Does your gf/wife know about your crypto stacks?

My wife knows I have some "crypto" but nothing about the details on how much I invested.

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Best not to tell, else she will divorce.
Good to tell when trying to attract Thots, but only when it is big in the news


Mine knows and now follows cryptocurrency news and happenings. She started reading and learning about crypto and now informs me of things I might have missed. If your wife is not in it with you, you are doing something wrong user.

why is she popular?

My wife knows I'm all in on Crypto and if she leaves she ain't getting no god goverment or family court to give her any.

Get the fuck off my board normalnigger


My wife knows I was mining and bought some crypto. She doesn't know what my holdings are though. I figure one day I'll just surprise her. Hopefully that's when I have made 7 figures in crypto.

I do wonder though if I should document the process of accessing my coins. Any of us could drop dead at any moment and all of our coins would be lost forever.

Mine knows. I dont quite know if she understands the size and implications of some of my positions. We'll probably be retiring during the bull. She use to roll her eyes when I told her should should start researching blockchain technologies. The 2017 bull really opened her eyes when all these people she worked with started jumping in Dec/Jan. They dont talk about it anymore but I still do. Now she has gotten to the point that she sets aside time to read through the LINK articles I send her. Even watched that whole IMF video that was floating around last week. $1000 EOY

prolly better not to tell

I made the mistake of letting my gf into the fun last year. She liked me a lot more when I was rich, and we started having a very good time.

When I lost it all, and went mad, she left me.


>If your wife is not in it with you, you are doing something wrong user.
she supports me and she trusts me but she is not interested in the technology behind it and she is fine with me taking decisions about how much to invest and on what.
I am not sure about what I will do if and when she will ask me in detail how much we got in crypto. I have to clarify that she is unemployed, so I am only investing money I earned through my job.
>why is she popular?
she was smart linking herself to popular streamers and basically leeching their success. She accumulated a huge amount of male followers who think she's cute and got stuck to her and now she has her own independent career

>I do wonder though if I should document the process of accessing my coins. Any of us could drop dead at any moment and all of our coins would be lost forever.
this is a very good point

>I am not sure about what I will do if and when she will ask me in detail how much we got in crypto
please dont tell me you squandered everything on memecoin

She's isn't even that attractive it's just the make up.

nope. normie bitch asked if i was "going to buy a bitcoin" in december of 2017 lmao. little does she know my life savings is in XMR and LINK

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Same here user got 5 nano for wifey and 4 children put half of d seed in 2 different banks one in us and another in my 3rd world shithole

of course otherwise she'd leave me

>please dont tell me you squandered everything on memecoin
5% of my networth distributed among ETH and LINK. I am considering adding RLC.

did you take this picture?

All my gf knows is that I'm trying to retire early through investing and that's all shes going to know.

That's already too much. She might seriously consider marrying you in order to make a profit in divorce.

Fiancee knows I'm invested.
How much or into what she doesn't know, nor care to ask.

>havent invested more than 5% on the greatest revolution in human history

Clever girl.

My gf knows my net worth (I'm pretty wealthy) and that I own some crypto. She never really asked how much I have in crypto specifically. I don't really think she cares. I wouldn't mind telling her if she wanted to know though. I already told her that I want a prenup when/if I ever get married and she was perfectly fine with it. And yes, prenups (almost) always work in my country.

I didn't tell my last gf. She thought I was a broke neet trying to find a job. I was looking for a job as I'd just graduated, but she didn't know I made 300k from flipping shit coins. She thought I was a loser because I didn't want to wagecuck at Walmart or something while I was job searching

I caught her cheating on me less than a month after I cashed out, the day I was going to surprise her with a trip to Europe. Guess I dodged a bullet

You dodged a bullet and never doubt otherwise

my gf knows im in crypto but she's not very interested in it and i don't tell her how much i have, although she has asked a few times. All i have is like 20k link though so it's not like i have some big card up my sleeve- at least for now

>your gf/wife

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I know your feeling fren stay strong we will make it

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Only told my gf I have a few.
Once I make it she is or has to accept the fact that I'll add another women in to our life

It's a fucking retarded point

>if i die i want a roastie cashing out on my gains and using it to fuck other dudes

Miss me with that being cucked from the grave as a beta male provider. Would rather have my bitcoins rot away than be spent by my "grieving" roastie

This. I rather watch them burn.

>If your wife is not in it with you, you are doing something wrong user.

You don't involve your wife in your work. She does not need the stress from crypto. That is your job, not hers. That you think you need her in this only shows your short comings.

Yes they know, but not how much; fully supported. Should I die they'll have access to it through my logs.

If you don't pass them on you are basically supporting your fellow crypto marines, as the lowered supply should pump our bags

the monkey bar strategy is painfully common among females

I imagine this is much different when your crypto stack is all money from gain and you haven't invested any real funds of your own.

That said my gf knows nothing about my 125k LINK stack.

I agree crypto is a revolution but it's still a gamble. Nobody knows which coin will emerge as the winner.

women are dumb

>I already told her that I want a prenup when/if I ever get married and she was perfectly fine with it
get ready for her to change her mind if you will actually get close to the marriage.

he was talking about LINK, not crypto in general

it's not a random roastie, it's the woman you loved for possibly most of your life and with whom you shared everything

>125k LINK
really nice
>he was talking about LINK, not crypto in general
oh thanks, I didn't get it. But as much as I like LINK, that makes his statement even worse... Nobody can seriously believe investing all their worth on LINK (or any other coin) is a smart move.

>Nobody can seriously believe investing all their worth on LINK is a smart move

>He doesn't know

Privacy of account balances and transactions, is an essential enterprise-grade feature and a prerequisite for any coin to be used in real-world commercial deployments.

If you are a manufacturer, you cannot afford your competitors data mining a public blockchain and reconstructing your entire supply chain, flow of goods and pricing. This would be prohibitive and the same applies to nearly any other industry sector and use case.

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There is not a single woman in crypto who knows wtf they're doing besides the girls who are just in it for attention or to scam. Guaranteed you're an absolute retard if your wife appears competent to you.

No. I will never ever EVER reveal my powelevel EVER to anyone ever again. Fool me once with that shit.

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>Now she has gotten to the point that she sets aside time to read through the LINK articles I send her. Even watched that whole IMF video that was floating around last week. $1000 EOY
>"what is happening, user? everyone in my work started leaving, even joe told me that he was leaving tomorrow, why are we still in the red?, why haven't we made a cent yet?"

Gf knows I have stocks, cryptos, metals & other stuff but no idea how much.
She asks, 'how are you coins doing' pretty often to make conversation.
Never would tell her how much I'm invested though


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mine doesn't know that I own and trade bitcoin. maybe she suspects something, but that's it. I'll maybe let her know part of it when I cash out a significant sum, if that ever happens.

My girl called it stupid as fuck and thinks I’m gambling but I told her she isn’t getting a penny if I make it. Now I’m suddenly selfish

I told my wife about link when i bought into it last year at 15 cents. I was very skeptical of it but I could see it in the memes that it was the real deal. We have nick named it scammer coin that all she knows about my crytpo.

Typical camwhore strategy

This is bretty gud advice to go on

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We retired of it in Jan 2018. She knows.