Get in here Skyfleet, subcucks are finally btfo by their scam ceo, there is no more competition, moon is commencing.

Attached: skycoin.png (1263x800, 80K)

Other urls found in this thread:

delet this

>pls fomo sir

Attached: (474x314, 21K)

this is actually big. thanks for the heads up bro.

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>moon is commencing
I own some sky bugs, but c'mon
>24h 0% change

LOL their telegram got raided too

Attached: subtelegram-raidded.png (703x800, 365K)

top kek

stop posting about this skycoin scam.. ok... it's been known as a scam for a year and a half now

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The amount of mindless sky shilling means that an exit scam will be coming soon.

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holocucks are next

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Holy fucking shit lol, they abandoned their telegram channel:

>yes sir, very legitimate sky-crypto sir

Skycoin is a legitimate company that generates more anual revenue than its total current market capitalization. They produce both hard- and software and deliver actual services and real-world applications. This year they will be releasing hardware wallets, antennas for independant mesh networks, Obelisk, etc, etc

You fudfags are legit retarded. If you are gonna fud, atleast make it good fud. Goddamn.


>Skycoin is a legitimate company that generates more anual revenue than its total current market capitalization.
Revenue from what might I ask?

>Skycoin is a company, not a crypto
Yeah, that shit they called 'crypto' was impossible to develop till completion. Their exit scam and pivot into another vertical is the only wise decision that they did.

is this the same person

>Skyschizo paranoid schizophrenia surfacing again

Attached: sky7.png (550x442, 239K)


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probably some phoneposter. They infest Jow Forums nowadays.

There are thousands of people running skyminers, offering one of the fastest VPN services availible, powered by the SKY core-architecture. They are also being paid millions by companies to develop real-world blockchain applications. 2019 will see a huge roll-out of all sorts of tech.

again, its the ONLY thing in this entire market that isn't some ponzi-scheme based on hot air and marketing.

Cope harder and spread some more fud faggot.

It's an ok VPN service, and only that. Not crypto. Not investible.

maybe you should get a VPN

>buy sky VPN sirs, pls

The entire ring of applications is being run on the SKY platform and is being powered by crypto. One skycoin generates the skyhours needed to use any of it's applications.

If sky is succesfull, then holding one SKY is the equivalent of being the owner of an oil rig that continuously produces the stuff everything runs on. It's a gold bar that shits out silver coins every hour.

It's literally the best investment one can possibly make. Mark my words... one SKY will be 250+ dollars come 2020.

Yea, sure. Show us the third party audit report.

they work for holo it should be pretty obvious by now

China cracked down on all ICO related cryptos and banned al fraudulous projects in 2017 and 18. The fact that SKY continues doing business there should tell you a thing or two.

One skycoin = one beachfront property

>It's a gold bar that shits out silver coins every hour.
yeah uhm cause things that seem too good to be true are usually legit.

CX programming language is the main attraction at the moment. Dumb money just doesn't understand how important it is to have a coding language designed for blockchain applications so they think that projects that don't even use solidity are even viable.

It's time for you noskyers to get some free skycoins and see how cool it is

Attached: IMG_7790.jpg (1080x1067, 347K)

CX is a nice scam. It's just go with blockchain functions. Solidity was designed from the grund-up for smart contracts, but brainlets don't understand it, therefore compare it to mainstream language.

Those who invested in google or any other early startup that became succesful were probably told the exact same thing.

I'm telling you, sky is different from anything else in this market. It's the only thing that can be considered an actual business producing actual products on a platform that can actually be considered the next step in the evolution of crypto.

Man, you people are your own worst enemies.

yeah yeah... scam here, scam there, scam this, scam that bla bla bla.

Even the fucking inventor of solidity can't even write a secure amart contract with it Without losing millions to a 'noob'. Fucking off yourself mETH head.

You still don't get why solidity exists and why it can't be simply replaced by a go-lang clone. Read the evm docs ffs.

Glad you agree with me.

Because you're a fucking retard who likes to larp like they are an expert. People like you are a dime, a dozen, and represent a net drain on society. Solidity and EVM had to be created to remove a bunch of dangerous functionality because a million pajeets are going to code smartcontracts on it. Even with the "safety features" it's still a mess.
>blockchain functions
CX is based on golang, but it uses affordances work as a filter to basically compartmentalize the elements of a program increasing security. They are also useful in logic. It also has a powerful built in serialization feature that is deterministic. You most certainly still don't understand why solidity exists, much less why CX exists, because people like you are incapable of learning.

>say useless things completely out of his ass
>accuse others for “not getting it”
good job user. I’m glad people like you are staying the fuck out of skycoin

>useless thing
yep, you're completely clueless

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I'm stuck in government forced slave labour for practically 10$ a day for a year. This means I can't earn money even tho I want to.

But I have an idea. Every day during breaks I will spend my time on binance trading crypto. I have some investments in chainlink already. I want to make some money investing on good coins so I can get moni. Where do I start? Advice phlox, I didn't go to business school and I wasn't born on Wall Street

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i'll buy when there's proof of the consensus method working in decentralized fashion

I was investing heavy in sky. Then the price tanked from 30 dollars to a dollar because of some scam/kidnapping FUD. I don’t know what to believe. Now my heart is totally broken from crypto and see SKY as a facade. You assholes ruined a good sky marine.

You're just another Jow Forums faggot who bought high and sold low.... nothing new. The entire market turned to shit and you're just a lousy fudfaggot. That's the whole truth of it.

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>I don’t know what to believe.
I believe you're pretty dumb desu. Skycoin has provably been around since before 99% of scammers got into crypto. The founders of Ethereum weren't scammers either, but Ethereum created a platform that attracted few innovators and swarms of scammers. Skycoin was announced to the public before Ethereum was, and it's mainnet went active before Ethereum. I'm talking about the distributed ledger mainnet. by the way All the scammers came into crypto because it was so easy to make Eth smartcontract tokens and swindle the public. All the FUD is projection.

I’m still buying you idiot. Kek

Thank you fren. I actually feel better after reading that

is airdrop enough to make it

>All the FUD is projection.
Shame there's no fud, but a legitimate, unanswered, crushing defect list

fucking lol

Mostly selling specialized tech and software to governments and companies. They take what they learn from customer demands and apply it to the Skycoin platform. Things like a power company being able to make edits/corrections to transactions for a certain period of time.

fren the path to making it has ups and downs, reality isn’t perfect, the price doesn’t correlate with project quality. A lot of people think Synth is a clown and blame him for the problems of Skycoin. The reality is that Synth is only the face, and the project has an enourmous community full of developers, miners, and just regular people. In 2009 the crypto cult was all about money printing, now it’s about internet privacy and censorship.

Skycoin is the future of everything.

9/10 traders lose more than they make. Your best bet is to keep buying Link. If you really have to trade only do it with a small part of your total and buy low sell high.

Post literally any evidence that Skycoin makes money selling ‘tech’ and software to ‘governments and companies’. Absolute nonsense. For any newfag lurking this thread who haven’t figured it out yet. The scam with Skycoin IS the hardware they try to sell you. None of the hardware they sell is useful for anything. If you bought a skyminer or hardware wallet or antenna you got scammed.