How do I short science?

How do I short science?

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Spread religion

Only one religion left to spread.

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>honorary title
Oh no some old guy 50 years past the point of producing anything of value has an honorary title taken away. Scientific advancement will certainly cease.

>truth and white males will no longer be tolerated in (((science)))
Scientific advancement will certainly increase.

Obongo has one, inventor of the lobotomy has one. Award is worthless

Now they're trying to claim that he and Crick stole the whole idea from a woman. I love the way SJWs rewrite history.

Because one guy had a useless title removed? Seems a stretch.

Religion has no fucking problem with Science.

>Character assassination for being correct about something your detractors have literally no footing in
>This is okay who cares

Heh, too bad for him that his last name doesn't end in:
>Stein, berg, hen, atz
Otherwise they would have pushed it under a rug. Then again, what jew would publish such findings. kek

So can facts be racist? If that's the case, I don't think racism is as bad as its made out to be.

Reality is unfortunately racist. The man who uncovered the structure of DNA thinks that genetics play a role in intelligence and that is racist because it hurts feelings.

The statement made was that his statement had no scientific basis.

Why doesn't any institution fund research into the role genetics play on intelligence then? Or would we prefer not to know because it might hurt peoples feelings?

Burger detected. Nobody cares about muh jesus and muh bible outside Burgerstan. And I'm saying this as a Russian.

Who said anything about Christianity? Allahu ackbar convert or die.

could you ever openly say that?

"muh fellow Russians... >. "

You can openly say it about jews and whites, or asians and whites, but not in any way that makes whites sound good.

does that imply, that science is censored?
for example latest statistics about dick sizes just show correlation with height and not with the race. could it be a lie, and bbc is not a meme?

Jews have the highest average IQ of any group.

>They don't care about Jesus in Russia
fucking retarded.

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from where?

No they don't. Not even close.
A specific group of jews, the Ashkenazis, have high IQ. The majority of jews are as dumb as arabs.

That isn't even true. Asians have the highest average IQ of any group. Jews range from higher to lower than whites depending actual ethnic makeup because Jew is both a religion and an ethnic group.

We literally don't. I've never heard anyone mentioning Jesus or the Bible in real life (including older women). It's a Protestant thing. Whenever someone talks about Jesus or the Bible on the internet, it's ALWAYS a burger.

why is this such a hard fact to accept. there are genetic variances between different demographics/races of humans.

- skin colour
- height
- hair colour
- eye colour

so why cant there be genetic variance in the structure of the brain as well since intelligence is a genetic trait. one doesnt even have to look hard to see that clearly eastern asians have the highest IQ, then whites, then hispanics then blacks.

If Asians have the highest average IQ, why is it always a european white/jew who has made the majority of critical scientific discoveries over the past 500 years?

>why is this such a hard fact to accept
u kno why, cmon.
jew movies, race riots.
whites are minority. yea, you can go to war, but most people would rather escape reality.

are you retarded? what's the cheapest and most diverse way to make people feel ok about their lives? they now teach bible to kids in school. In Russia.

IQ is not creativity.

Would you say that whites/jews seem to have a higher likelihood of having 'creative intelligence'?

That's actually a (((psyop))). There are Ashkenazis in Israel and they aren't high IQ.

Israel's average IQ is 98.

And the ashkenazim are not of the original 12 tribes. They are khazars.

I would. I would also say only a certain group of Jews are prone to it and those happen to be the Jews that intermixed extensively with European nobility.

No they don't. Russia has many religious groups (including Muslims), how do you think it's supposed to happen? Some schools have optional lessons with parental consent, and that's it.

This. Chinks are smart as hell on the whole, but their agreeableness hinders innovation

Chinks are some of the least agreeable people I've ever met.

they've been claiming that for years

Because the funds were stolen by a nigger

You sound like a Chechen

It is okay, and poor rednecks care.

i guess, i have no arguments. several religions in peace with each other are having hard time brainwashing the society effectively.

>genetics cause a difference in intelligence between black people and white people
He's not wrong. Fuck the idiotic anti-science left

Last time I checked, Jow Forums worships Chechens and their leader Ramzan Kadyrov

long luciferianism

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t. retard

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Britfag checking in. We've largely outgrown shitty sun god religions too.
You've got to be either 80 or retarded to believe in Jesus.

