never change you fucking autists, the schlop threads, the tink threads, the wojak singing threads, i dont know how a swedish floorboard knitting community got such a diversified portfolio but damn am i glad
I love this board so much
were a bunch of fucking retards lmao but we're still ganna get rich thanks to autism
>only does things he thinks are BASED
literally me
Cringe but baste
>they call it a disability
>has the best posts
literally me
do /tv/ and Jow Forums share the same userbase?
Nah, you're all a bunch of losers desu. I only come on here to have a laugh at how fucking pathetic you guys are. Lågasre intellekt går seriöst inte att hitta Nothing but a cringe subculture of brainlets.
Hot pockets for din din again, janny?
Jow Forums /tv/ crossover when?
go back dressing up as sonic the hedgehog at furry conventions and pick up that service job you left for "getting rich of crypto" will ya?
cringe and bluepilled snownigger
absolutely based
Imagine non-ironically using bill terminology still
dunno but I'd love to go to the kinoplex with you chaps
Schlopgang runs this board and always will
/tv/, /v/, Jow Forums, Jow Forums, /sp/, Jow Forums, /b/, and Jow Forums tend to be within the same userbase generally speaking.
Without biz I would have NEVER found out about LINK and LINK is the only thing that keeps me motivated in this disgusting market and for the I LOVE YOU BIZ WE ARE ALL GONNA MAKE IT
>Lågasre intellekt går seriöst inte att hitta
Try speaking a real language next time fucking mega brainlet
Svend you’re not allowed to post on this hateful website. Get back to work, Jamal and his Swedish wife need your tax money.
*sucks air through teeth*
*hushed tone under breath*
you too lil nigga we ride till we die
>mfw USA have 3000% more niggers than sweden
Your Feminist government will come get you for posting here. Better go post on tumblr about how much you love the BBC if you know what's good for you.
>Jow Forums, Jow Forums, /b/
no. /bizck/
>that feel when part of this board
most of the /b/-tards fled to Jow Forums after that mod faggotry that happened back in 2011, and 2012, and most of Jow Forums is also old /b/.
Not even accounting cross-board posting which has been a thing since forever.
friendly reminder that 90% of indian street food contains faecal matters