Drumpftards should leave america. Prove me wrong

If you cannot compete with people who have no education, can barely speak English and can't even be hired legally it means one of 2 things.

You're genuinely retarded and should be able to claim welfare.

Or that you're lazy, and instead of putting in the slightest effort to beat people at a huge disadvantage to you screech and try to drag them down.

America is for winners, and if illegals can outcompete you despite huge disadvantages frankly they're more American then you.

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i'm not a social darwinist

>edgy NPC
>low quality bait


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>stinky Paco works for less because he doesn't pay taxes
It's not a competition, it's cheating.

That's why all you libshits gonna end up on lamp posts. People don't like cheaters.

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i agree thats its not great Paco doesnt pay taxes while you pay. However i think instead forcing paco to pay taxes, you shouldnt pay taxes aswell.

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If paco gets caught he is deported back to mexico and is right back where he started with no repercussions. If you don't pay your taxes you are in prision. So it's technically a disadvantage in this country to be a white male. I'm demanding reparations for being discriminated against as a white male in america.

The jannies mute me for posting NIGGER yet garbage threads like this are allowed to exist?
thx gook moot

this argument has already been debunked. crapitalism doesn't care about brining jobs back. americans cost too much. you really need to abandon your work hard mentality. capitalism doesn't give a shit how hard you work. all it cares about is how CHEAP you will work.

Reminder that wypepo that operate at the level of illegal spics do not deserve a comfortable lifestyle.

>The people that build our roads, bridges, homes and offices shouldn't be comfortable because they get massively undercut by illegals

Neck yourself Paco Shekelstein. The quality of construction in this country has gone massively downhill because of these beaners.

I get 2 day ban for posting pink Wojack AAAAAAAAA thread because of low quality discussion yet this thread is somehow considered “quality discussion”?

>ITT triggered edgelord 20 yo npcs

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>If you don't work for slave wages in poor conditions to pad some jews pockets you don't deserve to have a job
>Having a literal slave class undermining wages is good
You are going to be lined up against the wall one day. I hope you know that.

>they don't pay taxes
>they inflate the supply of labor, driving wages down
>they cost a MILLION dollar in tax money, each

Get out

>just keep importing hundreds of thousands of people who whites

What can go wrong!?

>hundreds of thousands

It's over 80 million "people" at this point, and that's ONLY the illegals.

> hur hur those dumb rednecks won't work for below minimum wage because companies can't just threaten to deport them
Yeah, fairly typical. Gotta secure those brown people for cheap labor hey? Make sure they compete for all the low-skilled jobs with the other suckers crowding around the poverty line yeah? All while making their neighborhoods dangerous because they need to do extra to get by.

Go fuck yourself, faggot. The only thing this post and posts of similar sentiment has proven is how you should not be legally allowed to perform any function other than being fertilizer because of your hypocritical metropolitan gutter-trash attitude. It goes in all fields.

I meant per year

Imagine still caring about politics in 2019. None of it matters because it is out of your control.

Nice fallacy OP. It's not about qualifications retard, it's about broke ass immigrants willing to dothe kind of jobs no self-respecting american worker should be doing in 2019 for less than or even minimum wage. Nobody should be paid $12/hr to clean your fucking toilet at work, and yet here we are because there is an infinite supply of desperate losers across the border who will gladly slavecuck away keeping the min wage down.

What if I dont want texas to turn blue and make the U.S permanently democrats catering to minorities until they eventually attack the whites who built this country more than they already have? What if I dont want 9 million more professional fast food workers every year?

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>None of it matters because it is out of your control.

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im a maple leaf fag, but sometimes during NFL games we get US commercials. i do have to say, im not surprised why most people are retarded in the US. they are fed completely horseshit from the moment they're born. i actually get fired up after watching some fucking prick talk about how i have to take some pill to solve 1 problem but the side effects will create 50 other problems. how the fuck do people even survive in the USA? Are you all actually retarded?

paco gets deported back to his favela where he has a 99% chance of being murdered within a year

u incels need to stop playing the victim card. a real chad is never a victim

Shut the fuck up leaf, no one gives a fuck about your stupid poor ass irrelevant country. Go chug some maple syrup and get fucked by a moose

>Paco has to deal with other Pacos who will kill him because they are pacos
>Lets import them

You idiot, this is just a distractor that the left makes up and unfortunately some people actually fall for it
The real issue is the fact that useless immigrants come in and Democrats supply them with free gibs which comes from tax dollars. These immigrants leech off of society while supplying more votes for the Democrats

Do you even need to ask that?

never said import them however to assume paco isnt being punished is false. he has been given a death sentence

all the latino countries have extreme rates of corruption and violence and sending people back to that is the worst punishment u can give

people often forget the genetic lottery they won being born european or american and some asian countries

We shouldn't have to compete with them. They shouldn't be here.

>sending people back to that is the worst punishment u can give
No it isn't. The worst thing you can do is let them take our welfare. They are so shitty they can't even take control over places they were born. Why do we need them?

He isn't being punished though His natural state was living there. Being forced to go back to his home isn't a punishment as he didn't earn the right to be elsewhere.

I don't give a fuck about the genetic lottery. The reason Latino countries have extreme rates of corruption is because they are full of fucking corrupt latinos. Tough fucking shit. Don't ruin another country with their shit.

who is this "we"?

i have never once had to compete with these poeple for a job

how about useless americans become somewhat useful? crazy concept. should kick these useless americans out too with the useless immigrants

>Offers no proof of being right
>Demands people prove him wrong
Fuck off. You entitled millennial cunt.

>The quality of construction in this country has gone massively downhill because of these beaners
The overall design of the building is done by the architect. You're dumb nigger if you think the construction crew is responsible for the quality of any building.

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More laborers = decreased wages

Do you enjoy paying for healthcare, housing, and food for millions of 3rd world invaders and their 10 kids each even though they have never paid a dime into the system? What an absolute cucked faggot.

lel... meritocracy... uhh yea... if your Family doesn't know the owners of Companies, you freshies are fucked.

What do you think happens to America if we open the border and let all the murderous savages flood into the country unrestricted (basically how things are now)

Hold on, I thought they were only letting in "skilled" workers with degrees?