Food you'll eat every day when you make it

Food you'll eat every day when you make it

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They have the best fucking fries tbqh


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I already made it but my cholesterol is so shot I can't binge. I just sit and lay in bed sometimes listening to music and browse Jow Forums. Eat good but healthy, that way you'll feel like a king but eat like an asian.

Sad that chick-fil-a literally got ran out of my town by deranged leftists.

If this state weren't so beautiful I'd be the fuck out of here.

looks flavorful

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that's pretty fucked up, and I fucking hate frogs

Thanks for reminding me why I hate people

I live in SoCal which is 99% liberal yet these fat fucks are willing to compromise their LGBT shit for some nice juicy deep fried chicken served on a delicious soft bun with a side of sweet tea

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asians arent human, they are insects with skin as their exoskeleton

Get on keto already if you haven't

This. It's because the average Asian lacks meat, dairy, and animal fats in their diet.

the same thing i eat now
5-8 eggs
4-7 strips of uncured bacon
5-6 oz of hot breakfast sausage
2-5 oz of almonds
sometimes either 12oz of cauliflower or broccoli
sometimes 10-16 oz of grass fed ground beef
sometimes cheese, onions, chives, or salsa added into some of it


'People' feel empathy and treat living beings with respect and dignity.

>tfw you will never be fed Wendy's spicy chicken sandwiches on the Lincoln silverware by the GEOTUS.

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Brappers & titties, breakfast lunch & dinner

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Chinks deserve the bomb for this

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these 'what are you going to do when you make it' escapist fantasy threads epitomize the sad hopelessness which is the only thing this board has left. you're a laughing stock. your parents are not proud of you, they never will be. you're not going to make it.

what happened with it?

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did it die straight away when it got stabbed in the head or is it alive?

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I drink it every day
I'm frugal as a mother fucker and food is expensive
everything you need in a drink
come at me

Kale and sweet potatoes

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Again, it's because they don't eat enough meat for the necessary brain-building cholesterol that gives a person the ability to empathize.

this guy fucking gets it. Burgers are literally the most patrician food. the whole concept was made up by noblemen so that they could hold their food while they played cards. europoors will simply never understand

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You can almost smell the povert here

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also tendies cuz why not.

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delete this you bitch

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very much alive when they started eating it

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its because the hormones they release when theyre dying enhance the flavor of the meat, its why we like meat in general, but this is like taking that to its maximum conclusion

Frugal as a motherfucker but spend $4 per bottle of soijuice.

I don't buy that at all. They are doing it because they are getting off on knowing that the frog is having to endure watching them torture and eat it alive.

That's the depraved experience they seek.

you get the powder
it's way cheaper
it comes to like $8.50 a day for food. 100% balanced nutrition

If I eat chickfila every day already, does that mean I've made it?

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I'm almost there
I give myself one allotment of a "healthy" fast food option, usually salad, flame broiler, panera bread or on bad days Panda Express with Greens, then the rest of the day is onions and protein powder.

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Is he going to be ok?...

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Dream diet right there. Where do you get your uncured bacon from?

No it isn't you idiots it's a nerve reflex. Cut the head off a chicken and the same thing will happen.

Real niggas only.

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it means ur fat as fuck
u fat fuck

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>tfw Asian fetishists are into this

I'll drink brappuchinos every day

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this and this, just about every day. Also will eat delicious bootyhole every weekend.

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do you have it to increase estrogen and look cuter?

this guy is such an ultra-chad

Those tits are hanging down to her belly button.

No it doesn't, the animal just pumps tons of adrenaline through their body as they die and you eat that. Whether that even chnges the flavor is debatable and it's still shitty for your body to consume it.

if you decapitate something they are still alive until they suffocate. They probably faint from shock but they are still alive until they suffocate from lack of oxygen.

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The arms were still attached to its head so that was the frog actually doing that. It was not a nerve reflex.