>Business & Finance
But yeah, agreed that's fucked. Facts just are what they are, the more this shit happens, the worse things will actually get. Funny part is, it's actually even worse for smart Blacks (or as we say outliers), as it means libtards think they can't make it on their own, and everyone assumes they're a diversity hire.

Is that an inclusive or exclusive or proposition?

>Why doesn't any institution fund research into the role genetics play on intelligence then
they have, they didn't like the results

Genetics play a bigger role in intelligence than environment, which basically destroys the entire leftist narrative of equality

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No you haven't. You have Allah now in Britanistan. Back to paying your jizya infidel scum!

>That isn't even true. Asians have the highest average IQ of any group

Yeah, cause they cheat in every test they can.

There were two other people, one man and one woman that should have been on the nobel with them.

is it racist to say apes are less intelligent than monkeys?
that neanderthals are less intelligent than homo-sapiens?
just follow that to it's logical conclusion.

good goy

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I really wish the skin colour thing would stop being conflated with it though. It's more complex than that. For example, Whites have the greatest variation in IQ - meaning both the smartest and dumbest people in a room are likely to be White. Dumbass Jow Forums rednecks aren't getting in the damn ethnostate either, we wouldn't be in this whole situation if White trash falling for Jew lies wasn't a thing. Eugenics & genetic modification is the real redpill, not race alone.

I'm jewish.

Nope. Within their own ethnic group, their interactions are highly homogeneous

you short the big conglomerates
like the one that makes razors that's about to dip for a while

So you're admitting your IQ is lower? An honest Jew, what will they think of next?

My IQ is 143, so I guess I'm above the norm.

>Whites have the greatest variation in IQ - meaning both the smartest and dumbest people in a room are likely to be White.
That isn't even remotely true. The only way that could be contorted to be sort of true is because retardation exists and the range from retarded to extreme genius is so large.

The smartest person in the room is likely to be asian and the dumbest is likely to black.

>The smartest person in the room is likely to be asian
bullshit, China only tests their smartest students and in the US we steal the best from Asia, pretty much all of them are graduate students or children of graduate students and they are still only a few points higher than the average white.

Watch the average street video from China and tell me these people are 106 IQ on average?

Attached: china driving.webm (480x360, 496K)

There is more to Asia than just China.

There is some thought that Neanderthals are where autism comes from and the reason they died out is because they didn't cooperate or breed at the same rates humans did.

All of IQ is a psyop, idiot. What do you think (((IQ))) is?

You've almost definitely never lived among them.

Fake. The real redpill is that there are character differences between the races and culture may not be coincidental. IQ measures none of this. On paper, we see that there is no difference between a slow white and a slow black, but in person, this very well may not be the case.

Wrong. The smartest person in the room is likely to come from a wealthy family, regardless of race/ethnicity, and the dumbest is likely to be from a poor family.

When will you niggers understand that chinks and other Asians lie on IQ results because of ethnic pride? Also because people are the number one export of Japan (and Korea too probably), so it's excellent propaganda and advertising. They have every reason in the world to lie, admit to lying on academic tests anyway, and yet you all think Chinks are the intellectual ubermensch because someone showed you numbers they wrote as results of some Jewish test...

Japan and Korea also have very small populations compared to all of the US. The smaller the pool, the higher the scores.

>Wrong. The smartest person in the room is likely to come from a wealthy family, regardless of race/ethnicity, and the dumbest is likely to be from a poor family.
Thank god you showed us by throwing out the average result and saying that more resources leads to higher results. My god imagine if the same groups had access to equal resources I wonder how that would change the state of that room given that it is the average and not a cherry pick.

if we speak China specifically, consider that it's tolitaristic country with compulsary education. So yes, they are actually smart on average.

one of the most ridiculous witch hunts, all he fucking said was
"I'm inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa" as "all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours - where all the testing says not really" what are the Sjw fags going to do in ten years time, dig up his grave and remove it

Smarter people make more money. More money doesn't make people smarter. Dumb nigger.

IQ and income correlation is barely significant. Social intelligence, confidence and lol luck are more valuable.

nobody cares about this
jews will be extinct in 20 years