I dont think that I'll ever buy a pack again. I save money and have fun. It also doesn't taste like chemicals...

I dont think that I'll ever buy a pack again. I save money and have fun. It also doesn't taste like chemicals. Does anyone else roll their own?

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English breakfast?

why don't you just quit like a non retard

Why don't you just vape cunt

That looks very dry desu

pic related is what I roll

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Get iqos you absolute caveman.

We all die some day and I actually like smoking and don't care to stop. Now that I have to roll them I have cut down by half which is awesome. It was annoying smoking every hour and spending $6/day when I now smoke about every two hours (when I don't work) and it probably costs me $10/week now. Even less when I do start working

I don't care about the clouds. I like the action of smoking a cigarette. If I had a Juul, I would probably go through two pods per day. I've explained why I prefer it
I'm limited with what I can roll. I have a cigar shop a block away and this is what the owner recommended I get. I'll definitely try more flavors, I'm new

t. sóycuck faggot
i honestly hope some studies comes out in the next 10 years that proves vaping is more harmful than smoking

Why don't you just smoke weed nerd

Uhm sweetie, some of us actually value our brain cells (lol)

it will fuck you up mentally in the long run.

try amber leaf. i've tried a bunch of rolling tobacco and thats the one i smoked the most. but in terms of taste, the one i liked the most is golden virginia, but its too expensive for me to buy regularly. you should buy it once just to experiment tho, its pretty good

hey man heres an idea, just putting it out there incase you never thought about it. weed without thc. thats if you want to smoke a little safer then tobacco. might not get you that rush of nicotine tho. i love tobacco, especially spliffs are my favorite thing in the world but in the end the baco is bad for ya. I try to keep it at least no more then a spliff or two a week. well whatever man you prob know how to float your boat but i feel like a lot of people never heard of smoking thc absent weed.

Rolling is the gentleman's choice. Personally, I am taken to spliffs with indica, blue lotus, and tobacco blend.

Yes but I put weed in them too. Take my 'cigarette' breaks at work and have a good old time

I used to. Just buy amber leaf.

Too bad that won't happen. Because you know... simple chemistry and biology and all that

Dude, coming From a pouch dosent mean it has less chemicals. It literally just dosent come with paper and pre rolled.
Chums like you are idiots.
I do like Rollies but Taylor made a are better because I'm too lazy to roll and the money dosent matter.
Stay poor faggot.

you're rolling pipe tobacco. it isnt meant to be smoked that way

Yes I started from rolling spliffs with weed but now I smoke self roll toboacco while studying

How is this level of brainlet even obtainable by a single individual?

enjoy getting rejected by roasties for your leathery 50yo skin and smoker breath


eat shit vapers. it's happening. the same way tobacco was seen as harmless back in the 60s, vaping is seen as harmless now. enjoy your fucked up lungs retards, specially the morons that literally vape 24/7

I swear this doomer meme has brainwashed people into smoking to be cool. It's tobacco company propaganda

thats for pipe bruh

That article provided no info. Pure clickbait. Most of the negative ingredients I've heard of only come in bottom of the barrel chinese ejuice.

Nicotine salts are superior

This happened to me


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50mg is like meth. I can't sleep because I can't get that hit. So good. Flavors are awesome, and I never smell like cigarettes even 1 second after I have just vaped. I hit it before interviews. So much cheaper than even RYO.

who the fuck is yule brenner?

Port Royal Rum and Wine brother

quit faggot

t. used to

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2 potentially harmful chemicals, propylene glycol and nicotine, vs over 60 including toluene, cadmium, arsenic, ammonia, radon, hexamine, methane, tar, acetone, polonium-210, and hydrogen cyanide.
What is it like to be this retarded?

i smoke dried grass i find on the street
its just as harmful as real tobacco and gives me a light headed feeling from inhaling the smoke too

the best part is its free

>Tobacco industry in panic because nobody wants to buy their shit sticks anymore

It's hilarious.

>I like smoking; you're addicted.
>TFW saving money; Enjoy your thousands in dental bills/Hospital bills most likely put onto your family
>TFW looks cool; enjoy looking 50 when you're 35.

I quit smoking a few years ago and haven't felt better. I'm 23 so thank fuck I haven't done any permanent damage but my teeth are kindof yellow

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Leaving aside the obvious comment about quitting instead, it saves a shit ton of money and after getting used to the different taste I hate prerolled cigarettes.
Ultra-slim filters, white papers and Chesterfield with brown colored pack and natural flavour.
Wet tobacco is shit, too dry is shit, the Chesterfield(but only the brown one) and the Pueblo light are the two best blends I find here.

Yellow teeth are probably not related to you smoking as a teenager buddy. You might just have yellow teeth or drink too much coffee, etc...teeth are not supposed to be snow white.

>enjoy getting rejected by roasties

You say that as if it's a bad thing...

Nice, I have the same keyboard. Pic related is what I roll.

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rollies are fucking poofter shit but then so are taylor mades.

Damn, sorry bout that, here's a shrunken version.

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Indeed, why smoke just for smoking's sake?

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Fucking this. You get nothing but cancer from smoking cigs.

I smoked once a blue moon when I was drunk or had it in spliffs occasionally. It wasn't till this past August when I was 27 that I legitimately formed a habit to cigarettes. We went to Tokyo for a week and they have flavored cigarettes. The shit is absolutely delicious. They work like camel crush, with the bead in filter, but they have all sorts of citrus, apple, grape, coffee/cappuccino flavors. Brands like Marlboro or Winston too. I can see why they're banned in the states, fuck children getting addicted, that shit was addicting as an adult.

I smoked for like 3 months straight after and you do feel shitty. Switched to nicotine salt vapes and I honestly feel so much better. No more raspy cough that won't go away.

Takes the edge off, it's something to look forward to after a long study sesh, feels cool, allows for moments of relaxed introspection and plus blowing smoke is fun. Occasionally strangers might just strike conversations too

If you have to keep on smoking at least smoke something with minimal processing, like american spirit. It's dry (no glycerine) and doesn't smell aromatically (that's the good part) but at least it's not as monstrously unhealthy as processed tobaccos

You are both retards and the braincells you're trying so hard to preserve are nonexistent. Go back to drinking glyphosate laced alcohol like the brain rotted plebs you are

>posting a list of constituents without referencing half-lives, mass percent, method up uptake, competetive reactions
>genuinely thinking this constitutes an argument
>being this stupid