Btc dumps, link pumps


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that will be an understatement in a few hours

im not even going to try to understand whats going on here. this shit has bucked every trend 2018 threw at her.

Its actually the first crypto to decouple from btc

disentanglement is coming. The BTC and ETH whales have fucked around too much and now they will start to lose the hold on the market.
A plethora of disentangled projects will start following their own trajectory, powered by usage
Watch BAT, LINK, EOS, even fucking TRON as they disentangle from the easily controlled to the truely unstoppably decentralized.

What the fuck is wrong with link whales.

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its btc whales selling btc and buying link

>imagine being swingtrader


that other thread saying "haha you didnt sell at 12k" was all you needed to see to know a pump was coming

BAT is only decoupled from BTC when BTC goes up. It goes down with everything else, but it never goes up when BTC goes up.

I actually did sell at 12k, set buy orders at 11k, so made about 8-9%. Fuck it though, the stress was unbearable, and I never want to hope LINK goes down again, we don't need that sort of negativity. Never again.

I don't care what your opinion is on one of the coins out of the many I listed. They are all getting their own audience and their own user bases. The crypto audience has changed into factions all supporting different projects in different ways.
Disentanglement is coming regardless of your chosen faction.

BAT has Brave ads coming soon with 5.5 million Brave users, and 22k publishers signed up; they have adoption before main release unlike almost every other crypto project.
If they pull this off, every Brave ads user will have a working ETH wallet with Metamask built in, with KYC through Civic, and BAT tokens ready to go spend on dapps. A web 3 crypto environment can be built from there, why wouldnt you want to see them succeed?

Bro I support BAT but it never fucking goes up. People actively avoid it because they know that every single would-be pump gets suppressed. What's the point of investing in something that never goes up?

GTFO batfags this is a link thread.

People avoid it because it's fucking gay

big dogg foretold months ago

So they sell btc for what? USD? And then they buy Link with...? I’m not sure you’ve thought this through.

is this a serious question? You do know theres a link/btc pairing right? Also, how do you manage to able to breathe with an IQ that low?

Why is link dumping then?

They are trying to take Link supply off the market, half those buys and sells are to themselves most likely.

Because pajeets

Just DCA and hold

this is clearly a misunderstanding from this post which, worded oddly, allowed for the confusion that whales were selling btc first and then buying link (2 transactions) instead of exchanging it for link (1 transaction) which was the actual intended meaning of the poster.

who else bought the dip?

Do you really think btc whales are buying link? I thought that twitter post was a larp

>So they sell btc for what? USD? And then they buy Link with...?
Yeah lol this is so stupid :D They sell so much BTC that they are able to drop the price by 10% at 4,5bil volume but they buy only couple of thousands of LINKs :D so pathetic and deluded

thank you based mediator

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checking in, nothing happen just another link pump


The problem is if they were directly buying Link with btc then Link would have pumped not gone down to 38 cents. I’m honesty not trying to fud. I’m all in link. The only way I can understand it is if they dump a load of btc for fiat then use a different load of btc to buy up the link dumped by bots for a few cents less.

how did you know? do you have any info you can drop?

Nice call

Hold me

>dump BTC with tether
>buy more BTC after dump
>funnel BTC gains into LINK
>rinse and repeat

we bout to take OMG

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doubled my stack, nigga

Seriously wtf is going on what link, it's like defying the laws the is pumping while even king shitcoin btc crashes

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We're all in this together, and we will ALL make it!

how big is your stack? this legit?

Here we go again weeeeeeeeeeeeee


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It seems strange that link is pumping in sats even though everything else including btc is dumping though

This is being orchestrated to take Link out of circulation. Keep selling swinglinkers, lol.

>btc whales
>not even 2k of btc volume

hahaha nice conspiracy

Entering new timeline 777 linkies to make it

Who keeps buying link then? It's so wierd link pumps whenever btc crashes

Just imagine when Link gets a USD pairing on Coinbase. We're gonna seperate even harder from BTC and also pump harder whenever it shits the best.

2019s got me hard.

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BTC whales make gains in BTC, funnel their BTC profits into LINK
it's ok Jow Forums is full of brainlets like you

there is an AI in the LINK blockchain which pumps or dumps the price to mantain a constant price, the only way to do this is by pumping it when btc dumps and dumping it when btc pumps

seriously, check the white paper


>there is an AI in the LINK blockchain

A Vishnu you mean?

