Redpill me on being a real estate agent

Seems like most real estate agents are fucking morons and mostly women and the test looks easy af. Just go to youtube and type in real estate study guide and its full of roasties and legit fedora wearing incels. Is it that easy to sell a house, do some simple math and fill out papers to get 3% off a house? The median home price in my part of California is 550k, seems like easy money.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Sauce first

Women go into residential. Men go into commercial.

Why not go into residential and dominate the women?

yeah sauce pls

Territorial and competitive corporate women, you will be accused of rape if you take their success.

tokenized real estate / (+) LINK will make realtors obsolete

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Easy, why isn't everyone doing this?
It's easy so everyone tries.
In sales you have to have money to use between the sales. Dry periods hurt

LOL the majority of real estate women are old af. The rape accusations only work on stacy tier women fucking retard.

True but im a poor neet college student so I'm used to having no money and still have a gf. I literally win no matter what. These bitches aren't even going to know what hit them honestly.

It's basically commissioned sales. Better be good with people. If you're a Jow Forums autist, you will fail miserably.

That said, it looks easy af and when I bought a house, it didn't look like the real estate agents did a whole lot more than just stand there and smile. I think America would be better off if they didn't exist.

god damn give us sauce

It can be very hard to get clients. Many companies won't help you at all, some will give you fake leads and expect you to follow through on them. It's not like you get your realtor license and they just hand you houses to sell and you tour them around. Everyone has someone they know that they'll use, or they'll just call whoever zillow tells you to. It's essentially like being in a pyramid scheme except it's not predatorial and immoral. Many people will enter it, but few will make enough money for it to be worth the time.

I wonder if working with a big reality company would be beneficial. I see some real estate agents with giant ass billboards with their names and numbers sometimes.

Some big companies will help, some will not. Same with smaller ones. The people with the big billboards are the ones who have built up a big client base.

You learned nothing from the Kavanaugh riots.

How time intensive is it though? If I have a job can I do it on the side?

It's a disgusting trade. Real estate is the shadiest business. Go meet some realtors. Seriously get to know one who is successful. Every realtor is scum of the earth, money obsession aside. The trade is dominated by large corporate firms, and small broker offices are a pyramid/mlm type business where brokers fleece their agents of commissions.

There are easier ways to make a fat stack of cash.
If you want to do it on the side, be forewarned brokers are terrible people and you will get sales, clients, and commissions stolen from you.

Nasty women but those are fucking huge

imagine the smell

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After you get the certification literally what is stopping you from flipping houses part time and saving all sorts of cash from not having to use intermediaries? Just 1 property a year is a huge boost to income.

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reddest fuckn pill I've witnessed in a minute

This. Real estate agents are bottom feeders. They produce nothing, entirely dependent on the hard work of people who build homes, own homes, or have enough money to buy homes. Their only function is to match buyers and sellers, often lying to both in order to make the trade seem favorable so that they can make their 3-5% 'schmooze fee.' Because it's so easy, your colleagues and competitors are all people who are so bad at life that they couldn't make enough money building useful things or facilitating productive relationships that they have to convince transacting parties that they need to pay a bullshit tax on top of the escrow fees and government taxes that fuck up their bottom line. You can even be good at what you do buy competition is fierce because there are so many real estate agents out there. In my area, there are literally 500 licensed agents competing to sell ~ 1000 avilable properties.

red and basedpilled

Sauce plz

Here's how real estate agents think in peak bubble, also it gets even more cringe.

Source for the love of god

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Source god dammit!

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Economic fucking parasites, the whole group of real estate agents, hopefully zillow or redfin figure the shit out and send them all to the poorhouse

Guys...just fucking printscreen while the vid is playing, paste the image, crop it, then google reverse image search

Fucking tech illiterates man...

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Passing the test is the first step. You won't know shit about real estate until you actually work in the industry for a few years.

>College student
How does it feel being a literal retard?

exactly. And if you are lazy your never gonna make it. You have to be able to handle rejection from 99 percent of the people you talk to

Real estate, and any other sales job, is for attractive people and/or sociopaths. If you aren't one or both of those things don't even bother.

For those somehow still struggling
VioletXTheo and NeoAphrodite

No I don't have the video, it's up to you guys to find it now (if a full one even exists)

>Projecting literal retardation
What is this user trying to convey to us?

What do you think NEET means you inbred? Slit your wrists, smooth brain

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>projecting inbred slit wrists and a smooth brain
user you realize that your projecting an extension of your own self image right?

Hey guys I found an image dump of the girl on the right, you're welcome.

>this defensive
>this proud
>still doesn't know what NEET means
>will probably use google now and act like he knew all along

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>Fucking tech illiterates man...

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I'm an agent. There's a lot more that goes into it than most people realize. Looking at pretty houses is great, but analyzing market values, negotiating repairs after inspections, renegotiating after low appraisals, lighting fires under lenders' asses, etc etc aren't as fun, but the pay days are good. It is easy money compared to someone who has to teach kids for a living. Which is what I did before real estate. Go for it, ignore the retards in here that complain about agents. They always try and FSBO and end up getting burned.

