/smg/ - Stock Market General

Vento Aureo edition

>I'm new to the stock market, what stocks should I buy?
Before you buy anything, make a brokerage account and read investopedia articles and/or the books in the OP list. If you don't have a broker, you can't buy stocks and if you blindly buy things without understanding how the stock market works or doing any research on the individual stocks you're buying, you will lose money and it will be entirely your fault.

List of popular brokers:

List of basic stock market terminology for newfags:

Real-time market news:

Educational sites:

Free in depth technical analysis charts:

Premarket Data:

Earnings Report Calendars:
calendar.google.com/calendar/[email protected]

Pump and Dump Advertising:

S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

Basic rundown on lean hogs:

Biotech Catalyst Calendar:

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Oh ho ho, you're approaching the markets? Your investments are MUDA.

giant futa cock

futures down 30 points
260 rejected 4 times now

we going back down to 230

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futas are shit tier and for pussies who can't admit they're attracted to men

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my body is ready..tomorrow is going to be glorious

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when does nikkei open

Yeah, I don't even think bank earnings are going to matter

youre just useless arent you?

Heres a pro tip. THEY will never let us buy cheapies again. Either you got them or you didnt

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from last thread

GBR for a long term investment until RAI starts doing something with it... they bought like 3 million restricted shares at 1.50 that will be subject to rule144 so they won't be able to dump anytime soon.....

Also check out DNR.. don't know much about it but I have some friends that seem to be getting interested in it for some reason

Speculate on SN.. they have a high short interest and the market cap is very very low so anything could happen with a quickness

speculation on MNGA because there seems to be a lot of pumpers around it...

CEI if they have gotten their shit together.. last i remember they sold off some assets to pay off some debts... lets see how that turns out for them.. could be interesting.

Buy some LCI....

why the fuck do you new trips always buy the stupidest shit, at least pendulum has a water stock...

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nah m8, traps and fembois are great and all, but they are qualitatively different from futa, which retains the soul of a woman. They scratch two completely different itches. The desire for a woman to have a penis, versus the desire for a man with the appearance of a woman.

>faggot jealous of my gains
you put a smile on my face..

fella lemme give you the ultimate portfolio so you won't absolutely lose your shit:

ko, brg, f, enb, t, so, and maybe kmi.

how the heckies am banks gonna make money if literally no one payed back their credit card debt for half year?

me no useless :(
cheapies are getting even cheapieser
this very bullish position

your right the DOW and SPX will look alot like Nikkei long term

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Sell your T. They bought Time warner then removed Luckystar from crunchyroll

>water stocks
>stocks about literally the stuff that floats around in the sky
next you will be shilling a dirt stock

water am LITTERALLY the stuff clouds made of

nobody here is jealous of your gains

thanks grandpa.. can't wait till i'm 70 and my dick doesn't work for me to be able to get some gains

you lack inner strength
I will always be better than you

i don't own water. and pendulum also has the worst water stock possible (woman CEO) but at least it's a stable utility regardless.

getting rid of anime can only be a positive, change my mind

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the rkg is spreading

Bullish yeah right. What was even your bias for each day the past week? You shorted, I already know everything

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Here's a high res bearish laughing Jordan

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rkg is a permabear

YUMA lookin real cheap boys
should I buy a couple thousands tomorrow morning or nah?

buy SN instead

grugposting is a art

high res smug jordan face

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not yet, I'm gonna let it TANK some more before I go in

I wouldn't say that. What you perma-bulls don't understand is that we're actually in a bear market. The direction is moving against you and if you bought anywhere near or at the highs your going to be fucked if you keep holding longs.

Preddy gud

I have some YUMA .. just think that for a speculation play SN could possibly have a bigger gain due to the high short interest.. in the end.. both are garbage but have a chance of making gains...

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isn't SN down like 99% lmao why on earth would you even let your money touch such a place, even for speculation.

1080p HD laughing jordan

>Sanchez Energy
>lmao why on earth would you even let your money touch such a place
Speculation about Lauren Sanchez's $65B pussy

buy low sell high...

not like you would understand... after all.. you thought an option was the same as a stock....

You set price alerts and once you see something crossing your meme line you get in and get out.

This is how you play meme stocks.

Trend lines are your friend

>Antonio R. Sanchez III
Buy 10k @ open

a lot of tripfags in here tonight... wheres baggie?


Futures in free fall
Bulls literally bought the dead cat lamooooo

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He's our Jewish, coke snorting tripfag, and coincidentally (not related at all to his ethnicity) probably also the best trader here.

>probably also the best trader here.
dude just blew up a 135k account last year......

>baggie is the best trader here
big if true

Camballs Soup double onahole confirmed

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Doesn't he routinely buy uncovered ultra short term options and lose money on them because he's buying 100% extrinsic value on low probability trades?