It's almost as if it's possible for a whale to look at the order books, multi-x short BTC on Bitmex betting "against" themselves, sell their BTC bags to trigger liquidation, and then take the gains off Bitmex to swap to LINK.

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mind if I steal that there maymay, pardn'r?

So do you think that infographic about btc whales making the switch to link holds some merit?

My guess would be the groups who bought the bulk at ICO, Swift and the other major investors.

My take: unironically, ALL of the crypto price movements are institutions extracting every last piece of wealth out of crypto systematically. They want it dead and that includes LINK.

I would think major investors would be given/sold link OTC from the 650 million held by Sergey, I doubt big suits are making binance accounts.

That pattern is not always true, look at the last half an hour btc and link both started going up. Don't believe in a conspiracy theory about whales dumping btc, just so you can get rich on an alt coin. Cmon user your better than that. Link holder here btw.


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Just... how? How is this possible? Chainlink has been outperforming the market for 6 months. Was it all true? The partnerships, etc?

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No, Smartcontracts = automation and major savings to companies, especially Banks. Swift is a major player in all of this, who owns Swift? Link/Eth are the future. Anybody selling Link right now is insane. IMO.

Well, one way to look at it is, if link is performing this well during a bear market, imagine the gains to be made during a bull market.

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I capitulated all my btc into link I’m sick of losing money with btc. I now value all my wealth in terms of link.

Wrong , bull markets are caused by retards falling for marketing. Link may very well underperform in a bull market compared to outright scams.

There's a surprising amount of brainlets in this thread.

If people are market buying LINK with ETH/BTC pairings, they're market selling those pairings to do so

Literally who ?

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>My take: unironically, ALL of the crypto price movements are institutions extracting every last piece of wealth out of crypto systematically. They want it dead and that includes LINK.

*Unironically, ALL of the crypto price movements are institutions extracting every last piece of wealth out of crypto systematically. They want it dead and [moved into] LINK.

The savings is nowhere near the importance of owning the money supply. LINK may be their best option in crypto but THEY do not want competition period. See also precious metals manipulation. See also what they do to any politician that doesn't tow the line. You need to understand these people.

Should I Fomo in guys?

With the market cap still well under $200 million?

It's forming a double top. Everything inside me tells me to swing part of my stack but I'm afraid it will pump even though the indicators tell me the pump stopped AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH

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BTC just started trending downwards on the 1 min chart. Lets see how LINK reacts.

imagine someone announces a partnership with them tomorrow? Hehehe

imagine someone announces a partnership with them tomorrow? Hehehe

Exactly, they want their Link, all of it.

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imagine someone announces a partnership with them after tomorrow? Hehehe

>Sold binance webhook triggers an email to Sergey
>Subject: He finally sold
>"Finally I can release mainnet and all the partnerships

Thanks niggers I needed that. Did we just hit a new ATH?

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Yep. New ATH in sats!

IF this is the case, the meme that we were never supposed to know about it is almost certainly true. The question then would be, why have an ICO to begin with? The old two man dev team fud also comes to mind, unironically. Why have some dinky start up do this?
Literally, are all of the fucking typos intentional to fud their own project?


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Wholey checked

Because, IMO, it's pretty much all true. Think about WTF has been going on and stop thinking like somebody making money through investing. The fucking prize actually is owning LINK.

Its not hard to figure out

Money outside of crypto is moving into LINK. So LINK/BTC ATH doensn't matter anymore. they know the ATH is around $1.4. thats where the first resistance is.

If you understand Chainlink tokenomics you will understand why this is happening.

That and BTC whales are moving into LINK. obviuosly.

enjoy the ride. We are just getting started

Are the chainlink tokenomics considered good?

Everything approaching its old ATH is forming a double top until it surpasses it. Your inner swinglinkers is seeing what it wants to see. Hold strong and believe in the fundamentals.

Because otherwise it wouldn't be a decentralised network.

because the whole point of a decentralised oracle network is that it's fucking decentralised. You fucking mong

Be nice, it's not his fault he's fucking retarded.

No it's a utility token