Does your gf/wife know about your crypto stacks?

My wife knows I have some "crypto" but nothing about the details on how much I invested.

Attached: evenmoremoneyfromthecucks.png (1022x596, 1.43M)

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Best not to tell, else she will divorce.
Good to tell when trying to attract Thots, but only when it is big in the news


Mine knows and now follows cryptocurrency news and happenings. She started reading and learning about crypto and now informs me of things I might have missed. If your wife is not in it with you, you are doing something wrong user.

why is she popular?

My wife knows I'm all in on Crypto and if she leaves she ain't getting no god goverment or family court to give her any.

Get the fuck off my board normalnigger


My wife knows I was mining and bought some crypto. She doesn't know what my holdings are though. I figure one day I'll just surprise her. Hopefully that's when I have made 7 figures in crypto.

I do wonder though if I should document the process of accessing my coins. Any of us could drop dead at any moment and all of our coins would be lost forever.

Mine knows. I dont quite know if she understands the size and implications of some of my positions. We'll probably be retiring during the bull. She use to roll her eyes when I told her should should start researching blockchain technologies. The 2017 bull really opened her eyes when all these people she worked with started jumping in Dec/Jan. They dont talk about it anymore but I still do. Now she has gotten to the point that she sets aside time to read through the LINK articles I send her. Even watched that whole IMF video that was floating around last week. $1000 EOY