How retarded are LinkPool owners? People are unironically paying $2500 for (((priority staking))) when Johnny himself said the ROI is going to be less than 2%. I can put my money in an Ally’s savings account and make more KEK
How retarded are LinkPool owners...
they’re brainlets
>when Johnny himself said the ROI is going to be less than 2%
Oh but he didn't say such thing. Actually nobody know.
I'd prefer to earn money from actual network usage instead of speculative bubbles, and since running a node by myself is out of the scope, I'll go with LP. I'm just a poorfag & tech illiterate who got lucky by being in the right place at the right moment.
Let's say I buy 10K LINK. I could be waiting years before LINK moons, and that bearing in mind that maybe our expectations will never meet reality. However, profiting from a company that's going to create a constant passive revenue as a consequence of the Chainlink's network traffic and which is aiming to the highest paying contracts is, in my opinion, a more wise movement for someone in my situation.
>I'd prefer to earn money from actual network usage instead of speculative bubbles
>t. speculating on linkpool which depends on LINK anyway
fucking retard
Unironically the biggest scam I've ever seen. People are fking brainlets
It's gonna be sad to see my LINK brethren commit sudoku after losing all their tokens to Juxtable but sacrifices have to be made.
Chainlink has a legit product, even if it's widely adopted, it might not moon as high as we believe or it might take years to reach the value I desire. What in the meantime? I don't know how to run my own node in a efficient manner nor I have the time to learn since I'm a tech illiterate. How do you profit from a network being used and with a lot of traffic if you lack the necessary skills to run your own node? LP was the answer for me. I'm not saying is the option to go for everybody. If you have the skills or the will to run your own node, go ahead and make bigger profits than me, I won't complain.
I invested like what? $2,000 in LP and $3,000 in Chainlink? And now it's worth more than $35,000 and I have a guaranted passive source of revenue to profit in the meantime and IF the speculative price I expect meets reality ($300) I'll sell my LINK. It's a win win situation.
Jonny has been officially hired by Chainlink team. That adds a lot of credibility to the project imo
Yes it does, but do you think Linkpool will be the only staking platform? We all know decentralized oracles will be big, money attracts big players.
salty burger on his stool
salty burger missed linkpool
salty burger caked in crud
missed the boat so he spreads fud
it wont be the only one, but they are 6months+ ahead of anyone else at the moment
No anont alks like that, why dont anons ever call out these retard shills?
>do you think Linkpool will be the only staking platform?
I hope they won't. Jonny said the 25% cut is not fixed and it will adapt to the market, therefore we, stakers will have a bigger revenue. That means nobody will undercut them and LP will still have the first move advantage plus the insider advantage with Jonny leading them
With "I hope they won't" I meant "I hope there will be more", sorry I'm tired
Because theres no use.
this is certifiably one of the dumbest fucking things I ever read, made worse by the fact that i'm 90% sure the poster was serious. Main point of retardation is that he thinks that there will be enough link adoption for LP payouts to become substantial, yet somehow link itself won't shoot up in value due to said adoption. Some people really are that stupid. Kinda sad really.
Well bought at 1eth got 1.4 shares. Sold at 20+ eth hus d brainlet again user?
Fuck off obvious shill.
Linkpool will earn those with a share link every day of the year for the rest of their lives. Long after al you cucks have market sold your linkies for $10 they will be collecting dem free linkies.
People are going to sell the hype. Early staking rewards will probably get you jack shit. There will be competitors, don't get played.
You mean early stakes get a share of the premium nodes from the get go, and have an advantage over whatever shitcompetitor comes to the market late? Yeah, I’ll be market buying the entire order book.
you are for selling
The post was serious though