This guy's gf is hotter than any girl you'll ever be with

While you all are chasing your beanie baby internet coins, she is slobbering all over his paraplegic dick.

Remember, money can NOT buy happiness. Maybe if you tried having a personality instead of attempting to get rich you could actually get laid for once.

Attached: Screenshot_20190112-004745.png (1920x1080, 1.11M)

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Just be a squeezed tube of tooth paste bro

what a chad, how do i compete?

hm, my ex was hotter

i dont need her i can poop alone
eat a dick

She is pretty but clearly has something major wrong with her or that guy has a bottomless bank account

Maybe she has a disability fetish.... She literally reached out to him when she saw him on YouTube.

Why is this guy's body so frail?

LINK did this to him

Wtf are you talking about? He's built like a brick shithouse.

he longed 100x in december

>make online money throught weird relationship that goes viral
>fuck chad on the side

I follow SBSK and the exact same thing happened with someone else recently. A guy on a ventilator with muscular dystrophy got a chubby emo australian gf to fly to America and meet him.

I knew it.

Here it is

All these people are deranged. Don't worry about it guys. Just be thankful you're not the girlfriend or the guy.


biz/ is turning to /b

wrong i was with a girl hotter than that for 2 years in college, but i've since become a failure

yes the no coiner jew like insults. bring it on op.

Dude what are you talking about. Shit is beautiful.
One day we will ALL be old, frail, and unattractive. If your gf/bf truly loves you, they'll still love you for who you are, not the body you're in.
These girls are unironically based and redpilled and understand that the body is merely a vessel, one that could become fucking crippled at any moment.

Here's another. He wasn't disabled before though but she stayed with him after he had a brain injury.

Neither of the two physically disabled guys have anything wrong with their brains. I think it would be harder to be with someone whose brain was fucked than their body.

What are the chances both of these girls are feigning love for the sole intention and purpose of marrying and then divorce raping later down the line?

>but i've since become a failure
because of Jow Forums?

Almost zero you fucking incel.

so what the fuck kind of fetish is that

She may enjoy taking care of him but at the end of the day she gets ravaged by Jamal

Note to self: act disabled around girls.

LOL what makes you say that? Reminder that all women are naturally great actors

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they talk about having sex in the vid

You don't need any reminders.

the memes, man, the memes! they're critical

>tfw born too retarded for Stacy
>born not retarded enough for a mommy

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-01-14 at 1.53.03 PM.png (1816x1144, 2.5M)

How rich is he? How long after the marriage until he “accidentally” dies?

This dude has a major insurance policy and she'll be sole beneficiary.

So, when his disability finally kills him (probably within 5-10 years), she'll inherit all his money, right?

Shit. Maybe that's what we should do.

Find some fugly bitch with a terminal disease. Someone no one could love. BAM, you live rent free, she'll pay for food and you'll most likely inherit the house/apartment when she dies.

10/10 plan.

zero chance of that. far more likely that they stick it out until the dudes die and they become the sole proprietor of his estate. The guy with muscular distrophy probably only has 10-20 years if it's already reached his lungs.


She gets off on virtue signaling points.

Girls call me a retard and throw things at me. Does this mean they don't have that fetish?

mine too

She's probably fuckin some guy on the low.

hey maybe the left will start pushing this after all the white girl/black man couples in everything from children's cartoons to TV and movies.
>Next will be white girls with ultra cripples.
I look forward to this new form of entertainment.

His family is obviously loaded you fucking moron. She's a golddigger and has a Chad fucking her on the side.

You're all clueless.


He probably has a long catheter tube.

The ultimate NEET.
God I wish that was me

are you me?