That poor amphibian, watching some giant insect eating it as it slowly fades into the abyss. Thinking of the days those leg muscles were intact and provided it with the mobility to live its life. Now it's all gone, and the reality of death still hasn't set in, how can it? One never thinks the time will come.

You can get rat lungworm from eating raw frog. I hope they know where the frog came from.

The ONLY correct answer.

Not only is Sushi delicious, there's tons of variety AND it's very good for you.

If I had to eat only one food until death it would be Japanese.


name of dish?

Açai bowl, avocado toast, and onions protein drink. Gotta get healthy friends

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this is also why the satanic "elite" molests, rapes, murders, and eat small children, adrenochrome

>thinking of your own food to eat
>not having a Michelin star chef surprise you every time

Doing it wrong faggots

oh no frens why

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I have an asian gf born in hong kong lived there until 18. I just showed her this video and she freaked out. Should wouldn't watch it. She said she will never understand why people do that.

You dont have a girlfriend do you user.


Eating like sergey

i fucking hate jungle people
>omg they so cute smol and fem
no, theyre just insects

"chinks and gooks were a mistake " - God

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>finally the perfect combination of biz and ck

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Japanese "people".

Kebabs & Brappers

$4.48 for 12oz

I do eat cured bacon too. I keep 10lbs thick cut deli bacon vacuum sealed in the freezer. I buy it in bulk when it goes on sale for $3.99 a pound.

I also have enlightened ice cream often. The chocolate peanut butter only has 3g net carbs per serving and 12g in a pint.

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$4.48 for 12oz

I do eat cured bacon too. I keep 10lbs thick cut deli bacon vacuum sealed in the freezer. I buy it in bulk when it goes on sale for $3.99 a pound.

I also have enlightened ice cream often. The chocolate peanut butter only has 3g net carbs per serving and 12g in a pint.

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Love how everyone turned a blind eye when the in and out thing happened

12oz ground beef with onions relish and mustard in the bowl
5oz hot breakfast sausage
6 free range eggs scrambled with 2oz extra sharp cheddar
4 strips uncured bacon
12oz steamed broccoli

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All day, every day.

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>This kills the frogposter

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Why the fuck are you fags freaking out over this? It's not as if cows, pigs and chickens were treated any better before being slaughtered. Just be thankful for the chance to eat delicious meat and pray there isn't an advanced meat eating space faring civilisation out there

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Biscuits and sausage gravy

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Because most autists relate more to animals. So it hurts us to see an animal tortured and watching the being causing it so much pain eating it alive.

Westerners don't make the animal watch as they eat it. Not even close, we may not treat animals as well as we should, but I have seen multiple videos of Chinksects blowtorching dogs, boiling rats, and ripping animals apart with their teeth, all while still alive. Those sub-humans literally want to cause as much agony as possible before eating an animal. And people still think they are compatible with western civilization somehow? Fuck that, expel them from all white nations, along with Spics, Niggers, Pajeets, and most of all, Jews.

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fuck chinks

Cry me a river

Westerners cut an animal's throat, put a metal rod through its head or shoot it so they can kill it efficiently and eat it. Ant people rip them in half and place the still alive head on the plate so it can watch them eat it. It's not enough just to kill the thing, they have to torture it and draw out its pain as long as possible because it makes their psychotic gook chodes hard. Actual human beings capable of empathy tend to frown upon this behavior.


Show me one burger normie that's okay with this, and I'll show you a million gooks boiling and skinning dogs alive for fun.

>a million gooks boiling and skinning dogs alive for fun.
As long as you eat processed meat, you are the problem.
The vast majority of Asians disapprove of Dog meat, even humanely slaughtered.
You won't find a million, let alone a few thousand that actively supports killing dawgs for fun
Even in Chinkland Yulin or the Land of the Gooks or Southeast Asian Niggers or the local Pajeet

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And FYI in every single one of those videos, the retard burger employees are enjoying killing these animals.
Amerimutts are just as subhuman as Chinks, Nips and Gooks. No excuses.