realistically, how much real money I can make by playing runescape 5 hours a day?
Realistically, how much real money I can make by playing runescape 5 hours a day?
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maybe a couple dollars if you are a master scammer or trader
the only way to be profitable and not go insane is by botting
depends on what you do. unless you are staking, pvming, or pvping it's a waste of time if you are trying to make money
Assuming that you find some 6m gp/hr scheme, then you can make 30 dollars a day. It's generally better to profit by rwt.
there are better games. if you play 5 hours a day and understand how to improve, you should just play LoL and look into eloboosting after like a year
I made 50M GP in one day ''doubling (my own) money'' LMFAO
the competition eventually stole my client base as he was ''trippling (his own) money''
If you're a maxed main you can easily get 2-3m an hour on OSRS. Which you can sell for $0.75-$0.9 a mil. So around, $8 to $10 per day.
You can also farm emblems on bounty hunter worlds for $8-$12 an hour.
The absolute most per hour is 4m.
5 hours times 4m is 20m.
A mill is worth like 83 cents.
So $16 bucks.
Nevermind who the fuck would even buy from you because they'd just buy bonds.
Bros help a boy out, I need 3mill for a bond, who can hook me up
there are some money making methods for extremely high levels you can get 3m an hour with is worth like 3$ but requires thousands of hours into your account.
you can also merch items and get an extremely variable amount.
the best way by far would be botting for passive income with next to no time investment
i'll give you one later but i'm leaving my house right now. i'll be back in like 3 hours give username
thanks man lol. if you can add me nebu1 is my ign
More than a Venuzualan doctor.
i could make more than doctors make here monthly if i wasnt a lazy retard, just get maxed combat
>bonds stopped rwt
You can make billions gambling and playing the GE
hey runescape pros. I am noob at this game. First week of playing. What is the best thing to do in this game ?
bankstanding banting with your m8s (strangers you may never see again)
Ok as someone who has made a lot of money of this game i'll give a few tips.
Playing runescape is by no means a good way of earning a living, but it can add some money in your pocket.
Start by making a fresh account. Don't buy one as it would most likely be banned for botting or recovered by the original owner.
Once you do this, I recommend buying a few bonds. Note this might sound counter productive, but it will greatly speed up the process of making a profitable account.
Next step is to train your construction until you have the maxed pools in your house. This will help with bossing.
Now do a few quests to start doing NMZ, You can google this on the wiki. Once all combat stats are at base 70, quest for barrows gloves.
Now at this point you have 2 options. Option one is to start slayer (to access slayer locked bosses) and max combat stats and slayer. By the end of this process you should have a good 100m, probably a bil if you get lucky.
Then start bossing, but mostly raids. Twisted bows and the theatre of blood good stuff sell for over 1 bil, That 1k USD right there if you get a drop.
Option 2 is to just go straight back to NMZ, max combat and start doing raids instantly.
Note, the point is to build an account that can boss at high levels. I've been doing this for years, and every now and again get lucky and get a good drop, and make an extra 500-1k USD a week for playing a game I enjoy.
Make sure you use a credited buyer and always take payment in BTC.
Hope this helps, I'm in college and this has helped pay for rent a few times, tuition and food.
You should have started quadrupling money
yes but how do you avoid getting your maxed main banned when that's your cash cow?
Also just want to add this is for OSRS.
And ofcourse I forogt to mention staking. I personally would avoid staking. It can become ana addiction, and many people worth staking are literally worth trillions. They can easily clean you for your entire stack.
Selling gold is a very difficult offence to be banned for. I've been doing it for years and received 0 bans/repercussions. DO NOT talk during the trade, talk to the buyer via a 3rd party website.
Jagex can't prove that your not just moving funds or giving money to your friends. Heck my bossing group consistently loan each other bills in items.
Also do it infrequently. Don't do it in a way which can create a pattern. This may be evidence they can use to ban you/
Can anyone give me a bond or a few mils rsn: fishkid07
Go beg somewhere else kid. The game is point and click it's not that hard.
What's nmz
I want /v/ to leave.
Nightmare zone. Basically a place to afk offensive stats on quest bosses.
My niggas. I am fishing these lobsters and getting around 10k/hour. Am i doing it right to get a bond .
no, Check at yt there are way more efficient ways to get bonds.
I sold my mills for chainlink months ago because I thought it would pay off and my acc would be banned and I would never have the temptation to go back but it's not banned and it hasn't paid off yet XD
thanks for the advice, user!
