Hey fudder faggots

Ready to apologize?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Wow it pumped 6% in a day. Sure I feel a lot happier about losing 99% of ATH

Shut up fudder faggot

This coin broke me. I can't believe I fell for the meme. All I have to show for it is a stack of worthless digital funny money with a giant cartoon R plastered on the side.

On the plus side, my heart is now iron. Nothing crypto can do can hurt me anymore, not even a full crash to zero.

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You have no idea what's coming. Remember: HODL, we will all make it.

Why aren’t you all-in LINK user :(


>71K REQ, DCA $0.22, ALL IN

You obviously have no idea what you're invested in. Mark my words, Chainlink will fail this year, while Request will have made millionaires. HODL

I had $10k worth of this a year ago...feelsbadman

I understand what it is but the price action has been brutal. Also the team seems really non-existent compared to what link has been doing the past year


Attached: team dinner.jpg (800x1421, 371K)

REQ is the crypto for me

I have faith on the team.
The thing is they need Link to succeed to have a fiat gateway.
Wish they had more commits on github.

Req came in my boipussy and didn't say goodbye

Req took all my money

REQ literally took a shit on my pillow

Can't even sell this shittoken if you tried right now. I put up a more than 75k 20m ago for just above ask price, less than 9% has filled.

Whoops I meant A MERE 75k, drunk srry

Lol you wish

they have private repos

Great, now my 71k REQ can only buy 3.8k link

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How many sweet REQ tokens do you need to become a future millionare desu?

I have 60k of REQ

You guys don't understand how to get rich, you have to be willing to see things that people don't see (yet).

If you invested in REQ I sure hope you understand their vision. The vision is MASSIVE. The team is solid as fuck (100% sure of it, I went to the same school that most of the guys in REQ went, and students in this school are serious and all sharp).

If REQ survives the bear market (I believe they will, they have enough discipline and stay low profile enough), it has good chance to realize their vision.

Weakhands please do sell and shut up about it.

well i have 450, so when it reaches 1k ill be the one laffin

The team is just shit lmao



Let me guess, you never built software nor created a business in your life?

>caring about the school some french kids went too.

This is one level away from ‘my dad works at nintendo’

If it wasn’t a shitcoin it wouldnt be 99% down right now. Any coin that has done that will absolutely never recover. The only projects that will make it are ones that survived this bear market. ie. Link, Holo, XRP and maybe a couple others. The whole ‘big news coming soon! You have no idea what’s ahead!’ Doesn’t work anymore. This isn’t 2017. All those projects will die.

Sorry for your bags.

Req has no tech after a fucking year
Just a couple of smart contracts and a reddit mod
These fuckers got $30m to live the crypto startup life while our dreams were shit on for believing in these scammers

They're definitely bags, dont get me wrong, but REQs purpose is for spending cryptocurrency, how successful is that ever going to be in a long bear market.

I guess I'm saying maybe it's not all their fault, 2017 made a lot of people (incorrectly) believe that people would actually spend crypto

This coin is completely useless and will continue to fall near nil. Only the most desperate bagholders continue to shill this to newfags

> team solid as fuck


REQ making gains today baby yeah buddy


I feel sorry for anyone investing in this. No irony

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My body is ready.


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In bear market its normal to be down 90%
There is no mainstream usage of crypto yet so OBVIOUSLY REQ valuation can't explode for now.
I'm saying, IF crypto goes mainstream, REQ has still a good chance at being a massive player.

If you just follow the price of the token on a daily basis and get angry, you're a litteral retard.

I am heavily invested in REQ as you can see from my portfolio. I just wanna point out that REQ has a lot of other good things going for it that are often over looked 'muh PayPal 2.0'. There is no argument from me that should the team be able to make a platform that normies can use to pay each other without the need to know anything about the blockchain or crypto, then obviously REQ will go parabolic. The accountancy side of REQ and what the team are trying to do is of most interest to myself. If they can achieve triple entry accounting this will be massive. They have their PWC partnership and ING are lurking in the background. 2019 will be a very interesting year for REQ.. even if it is a full years bear market. If the team can start accomplishing things I think REQ could be in for a massive upward correction.

>from $1.2 to $0.5

This user knows

I WISH I was joking. I did finally just market sell it all. I paid >$12k for that 75k REQ sold for $1500 good fucking riddance. Under 40 BTC 24 hr volume REQ is literally dead.

Buy high sell low. Literally never gonna make it

never gonna make it

Lmfao fucking this, especially that last part made me fucking angry.. Fucking fuck shit REQtoast

I bought this coin strictly from the memes and to be part of this comfy community

Attached: 53b.png (651x481, 376K)

You guys are pissed off because the team took picture in Singapore (ie where they lived at that time) in a semi-fancy restaurant eating mozzarella.

Have you ever worked in a corporate environment? Even for a funded startup its not uncommon to go eat in nice restaurants when you have business to do.

Enjoy your bags.

Noice. Yer gonna make it, fren.

That there is pretty much the portfolio of the future, as it acknowledges that Jack of All Trade platforms are a specialist in none.

I’d also consider researching the possible viability of a cloud computing protocol like iExec, a dark pool protocol like REN, a currency conversion prot like KNC, sc auditing like QSP and of course any emerging competitors in the aforementioned specialized use cases for blockchain tech.

If the king shit trend that is bitcoin has taught us anything, it’s that you caint try to be two or more things at once: Bitcoin is too inefficient and expensive to be a currency and too volatile to be a store of value.

I bought LINK with what I got from the stack and am up 30% since last night, meanwhile REQ hasn't moved. I'm not gonna make it? HAHAHA.


Abstract is that you?

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REQ will go back to $1 soon

Feel free to screenshot this

I don't think it ever hit $1 on binance or did it

I literally bought REQ and LINK at the same price, and now REQ is like 3 cents and LINK is 50 cents. I got fucking REQt

TEK Kill yourself you fucking faggot. God you eurofags are such egotistical autistic faggots. Tek you're literally the biggest faggot ive come across in a while, your whole self absorbed retarded personality pisses me the fuck off. You need to fuck off and die. Nobody cares that you dumped REQ in late january nigga if you're smart you'd get out when it was over a dollar not when the whole market was in panic sell mode. Stop bragging about it you fag.

>what are sats

I got FUCKED by this coin

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i'm here for the long haul. I'll remain in this hole until Req reaches $5.

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Sold my REQ for LINK.

There's nothing happening for REQ for at least half a year.

I actually sold a little bit of my LINK for this last year. Worst performer in my crypto bag.

have fun buying groceries with those sats fucking retard

REQ has more tech than LINK dumbass.

It's up while most everything else is down. It's getting hard to hide the fact that people are accumulating.

Yes brother whales are accumulating

Once I was nearly a millionaire, I believe that someday, I will be a millionaire.

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what else do you hodl?

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I traded this REQ stack from 30K REQ up, I mean it's the crypto amount that matters right guys? Right??

sell everything for link and you woudn't have to believe

Just switched the ride from Link to Req(kt) :D I'm doomed

Dude. I only have 135k and YOU doubt yourself? You're well off.

Needs link to work
Lmao le rèqued

I had nearly 500K REQ, but I sold and went into LINK.

Nothing happening for REQ this year, no point holding it.

This. Op is a faggot and I'm still $10K down. All of my life's savings oh Jesus Christ why

>in bear market its normal to be down 90%

Only if you’ve invested in failed projects or outright scams.

What does this even mean ‘has more tech’

Holy shit this guy's up $30. He's definitely going to make it. Hahahahahah

You're saying you went from 30k REQ to 700k by trading?