful platform to make our platform useful.

I kinda read it as "our system reduces the required input and output to a form which is easy enough to integrate with any blockchain product on the market depending on future unknown issues that a particular single blockchain will be able to deliver. It also means that maybe it will come right out of the gate running on many blockchains at once?"

Also, do you personally "hate" chainlink? Or, what is it about the project that causes you such feelings?


Clearly this

It's cause you're a tall ass dude. How tall are you really?

Get your ducks in a row.

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It should be done like rhett and link. They rank food like snacks from best to worst and maybe rank the oracle providers. They can do it all while sharing a bath of chicken soup.