Realistically, about 6-7mil, or like $6 maximum if it's just you playing just 1 account.
you can earn more becoming a transcriptionist online and play runescape at the same time
>Willingly performing soul-sucking repetitive slave labor for 50 cents an hour just to avoid having to interact with other humans and get a real job...
You would need to be the owner of a company that employs and profits off these slave "workers," to ever make more than minimum wage off MMO grinding.
You would legitimately make more money just sitting on a street corner in a major US city and begging for change for 5 hours.
t. wagecuck
EOS Knights will probably net more value if you can get your characters up to a decent level where you have a chance for some of the more valuable drops. The game pretty much bots itself.
the key to selling gold is selling it to 1 or 2 people u trust, preferably some dudes who run big gambling places so your trades wont even look like RWT to them, they dont go out of their way to ban degenerate gamblers. find the right discord channel for the biggest market and choose a trusted, or go by sythe
Cracking accounts is probably more profitable but you will have to do your own research though. I think a good cracker can make some good thousands
1400 solo raids no twisted bow.. ima keep going though
I try to do 2 raids a day (30-40 min each), for a chance at the twisted bow ($1000 each).
do you know how fking long it takes to train up and get barrows gloves and all that fking shit? not to mention the costs of training construction? at that point they might as well just play the fking game not try and earn money for a living.
The ONLY way you can make anything worthwhile from rs is by having more than one account. also electricity costs are .20c kwh so you have to be making at least 280k ph just to be breaking even. also selling gold is worth less than buying gold, try going on boggler and selling gp they will probably offer you 60-70 cents for 1m for it not 1usd that you pay because obviously they make a profit also. Maybe there is room for a decentralised crypto to shake up that market there also.
also fyi i have the craws bow and rev pvm and i make 700k in 10 minutes uninterrupted without rare drops so that is not the only method there is
Do you trade money to an alt account off your main before trading the buyers?
Been awhile and I’m worried about getting banned
I see nerds have been talking to or listening to realginner at the docks.
this man speaks truths
you will never make a living off runescape but like they said you can make a good little chunk of side change.
if you can make 4-4.5mil an hour then that is more than minimum wage is in several european countries, now imagine theres people making 12mil an hour easily, some can also do another 4-5 on the side on an alt a few hours a day
it's one thing if you like playing RS and do it as a side hustle and a whole different game if you plan to legitimately pay bills off of it. you will need to live in a third world country for that to be possible.
TF is "staking"?
Guys, which version of runescape are you talking about? I think there are two? I used to be hardcore back in my day, I've even played some Darkfall Online. I'd like to start a very hardcore MMO to sink time in. I'm not a huge fan of point and click games, but whatever.
it used to just be 50/50 dicing (double or nothing) with gp, however they change dit so now its like roulette red/black because you pay a tax
I had an f2p account about 8 years ago with a couple of mil. Is it gone forever? I must have spent 500-1000 hours and only made a dollar rofl
Not gone, should still exist on that account. Since you said 8 years ago, you must be talking about RS3. A couple of mil in RS3 is not even worth a dollar anymore. Maybe 20 cents?
>he actually pvms to rwt instead of odds staking on 15 accounts simultaneously in the sand casino.
Never change Jow Forums
Nice, got it back. Somehow my username is taken though which is bogus.
1) This method is to build ana ccount that can kill all bosses in the game over time. I play this game for fun, the money is just a free add on in my eyes.
Sure I have a few low level range pures that I use at revs every now and then, especially after big updates since revs are ussually dead, but i prefer high level pvm
2) Gambling is gambling. People get addicted, I was to at one point. The point is to make cash on the side, not open the gateway to destroying your life.
thx for the enlightenment fellas
Yeah, the same shit happens to all of my old accounts. I log in, "Username unavailable," meanwhile I can obviously see that no one else is using them, plus I would see no reason why anyone would take such shitty names. It's a bunch of bullshit.
Had a friend who got 3 twisted bows in a week. Paid rent for half the year for him. All about luck.
Can you please go over the differences between the two games? If you were starting from scratch and weren't thinking about your existing accounts, would you still play oldskool?
Also to your point, barrows gloves took me a week playing a few hours a day, and NMZ is literally almost 100% afk. It does not take to long and I usually do it when i'm doing other stuff.
Play OSRS. Way bigger community now, still growing like crazy, which will mean more increase for the GP.
Also a much easier game to learn compared to RS3.
OSRS can be picked up by an autistic 12 year old and they could probably max. It's not hard just takes some time.