Like he said, the best trader around here.

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he's a degenerate gambler that gets luck once in awhile... his best calls is when he's up for 3 days on a drug fueled shitposting binge

LCI, you're just jealous that people hate baggers less that you.

That's what I was getting at.

Options traders that have a good shot in the long run manage their greeks, roll positions when needed, align their positions with the volatility environment, and make high probability trades.

i really don't care if people here hate me.. my goal is to make money... not make friends with newbs that have $500 robinhood accounts...

also.. baggie knows he's a degenerate gambler... he's one of the few tripfags that come in here that actually has a sense of what he's talking about and how the market works.. doesn't mean he isn't a degenerate gambler.. he knows it.. we all know it..

I for one hate LCI guy less.


based & redpilled

anyone in OTCmarkets.. keep an eye on ICLD... no idea what it will do the coming weeks but there was some crazy ass fucking volume friday... could get interesting..

nice trip

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Pray to whatever God you find comfort in, user. It's nearly time to accept your fate.



Calm down there boyo, I said LESS THAN. You'd be alright if you didn't shill so hard, but LCI is doing way better than big 5.

Mac and cheese? some people in here are going to be eating ramen

>but LCI is doing way better than big 5.
well yeah.. i'm not in big 5 anymore... took my gains and ran

find solace

>investing money you can't afford to lose

>not variations of rice and beans
lrn2poorfag desu senpai

Too many fucking tripfags, this has gotten out of hand

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>Not tap water and sliced bread
C'mon, step it up


Go to sleep, goober. We've got a rough day ahead of us.

I invest everything i have. I mean, what's the worst that can happen? I stay poor? lmao

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>Not pouring tang in between two burger buns
Get with it.


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okay, now this is epic

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yeah but youre not getting any nutrients that way so you cant do it for a whole month without really feeling like shit

rice and beans and a fresh veggie or two is GOAT poorfag meal. banana for desert

stfu comfy
youre just as identifiable without trip senpai
none of us "oldguard" tripfags need to trip anymore
the only reason left to still do it is to provoke, and this should be done with care

ily comfy no homo


i will never delet

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Christmas Eve was close

is that the same girl that denied you a kiss? or a different one??

better save up some money and go beat some hookers with a bamboo stick

picrel is comfy irl desu senpaitachi

also does anyone have the comfy/costanza mashup with the bamboo stick?

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>picrel is comfy irl desu senpaitachi
oh dear lord please let it be true

Actually I have another funny autism story
>flirts with this girl at work
>she seems interested and occasionally touches my arm and smiles
>I previously knew her sister
>they look incredibly similar
>everyone mistakes her for her older sister
>incredibly sensitive about it
>calling her older sisters name is akin to shoving a knife up her vagina and twisting
>be me on Thursday
>working the same shift
>playful banter ensues
>manager comes over to talk to us
>tells us to stop talking and get back to work
Prepare your cringe shields holy fuck
>think i'm pretty smooth
>literally say
>it's not my fault (sister's name) wants to bear my children
>everything is wrong with that sentence
>both literally just walk away

Later that night I had to have a sit down talk with my general manager because I told an Irish exchange student he wasn't white and was a "potato nigger"
I'm going to kill myself
Same girl

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doubt it

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>because I told an Irish exchange student he wasn't white and was a "potato nigger"

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>being this much of a newfag that he doesnt have literally all tripfags faces saved on his computer
actually now that i look i dont have the original baggy_on_bed.png anymore either
i have a picture of his cock that comfy screencapped tho, so that counts for something

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>Later that night I had to have a sit down talk with my general manager because I told an Irish exchange student he wasn't white and was a "potato nigger"
factually correct desu, but you gotta keep that powerlevel under wraps senpai
never a good idea to show the world your unadulterated autism

kek at potato nigger

that's some gay shit no lie

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>I told an Irish exchange student he wasn't white and was a "potato nigger"

>delivers pizza in the middle of potato fields
>calls someone a potato nigger

>Same girl
i would've called it off after the first diss... like really just would've walked away.. left a girl at a bar once because she didn't buy me a shot... she then proceeded to tell me how much she loves me the next day and acted like it was funny..

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Comfy, you can fix this...... Just kill the younglings.

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dont blame me, blame comfy
i didnt want a picture of baggys dick and i was b& from here in the first place when it happened. comfy was horny tho and sent it to me thinking i would like it. i pleaded with him to get help, but to no avail

>see positive recovery and nice rally in January
>think maybe that pendulum guy is actually right for once
>buy 10k of SPY on Friday
>futures already -0.80% and dropping


jesus and I thought I could be cringy.

Idahoians aren't potato nigge-

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>trusting that faggot

that being said, ES is holding 2570 just fine so far and it all rests on C earnings more or less