How much are you making?

I’m a real estate agent and I’m looking for a job. I wouldn’t wish real estate on my worst enemy. It’s a terrible job and isint rewarding in the least. I hate it. All you are is a faggot middleman.

Any more videos from these semen demons?

First year 20k, second year 40k, third year I'm hoping to do 100k

Have savings because there are dry spells.

You had shitty clients then. I watched an agent in my brokerage make 30k on condo sales where they barely did anything. The first few years are rough because you're working with lower price ranges on older homes with problems.

god bless

Agent here:
you have to have some savings to carry you a bit
put up with rejection
know some basic statistics and sales training
know some construction and finance stuff

Best/biggest RED PILL is to be a real estate INVESTOR.

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>acts like he knows what others inner thoughts are
I see you're suffering from cognitive dissonance. Thats a hard one to fix, probably a few years of extreme therapy sessions will help whatever shitty childhood shit you out into existence.

Thanks, I have a few friends who're real estate agents. I know the shit they have to go through. Also there's a lot of hotties, have you banged any hot real estate babes user?

How often do they train people with no license? I kind of want to get paid doing random shit while I study for my test. I have a real estate friend letting me borrow her book. Also whats the most money you've seen someone make in real estate their first year?

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Girl with the black X's is NeoAphrodite and the girl with the white snowflakes is VioletXTheo.

I believe VioletXTheo streams on Chaturbate and CamFerno.

If you get your license and sell on the side with a day job in the meantime, it'll keep you from starving, but the onramp will be slow.

Agents put up with emotional crap from other agents/ clients, but the money is sometimes good. Most agents make minimum wage-type money, because they're lazy or don't know enough people.

It'll be easier if you have lots of family, in-laws, former coworkers, big church, etc. First year I made 30k, then 45k, then 100k. During recession I dropped back to about 60k.

Some agents make 300k and kick ass. They're only the top 105 though. I'm single so I make enough for myself.

My rental condos pay during slow times and made me financially independent (wealthy) by age 41.

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>Protecting this hard

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Interesting. I don't have a big family or a lot of friends. Just my gf and a bunch of poor 19-25 year old friends. I'll try to get in with a reality or go to door, advertise on normiebook, insta whatever. I'd fuck my way to the top but i have a gf. Some of those roastie agents I could easily bang.

Legitimately the only valuable people are those who check title and commercial realtors. Everything else was just a 3rd party taking its cut for no justifiable reason

T. Former real estate agent

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>Fucking tech illiterates man...
Hehe... yeah you sure are smarter than them.

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Most roasties I know (Seattle area) are middle-aged married. Maybe I need to relocate to a new roastie-ville!

Try to hook up with a top-3 agency that trains the hell out of you. Read and watch YT vids and whatever you can. If it was as easy as it looked, Bill Gates would be an agent.

But it can be done. I'm 47 and worth about $1.3M, and I'm happy. Need a GF tho. You have one of those and I don't, you bastard.

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Where do you live?
Because if a recession is looming, you're gonna have a bad time.

Christ, that poor thing on the left must be invisible when they go out compared to her friend.

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So this is what women think about and do on their spare time huh. Women literally have peanut brains they are such simple creatures. They care about literally nothing besides being attractive and gathering attention for being attractive.

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Nice, I've been watching some youtube vids and a lot are pretty informative. I'm reading, "the way of the wolf" by jordan belfort and a couple others. I'm pretty good with psychology so I feel like I could sell pretty easily if given practice on normies. Get a gf bro, its so nice to blow loads on the daily. Would increase your sales for sure.

California, I don't see a crash coming in my area, we're being flooded with rich asian foreigners.

What’re the better ways.

Belfort is good for sales training, but don't turn into a cheating chump like he did.
There's Little Red Book of Selling, and books on negotiation. Win Friends and Influence People.

A good agent is like a good accountant/lawyer/plumber: worth weight in gold. Bad ones are crap, just like anyone else.

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you hsve to be likable faggot

How do you actually make money. Like where is the profit. Who pays you.

Yeah I can tell by his rhetoric that hes still a slimey bastard. He'll go into a tirade of fucking people over with all sorts of slimey tactics then immediately after be like, "YEAH DON'T DO THIS, I WOULDNT DO THIS ANYMORE" and I'm thinking, "yeah fucking right" lol. I've read a couple other books on persasion and theres better subliminal tactics one can use, being likable and funny a key one. I am learning a lot so far from jordan but his sniff thing to get into a state of mind is weird, I want to try it and see if it works.

>Best/biggest RED PILL is to be a real estate INVESTOR.
and how do you do that, I've have 2 friends trying to break into that business and they have to deal with shit tenants and headaches up keeping the properties

I have 11 rentals, and so far I like all my tenants. You have to SCREEN and treat it like a real biz. No hand-shake 'looks like I can trust him' bullshit.

