Is humanity a bubble?

Is humanity a bubble?

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population decreases in the next 5 years by 50%, it's going to be gross

Yes. There's no doubt that humanity will go back to sub one billion population when the planet's ability to sustain us grinds to a halt, but whether we completely die off or manage a new start in the ruins of this civilisation is anyone's guess.

so the bottom is set betweem 3.5-4bn?

how do i short?

>how do you short?
make as many friends as possible and get copies to as many of their keys as possible, passwords, etc. Then outsurvive 50% of the population (possibly 75%)

most likely god is going to take them in light but if corpses are left behind you better have gas masks and biohazard suits.

Study disease control, and make friends who are planning to survive also

dumb it!

The planet doesn't have "an ability to sustain us". We sustain ourselves and we'll mine every rock in the galaxy if we have to.

>he was born? dump it

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We can't even send a man to the moon and you're saying we can conquer the Galaxy?

Your fantasies are ridiculous.

So a kind of tontine?

>1000 B.C
>1000 A.D
>1 A.D

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sure - good luck getting all that info though without it being sus

^This, lol. also:
>having population data through 2025 in 2019

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they should fix the georgia guidestones
with a bazooka

You can't. Better men will figure it out as they always do.

Get to it then!

Sounds like an actual use for a smart contract to me (not that I'd fucking trust it personally).

Nigga we'll conquer the universe. We're the first intelligent life to develop. Someone has to be the first and we're it.

Clearly there are exceptions tho, foo.

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We will completely die off.

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The God Emperor will guide us.

Suffer not the heretic, the mutant, the alien.

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Yes. There will be a Great Culling soon. Only Whites, Japanese and hot latinas will survive.

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Just want to let you know.. the found a cat in wyoming YESTERDAY with the black death virus. Google it... its returned to go super bear short humans now

Well the climate and environment looks set to kill off a lot of people sometime in the next 50 years maybe. No way that level of growth is sustained anyway.

This guy is a microbiologist

It never would have grown this high if Western countries didn't give billions in foreign aid to Africa, India, etc etc. If all Western countries cut foreign aid, all of these people would be dead from disease in less than 1 generation. Kek.

Yes, it’s popping as we speak. Many of you here are zoomers and neets that don’t know what the marriage/family game is like. 35 y/o Boomer here with family and lots of friends in similar boat. Heres the gist, fertility rates are dropping, this is evident amongst those i know who are “trying” for a kid. Beyond my own experience, studies are showing that it’s not just women who are to blame because of “muh career” but mens quality and quantity of sperm has been decreasing since the 50s or 60s (i’ll dig up the study later, on the can), so yeah, it’s pretty obvious that fertility rates are dropping - at least in the first world.

Buy land, build concrete bunker-fort castle style, rule your area after a crash like a king in own castle.

ahahah infertile cuck cope
go get some of tyrone's potent seed

3rd world compensates for that. They have like 10 kids per family on average.

Fucking lol

>hubris, the post

Based rock

definitely need to fix the shitskin problem if humanity's longevity is important

technologyfags really think we'll ever be able to travel outside the solar system if that

I have two kids, I'm good.

Zoom out

First generation yes, but once their children become first worlders it drops like a fucking rock

It doesn't help that so many bleeding heart fags donate to hungry shitskins and so preventing natural selective culling and also let Ebola do it's thing next time

buy the dip.

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The funny thing is most westerners have no clue how to scrape . Any mass killing event will leave mostly 3rd worlders to pick up the pieces.

Those sub-humans will rip eachother apart. That'll be the end of the human race.

This graph is wrong, there hasn't been a record of the worlds population for that long.

Someone should seriously take a hammer and smash that stone into pieces.

The black death was just the first selloff and so was this crypto bear market.

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>mfw population growth has been caused by low interest rates
>mfw in a truly free market economy population would be much lower and pollution would be much lower too
>mfw the environmental disaster we're living has nothing to do with free market capitalism and everything to do with governments controlling the economy

>zoom out

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>real capitalism has never been tried!
You're just as bad as those dumb commies.

>population growth has been caused by low interest rates

If this was truen than why have niggers and pajeets been breeding like rabbits for the last 40 years?

Yes. Nature always finds a way to balance things out though. There will be another mass extinction event soon enough (nuclear war, disease, climate change, water shortage, AI, etc). The more humans there are the sooner this will happen.

You can't centrally manipulate interest rates to encourage growth in a true free market economy. How can people be so stupid to believe you can have a free market economy when a government has complete control over the most important good in an economy, money...

You idiots understand that in a free market economy there would be a free market of money too right??

The intermingling is the State in the economy at any capacity is not capitalism

>we're the first
Do you understand how old and large the universe is? Billions of other intelligent civilizations could have come and gone before the earth even came into existence. We aren't special.

It’s an estimate, ya dangus

Nope, we're still an early adopter.

Nah, it's too unpredictable and fucks over people unneedlessly. Fake capitalism is based and redpilled.

