The end is coming

>stocks at an all time high compared to 20 years ago
>house prices keep going up and up
>record number of doomers with student loans that they can never pay back
>200 people on average fighting for every job opening
>unsustainable growth by China
>automation making millions of jobs redundant

Only boomers and NEETs would say otherwise that everything is “fine”. The next crash will be 100 times worse than the 2008 recession. We will see the far right make BIG wins and elected to government across the western world. Also a country like China where you have a one party dictatorship, as soon as the gravy train stops, people will be out for blood. It will basically be like 1933 (Great depression and Election of Hitler) all over again mixed with a bit of 476 (collapse of Rome) and 1789 (French Revolution)

>inb4 universal basic income

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It’s habbening

Attached: 47CF1B4F-8A28-4646-8658-78A22A5B5D56.jpg (959x978, 69K)

so k i bought link

Your age is at ath.
Short it !

Attached: 3zy0rndqjf121.jpg (1242x871, 96K)

I seriously hope so.
It would be for the better.

Expect, i hate Pan heads!!! They are 1000 times worse than any of the Jews that died during ww2.

You better be right this time, don't tease

I hope you're not being a faggot OP. The edge in me wants it so.

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My quads confirm it. Get your ramen n nuggets ready bois.

Attached: f262911c035096aba6a7673bad819532642b55867920f6813c67f3d3ed515471.jpg (720x743, 61K)

You think the elite will let anything happen? Unless its profitable for them, nothing will happen

"The end is coming."
>that's what she hopped for but The Almighty Long Cat Order knows better.

It's not gonna happen, sorry
Stocks are overvalued yes but the housing market is pretty healthy
A liberal who comes into the presidency and forgives student loans is more likely than Hitler 2
Unemployment is at an all time low
China only matters a little bit, not much compared to the United States
Automation creates more jobs
Yes there will be a bad crash but the US will be fine afterwards like it is every time
Maybe if this whole board didn't just jack off to crypto and paid attention to things that mattered then you'd know this

>the housing market is pretty healthy
>A liberal who comes into the presidency and forgives student loans is more likely than Hitler 2
Ah haha
>Unemployment is at an all time low
OH hohohoho
>China only matters a little bit, not much compared to the United States
>Automation creates more jobs
>Yes there will be a bad crash but the US will be fine afterwards like it is every time
>Maybe if this whole board didn't just jack off to crypto and paid attention to things that mattered then you'd know this

every single thing you said is hilariously wrong. this is impressive.
Poe's law on this.

Include me in the screen cap

If you think automation will create more low paying jobs than it takes away, you're fucking dumb.

I can see what he means but it definitely will replace by hand labor of packaging for example

actually it will be a commie revolution. when everyone is dirt poor the last thing they will want is more capitalism. also trump is a jew puppet that is pro daca and pro h1b. so a lot of good that did his voters.

>Automation creates more jobs!
More like
>Work hour limit creates more "jobs"
>Collapse of families creates more "jobs"
>Bloated government creates more "jobs"
>Corporate PC culture creates more "jobs"

automation is efficient in the long term, faggot. Newer jobs are created in different functions, it's only bad if it happens too fast because boomers can only die so fast.

What I think it's gonna happen: what is happening now will continue, Trump will either fuck up before 2020 or get reelected or fuck up then, that's gotta trigger the stockmarket fall. But we won't have it easy like in 2008 (just bail the banks out xd). Right not the problem is way worse. SJWs have infiltrated companies and are making them rotten on the inside, it will be a while until people figure out what's actually going on while the markets are going down and they have nothing to back them up. Everything is inflated, from things' monetary value to thots' egos.
Amazon is getting justed because they won't reach world domination fast enought and Bezos is getting justed as well in his personal life.
The rest of the economy rests on Apple, shitty media, and videogames. Apple keeps making non innovative products, Blizzard and bunch of other gaming companies are dying because of Fortnite, which will die as well (low skill cap so it's only a matter of time until something new appears and takes normalfags away). This is only the start. Science is also filled with diversity hires, and progress will be less limited if less autists are getting jobs in it, especially because things like gene editing and other stuff that could potentially cure all diseases is being overidden by shit like "all races are the same, we are all perfect, xD". And I don't think physics can save us this time since even if string theory progresses a lot, or a theory of everything is found, it won't for sure supersede the macroscopic laws of entropy, etc., or it will take too much time to be adopted into mainstream (we are talking in the span of 5-10 years, very short for science).

It will possibly be the end for a lot of us (or a good thing in some scenarios) and it will be a slow and painful descent into the bottom

After a few ups and downs for like a year, coins are also going to shit.

Take your shit and put it all into cash and buy a mansion in 10 years

Lol. Billions of jobs will be lost to automation, and replaced with approx 10 million jobs with a high skill, intelligence and competence requirement.

Some of the shit you're spouting is pretty legit, where do you get your assumptions from?

However you must agree that the big prolem going forward is how automation will make most people redundant and useless, the few "new jobs" automation will create are only accessible by people with high intelligence and competency.

What happens to the rest of people?

The next crash will cause WW3.