If you really don't want tenants, then wholesale or fix-and-sell. Or buy tax liens because some punks don't pay their prop. tax.
Or invest in a REIT, which is like a real estate mutual fund (clean and easy, but not as good return than if you owned it all yourself).

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solid advice
what kind of screening can you do, one my my buddies turned his properties over to a management service for a fee so he doesn't have to worry about that anymore

Solid info. Is it your main source of income? How much work is really involved in this?

That's about the smartest thing to do.
1. a PM will act as the bad-cop so you can be a rich good-cop
2. they keep you from getting sued for doing something stupid
3. their fees are well earned from the BS they take so you don't have to.

I joined a landlord club, to teach me the biz. There are credit/criminal background check companies all over out there. Google it.
Best I do is a manager though. I could only handle a few rentals otherwise.

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If you do it all yourself, you have to show the home, write up the paperwork (half hour to an hour each time).

If there's a repair needed, I do small stuff myself (helf hour to hour ea.) but if it's a big repair, I just call a couple guys and pay them later.

Light time inv. if just a couple rentals with good house and good tenants. Big time/headache if you have junky houses/tenants.

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one of my buddies tenants was living in the other side of his duplex and they were selling drugs and not paying rent
the court gave them like 3 unpaid months before they were evicted and they left the place a mess
water was leaking from the ceiling into his living space and they wouldn't let him upstairs to fix it right away lol

Any surprise costs or anything surprising you learned while doing this that you didn’t anticipate prior to being a landlord?

lma wtf is this

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Sometimes, man. Sometimes. Most people are decent, and I like how I don't even know most of them because I use a manager.

But having good insurance and a few months of savings in case of a nasty tenant always helps. Gotta screen and get a good deposit.

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The only real surprise was that: owning a rental doesn't mean you automatically get rent.
Gotta advertise, gotta show it. If it's winter, you might have a couple months vacant (can you pay the expenses while it's empty? u better hope so).

The biggest HAPPY surprise is when my first two rentals were owned long enough (4 years) that I borrowed on them and got 2 more rentals. = rental $$ from down payment money paid by my other tenants! dayum.

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That’s awesome man congrats. How much Did you put down on your first unit? 20%? Would FHA loans work for this?

FHA will work if you are going to live IN it. Then you rent behind you after a year or 2.
20% down payment for rentals, usually.
After about 9 rentals, my banker made me put down 30% sometimes.

Bankers see the total debt you owe and get nervous. Investors like me see the total cashflow and spread of risk, and say go for it, more more!


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Why does the girl on the left even bother?


You've never been rough with a girl and done that? Sorry user, get out and live a little.

Awesome info man thanks hoping to get a unit ASAP to rent out.

I've never been based before. Thx bro.

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she has a tumblr, the girl on the right

Get a manager, a realtor, a tax prepper, and a lender. They're your team. They know if they help you get rich, so will they.

Read Rich Dad Poor Dad. That's the book that got me out of my wagecuck life.

Good luck and Godspeed.

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Doing gods work user

Opinion on property management companies? Worth or rip off?

>Flipping houses is easy
A meme for "handy" Boomers who fucked up and didn't get an education. Houses are priced on location and square footage, nothing more. Paintjobs and fancy sinks won't bring you nearly as much as you think. That's just the real-estate Jew lying to you.

My old roommate is a fucking idiot and wears fedoras, and now he’s a real estate agents because he couldn’t get a real job. Lol!

i am not doin that on mobile, ios can’t even webms (if it can i won’t set it up anyway). just post the fukn link next time bucco

I’m a virgin

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If LINK is what fuckin does it for me I'll be downright amazed

I'll be happy, don't get me wrong - LINKMarine for life

but still. of everything, fuckin link.

Get on Tindr and fug a fatty. Not hard.
>Fly to Vegas for a legal hooker if you want something fancy

If you teach yourself all the tricks and only have one rental... maybe yourself.

Long term, especially with multiple places: manager

My first 2 years I did it all myself. learned a lot, and learned 'no thanks'.

Now I got a manager and life is easier/less hassle all the way around.

it's all what company. Big enough they got a good staff, small enough they return your calls and don't just say, "go on our website"...

Join a RE investor club for about $150/year and go to the dinners and stuff. Or ask your realtor/lender/accountant. They can refer a good one to you.

I don't do my own dental work/taxes/car repairs, so why should I do my own rentals? Hell, I'm a RE agent so I'm licensed to do it for others and I won't ever do my own! lol

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It's never as EZ as the late night 'buy my videos' guy says.

Join a RE club and learn from guys who really do it. You have to be handy yourself (or ready to lay out cash to the handymen while you wait for it to be done, sold and paid).

I like condos because they're cheap and the roof/outside is done by the HOA.

Also, I like slooow flips (rent it out a few years then sell). Bigger payout but you have to deal with tenants (which I don't because I hire that out, too, bitch).

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