>Do you understand how old and large the universe is? Billions of other intelligent civilizations could have come and gone before the earth even came into existence. We aren't special.

Absolutely no evidence of any intelligent life in the universe is seen anywhere else. We are thus unique and special untill you can prove there is any life out there.


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Ever heard of the fermi paradox? The only logical explanations is that there are ayys out there actively trying to hide (which makes sense) or that there were other intelligent ayys on their planets who died to the Behavioral sink and never managed to build spess ships anyway.

Aliens don't exist and the world is flat.

That's not enough though

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The only way we observe far away locations is by rays travelling to us which have their own age as they travel through space to come to us. The fact that we exist proves that there is a rate of incidence in the universe that *will* create life. That this imaginary number exists is enough to prove that we are no where near unique or special.

>everyone I dont agree with is a flat earth believer

Look at what happened every time two civilizations met. One of them got fucked by the other. Anyone smart enough to observe what's happening around him understands the basic rule of the universe: You're either the predator, or the prey. Anyone who evolved long enough on a planet, fighting for dominance, knows that he shouldnt be broadcasting his presence to any other, potentially much bigger, much more advanced civilization.

That, and the even more likely explanation, is that life tends to destroy itself. The population boom from OP is an example. What says that all other aliums before us didnt also evolve from a simple basic organisms to living beings like us, only to fuck up their own planet and die like bitches on them? It wouldnt too much of a surprise if the same thing happens to humans in the next century.

Strong support @1 billion
set stoploss at 7 billion and rebuy @ 1.5 to make sure

Thanks for the cheapies dumb doomers - banks.

This polluted plot of land was planned. There are infrastructure to extract whatever that is useable and recycle it back into the society. Otherwise, it will be wrapped up in plastic and we'll toss a layer of soil on it. Then, grass will grow on it and we'll build a solar farm onto it.

Yeah I'm sure co2 leves being thousands times higher than they've ever been is also planned and will have no effect whatsoever..

>mars colony
>genetically modified chinese
>3d printed organs
>brain transplants
>digital consciousness
>extreme income inequality
biz will be fine poors are dead tho

>Guide reproduction wisely - Improving fitness and diversity

Illuminati confirmed brainlets

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>some arbitrary number chosen by anonymous freemasons in the 70's HAS to be the golden number for population
yeah i mean 500mil would work don't get me wrong, but we have enough food on the planet to feed everyone TODAY, FOREVER if we weren't focused on hating ourselves and loving money.

You're wrong but thats ok

>Not boarding Elons rocket to Mars
Die peasant

>guide reproduction wisely improving fitness and diversity

Oil prices go to low, crude from shale? Nah, there's no difficulty adjustment on that. Food production crashes, world war 3 breaks out. Everyone is starving, so they resort to cannibalism, disease ravages the population. 7.5 billion people die within a decade.

>The cat was known to wander the area near its home and, when it showed worrying symptoms, samples were sent for testing. Bubonic plague infection was confirmed by the lab at the University of Wyoming shortly thereafter.
>The cat fully recovered from the infection, according to a spokesperson for the Wyoming Department of Health, and with modern antibiotics and treatment, plague infections pose no major threat


get it to the hungry people, I'll wait.

Only in death does duty end

yeah i wouldnt call most of those humans

Kek. It's like when a previous villain is killed off to show the power level progression.
Usually it's followed by the next villain showing up.

I mean, all the challenges of living sustainably are reduced exponentially the less people we need to sustain. So why not shoot for a lowball figure. Unless you're like a platonic natalist who believes more humans = more good in some perfectly abstract manner, then one million humans is just as good as one billion. What really matters is quality of life and ability to sustain a certain lifestyle, and those things become easier the less humans we have on the planet, which is a function that has almost no lower bounds.

We were fucked as soon as we breached 10 million or so, honestly.

Haha , how can they have data on 2025 ? We are not even there yet

trips for antibiotic resistant super plague


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How’s this explainable? Has to be technology/medicine/standard of living but why ALL OF A SUDDEN

Go back to school brainlet

Yeah it’s acrually very bad food we are eating if you couldn’t tell. ONIONS is killing masculinity and a lot of people are becoming mentally ill user.

Good explanation low iq poltard detected

OP, you need to use a log chart because demographic growth is exponential and follows a log-normal curve.

Short humans
Long worms, vultures & rats

>sees a gap in the market, a pain that needs a solution.
>starts jerking off into plastic cups and stores them in the freezer
get in this boys, we're gonna get rich!

Not as long as niggers, spiks, and mudslides exist

imagine if you're wrong. You are a god user.

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considering 90+% of those is literally people in africa, india and china i'm entirely ok with this as a westerner.

Jews have been shorting humanity for over 70 years...


That's cause their still salty about getting short'd by germans.

how can we accelerate the pop? I was too young to watch the rwandan genocide live, I wanna make sure i catch the next one.

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I thought Jow Forums was above the cringey techcult thing.

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