Autistic kids are notoriously good at videogames, but I get what you mean
That actually annoys me so much it’s insane.. been at this forever lol..
There's a boss on runescape3 that once you get really good at pays 50-100m an hour to do, but you're actually a smooth brain with no hopes of that so why am I wasting my time telling you.
I've never done it, but have read interviews of people running bot gambling - the ones that let you dice roll and you win on 55-100 or whatever. They said they'd often profit 25-50 mil an hour on good days
If your seen doing that now you'll get insta-banned. You also need to gain ranks (which is expensive af) to be considered trusted. Safest way to make money of this game is to literally play it.
What about Botting on mems? Doing cannonballs or chins or something? I botted on my main from lvl 20-99 magic and was never detected and I just used a mouse recorder
It's not worth it. There are enough AFK methods now better then botting. You'll get banned, and loose everything. The first few months will be annoying but after that it gucci because all your going to do is boss and make money.
RS3 = the current, original canon RuneScape that started in 2001. EOCscape. All RuneScape history (pre-eoc and before) took place there. Today, it's less popular than OSRS.
OSRS = launched in 2013, it was voted into existence by the RuneScape community. Game is based on 2007 RuneScape graphics. Receives game updates on the community polling system (at least mostly). Old RS2 combat system. Most popular version of RuneScape today.
If I was starting from scratch, I would still play oldschool and never even touch RS3. In fact, my main in RS3 has great stats and nearly maxed combat and I STILL do not touch RS3. I only play OSRS.
I don't real-world trade personally, but if you do plan to real-world trade, I wouldn't totally rule out RS3 to be honest. I know of some organizations that 90% of the time deals with RS3 gold only.
Any way to make money off of mining rework on RS3? The ore price is already crashing because of noobs mining too much
Should mention OSRS is also available on mobile allowing you to grind while working a legit job
why would you grind instead of learning how to write bots?
True. Mobile made OSRS explode even more in popularity. I hear RS3 is getting mobile too in the future.
waste of time to write bot when you could actually learn better coding and make money by actually spending that time solely on coding.
some here don't seem to understand you can make money in OSRS if you like playing OSRS.
no one should try and make OSRS a primary means of income that is a complete fucking waste of time and your life.
who got extra 3mill thanks. i need a bond
Is this easy to bot?
>not knowing that positive EV means you PROFIT from gambling.
Stay poor, I've unironically made millions odds staking on OSRS by selling it for BTC.
Make your kids do it
Yeah I did it.
Started with the dice bag 59 or less you win, 60 or higher they win.
You got 59% chance to win. Billions incoming.
They banned that so people turned to hot or cold flower plants with mithril seeds.
Was hard to get action, even if you were a known host. So I took it to next level.
I’d go in my place rowned house and pre plant seeds until I got 3 of the same on a row, then I’d go back to area and offer an insane deal like “200 m wins 2 b if red” you’d get spammed trade offers.
Most times you’d win it. Until you didn’t. Good fight blue party hat. Rest in pieces.
They patched that off also. Too many kids crying about losing their gps and started cutting.
I sold off most of my other rs wealth on Craigslist under the market price. Phats and go stacks. Made about 3 k. If I knew about bitcoin I would have stacked that. Bought silver instead. Had I bought bitcoin i’d be retired now.
I was a legendary player, but once jagged started microtransactions en masses on rs eoc/ rs 3 I quit. Don’t feel like starting from scratch on osrs.
won't work if he's not chinese
>He doesn't know of RuneScape in new york
Kek, nice to see another gambler here on Jow Forums
I was a high level host in Frosty's chat unironically sold thousands of dollars worth of gold back in the day. My biggest scam I ever ran was buying 30 accounts from China with 80/80/80 accounts back in the day when Frost Dragons were hot and using my script to completely milk the dungeon for all its gold..
What good times, I remember playing black ops tournies online and everyday after highschool checking in on my bots to see like 40-60 mill... Man, such good fucking times. This shit really primed us to be millionaires when we're older. It's interesting to see how everything fragments.,
I am legitimately eternally grateful to have the business mindset I do ... This is solely from RS. Fuck all these useless NPC's I'm surrounded with ... this is the real fucking shit.. To be pulling like 3-5k in highschool was the real deal.
Fuck why am I rambling, I gotta relaX.
You bro's brought back some good memories. Lucky I still enjoy the game and can make a few thousand USD here and there from it. Honestly, I would do anything to avoid neeting as much as possible.