uhhh guysss? http get and post? couldn't you literally do half of fucking everything with these 2 request types? you don't even need to stick to apis. you could probably make some sort of VPN with this.
Uhhh guysss? http get and post? couldn't you literally do half of fucking everything with these 2 request types...
GET? Like these kinda GETS?
>he thought 1k was a meme
the tutorials always call json parse after an httpget on an api. but couldn't you just do an httpget on any old address and dump the result back to the oracle contract? if the results are too large then split it up into separate transactions.
Brainlet here. I read through the pic, but I'm unclear on what exactly these adapters are doing/could do.
Can you give me one quick, concrete example of what the get/post combo could accomplish? For example, if someone asks me what a smart contract is/could be, I use crop insurance and talk them through it. I totally understand if you don't have the time or the patience, but I'm curious.
What the fuck are you talking about? The node has to run json parse in order to "walk" the URL and return the value that was explicitly requested. If you need multiple values that will all have to be explicitly coded into both the oracle contract and the external adapter
External adapters can perform any arbitrary HTTP requests as coded into the node (in the actual external adapter) and as coded into the oracle contract. The oracle contract knows what kind of data type to expect from the node, and the node knows what json endpoint to return from the external adapter. If you're curious about get/post requests then just google HTTP requests because it's not related to Chainlink exclusively.
You seem to have a technical background...may you please give me your opinion on the tokenenomics of chainlink? Good or bad?
>uhhh guysss?
Does anyone else here completely ignore threads that start like this?
does httpget only work on rest endpoints? could you not set up contracts where instead of parsing a set of specific values you return the entire html response instead?
stfu, stop asking, dyor
I don't want to speculate on price but I think they are good.
I think you're misunderstanding the process. The oracle contract is on chain. It only allows for certain data types, which is why the node has to give back only the value requested, and not an entire JSON response. Also, the goal is to keep as much computation off-chain as possible, since intensive computation raises ETH gas fees. Furthermore, the EVM is limited in capability in comparison to what a chainlink node can do.
Like this type of GET.
>http get and post
So basically chainlink is setting up for offchain computation. Which we already knew was a possiblity. Unless there is more to "http get and post"?
ah i see. let me get one like yours then
could you toss everything into a bytes32 and do multiple transactions if you need more space? i know this isn't the purpose of chainlink, it ends up as an expensive way to interact with a website.
External adapters are where external computation occurs. Node operators can create their own external adapters in addition to the default ones offered by the Chainlink team. Actually, all requests handled by a node are technically external adapters it's just that the node is programmed to have "core" external adapters that is available to all nodes. I would expect the TEE offered by SGX to be available to all nodes running the appropriate intel hardware. As far as "http get and post" I don't see why anyone is getting hung up on those terms, because they're just a way for the node to interact with other computers/servers. Not really impressive at all. Chainlink is actually a json parser, when meme's become reality it means all the memes.
Can you just elaborate on the full scope of your idea instead of asking bits and pieces of it? Would make more sense that way
I'm trying to see if it's possible to route traffic through node operators without explicitly having to create adapters for every single case. This could maybe anonymize traffic?
imagine investing your life savings into jason's brother hashteeteep
are you trying to get data on chain? or just use the node network for encryption/anonymization?
Lmao look at this triggered nigger, LINK is a shit utility token and its value proposition doesn't make any sense, you will all get fucked Quanstamp style.
the dude was asking in like 5 threads the same question today
All 3, data on chain, anonymization, and encryption (especially with tees) should be possible. Because it's hard to track down the initiator of the transaction to the oracle contract, youre basically anonymously surfing the web through the node operator right? Albeit at a steep price on each call. I guess why I'm "hung up" on http post and get is because up until now all I've heard from chainlink is oracle, API, oracle, API. But it looks like it does alot more.
He means like tHis one
lol, try THIS get maybe
Notice how her neck got an erection