Reminder that despite >the year long bear market >the bursting of the ICO bubble >dirty LINK meme posters on Twitter >near zero marketing and communication from the team, >hordes of LARPs who invariably fall short >Enforced FUD campaign on reddit >Sergeys ever expanding waistline >typo tiger mommy >the general autistism of the core supporters of LINK lending the project a certain stinky and undesirable aura
Despite all that, not A SINGLE user who bought into the ICO is in the red, at any point in time since active trading commenced. Can you say the same for your non-LINK ICO bags? Stay stinky marines, we are all gonna make it
I'm literally starting to loose my mind. So many hours in biz with stinky memes and the lack of communication. I am coming mental and might end up in a psychiatric hospital and wont even be able to enjoy my gains. I get to the point where my mind goes in a catatonic shutdown and simulates a new, better dream world while my vessel is on a straight jacket, drooling in a soft round room jelling Sergay and drawing smart contracks with my blood.. Plz help me
Josiah Sanchez
I'm locking myself in a secure enclave till mainnet
Sebastian Richardson 6 month performance. Should've been MUCH higher though. Most underrated project of this century
Kevin Evans
We already made it. What happened is that we made it so fast that most of our limited perception cannot comprehend the rapid onslaught of success in our lives. Our conscious is projecting a "false reality" where we have not yet made it because if it let us realize that you we made it, it would be too much of a shock to our mind and body.
So the only thing left to do is wait until your mind and body can catch up with reality in a safe manner. When that happens you will know you have made it, but rest assured we have made it already.
user... you are allready in a asylum, this is were it all started, you are in a comastate, please if the singularity happens, wake up. otherwise we are pulling the plug on you please user i miss you mom
Leo Rogers
i'm in the same boat ie experiencing quantum visions of the future inspired by the technology that is decentralised trustless oracles and blockchains and ive come to the conclusion that this shit simple takes time to be adopted... we are too early but yeah your psychotic visions are accurate